• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Si è costruito un metodo, ma il metodo è stato costruito con il grande protagonismo, la grande partecipazione dei ragazzi. E devo dire che è stato possibile fare questo perché si sono tolto tutti quegli elementi di burocrazia, di bandi, di meccanismi che a volte frenano i percorsi che devono essere fatti.” Sono le parole di don Luigi Ciotti, presidente della Fondazione Gruppo Abele, intervenuto alla presentazione dei risultati del Progetto "Present4Future" promosso da Bper e in cui la Fondazione, partner del progetto, è stata coinvolta in 130 attività dedicate ai giovani.


00:00How did you come up with the idea of this project?
00:04We came up with a method,
00:07but the method was built with the great protagonism,
00:10the great participation of the girls.
00:13And I have to say that it was possible to do this
00:17because all those elements of bureaucracy,
00:21of demands, of mechanisms that sometimes
00:24hinder the paths that have to be taken,
00:29so different cities involved, different territories,
00:33great work between institutions, associations,
00:36third sector, school world,
00:39great participation and the protagonism of the girls.
00:43You have to listen to them.
00:45A method that is built from the bottom
00:48and that the Foundation,
00:51which allowed us to experiment this path,
00:54was able to give extreme freedom
00:57for a project that needs to be built
01:00giving protagonism to the young people.
01:04Also because in this moment, more than ever,
01:07the young people are protagonists in a society
01:11that talks a lot about them, but then they don't care so much.
