• 2 months ago
ଗହିରମଥା ନିଷିଦ୍ଧାଞ୍ଚଳରେ ବେଆଇନ ମାଛଧରାକୁ ନେଇ ବନବିଭାଗ କର୍ମଚାରୀଙ୍କୁ ମାଛ ମାଫିଆ ଆକ୍ରମଣ, ମଝି ସମୁଦ୍ରରେ ବ୍ଲାଙ୍କ ଫାୟାରିଂ କଲା ବନବିଭାଗ


00:00The season of Olive Reeds has started on the 41st of November.
00:23We have been patrolling the entire city of Vairamatha Sanctuary for the past 24 hours.
00:30This morning, when we went to patrol the Olive Reeds government trawler,
00:36we saw that 6 trawlers were fishing together.
00:40Our staff tried to chase and seize them.
00:45We were able to seize one of the trawlers.
00:48But the other 5 trawlers, 60-70 people,
00:53tried to attack our staff.
00:56The trawler that was being seized,
00:58the people who were working there,
01:00they were also caught.
01:03We have seized one of the trawlers and the driver.
01:08Sir, how many people were caught?
01:11We had 10 staff, 60-70 people.
01:15We were able to seize one of the trawlers.
01:18Our staff was in danger.
01:20They were firing blanks.
01:22How many people were injured?
01:24Our department staff, who were patrolling,
01:28had an incident like this last year.
01:30We had given them a warning.
01:32But this year, the same incident has happened.
01:34So, we were not able to do anything.
