• 2 months ago
ନବ ଦାସ ହତ୍ୟା ମାମଲାରେ ହାଇକୋର୍ଟରେ ଜନସ୍ୱାର୍ଥ ମାମଲା ରୁଜ୍ଜୁ, ସିବିଆଇ, ମୁଖ୍ୟ ସଚିବ, ଗୃହ ସଚିବ, ପୋଲିସ ଡ଼ିଜି ଓ କ୍ରାଇମବ୍ରାଞ୍ଚ ଡ଼ିଜିଙ୍କୁ ପକ୍ଷଭୁକ୍ତ


00:00We are requesting the CBI to investigate the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj.
00:10If the CBI investigates the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:15the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, and the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:18the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, and the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:20the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:22the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:24the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:26the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:28the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:30the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:32the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:34the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:36the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:38the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:40the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj, the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:42the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:44the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:46the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:48the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:50the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:52the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:54the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:56the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
00:58the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:00the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:02the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:04the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:10the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:12the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:14the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:16the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:18the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:20the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:22the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:24the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:26the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:28the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:30the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:32the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
01:34the murder of our former Minister of Health, Mr. Navraj,
