• 2 months ago
BIM 360 integrates with Civil 3D to facilitate collaboration and data management for infrastructure projects. Working with files in BIM 360 allows you to store, access, and manage Civil 3D drawings (DWG), data shortcuts, and references in a cloud environment.

Steps to Work with Files in BIM 360 Projects in Civil 3D
1. Set Up Your BIM 360 Environment
Ensure Proper Access:

Log in to your Autodesk account with permissions for the BIM 360 project.
Verify your access to the project in BIM 360 Docs.
Install the Autodesk Desktop Connector:

Download and install the Autodesk Desktop Connector to sync BIM 360 files with your local machine.
2. Access BIM 360 in Civil 3D
Open Civil 3D.
Go to the Start Tab Open File.
Navigate to BIM 360 in the file explorer.
Locate your project and desired folder structure within BIM 360.
3. Save Files to BIM 360
Save or Save As:
Use the Save As command in Civil 3D.
Navigate to the BIM 360 folder for your project.
Save the drawing file (DWG) directly in the appropriate location.
Organize Files:
Create folders in BIM 360 (e.g., "Design Files," "Survey Data") to organize Civil 3D project files.
4. Working with Data Shortcuts
Data shortcuts enable referencing surfaces, alignments, profiles, and pipe networks across multiple drawings. With BIM 360:

Set Data Shortcut Project Folder:
Go to the Manage Tab Set Working Folder.
Select the appropriate BIM 360 folder for the project.
Create Data Shortcuts:
Use the Data Shortcuts manager to create references for surfaces, alignments, or other Civil 3D objects.
Sync Data Shortcuts:
BIM 360 automatically syncs data shortcuts to ensure updates are available to team members.
5. Open and Edit Files
Open Files:
Open files directly from BIM 360 by navigating to the folder in the file explorer or Civil 3D’s Start Tab.
Edit Files:
Make edits to drawings as usual. Changes are saved and synced to BIM 360 automatically.
6. Collaborate on Files
Check In/Check Out:
Use check-in/check-out functionality to prevent conflicts when multiple users work on the same file.
File Locking:
Files are automatically locked during editing to avoid overwrite issues.
7. Manage File Versions
Automatic Versioning:
BIM 360 keeps track of file versions when changes are saved.
Restore Previous Versions:
Access file history in BIM 360 Docs to revert to earlier versions if necessary.
8. Publish Civil 3D Data to BIM 360
Use the Publish Command:
Go to Output Tab Publish.
Choose to publish to BIM 360.
Share Data:
Share published data with team members for collaboration or review.
9. Perform Quality Checks
Model Coordination:
Use BIM 360’s Model Coordination tools to detect clashes or validate design intent.
Review and Markup:
Utilize BIM 360 Docs to add comments or markups on Civil 3D drawings.
Best Practices for Working with Files in BIM 360
Folder Organization:
Establish a clear folder structure for easy file navigation.
Naming Conventions:
Use consistent file naming for easier identification and searching.
Regular Synci


