• 2 months ago
En una entrevista desde el camarín de LUZU, Nico Occhiato comparte su entusiasmo por liderar el streaming nocturno, destacando la diversión del equipo y su apuesta por cambiar de horario. Aunque cómodo en las mañanas, decidió redoblar la apuesta y explorar nuevas oportunidades en televisión. Mientras tanto, muestra su estudio a 350 personas y bromea sobre anécdotas con sus colegas.



00:00You can start like this.
00:01How's it going, Ángel? How's everyone doing in the studio?
00:04What's up, Nico? Good. Here, good. Thank you for having us.
00:06Good, very good.
00:06In your new house?
00:08No, please. No, it's temporary. It's a temporary rent, not in my new house.
00:12Tinelli's dressing room. Ángel, MT's dressing room, underwear.
00:15Don't give it back, that's it.
00:17Two rooms.
00:18No, it's bigger than my apartment, I'm telling you.
00:21Did you see how nice the dressing room is?
00:24It's tremendous, it's tremendous. It's big, it's big.
00:26It's very comfortable. I'm really enjoying this, doing it at night.
00:30It's like a new ritual for the whole team.
00:32We're having a lot of fun, which is the important thing.
00:34I love it. I love that you're doing well, Nico.
00:36I always tell you, you're breaking it. You're the number one in streaming.
00:39And I love that you bet on going at night.
00:40Because you were comfortable in the morning, you could have stayed there, calm.
00:43And they decided to double the bet.
00:46Yes, yes. It was a bet.
00:49The truth is, as you said, everyone here tells me,
00:51I was calm in the morning.
00:53And in January, yes.
00:54Leading an audience, very calm, everything.
00:57But the reality is that this was more...
01:00I never told it like that either.
01:02It was more of a marketing move too,
01:04to say, hey, the show is in a moment
01:07that I want more people to know it.
01:09In the morning, we were already with a very, very large audience.
01:13But I say, if I go at night, there will be a lot of people,
01:16that there are couples who live together or families,
01:18that one of them looks at us, listens to us,
01:20and the other one has no idea what we do.
01:22So I say, if I go at night and I get into the scene,
01:25the other one of the couple is going to see it,
01:28and I say, and there I am going to capture a new audience.
01:30So it's a bit of a strategy to do this two months at night
01:33and instead of going on vacation in the summer,
01:36double and say, hey, I'm going to show more people my product,
01:40and I hope more people join this,
01:42which is streaming, which is very new,
01:44which is still very niche.
01:45But hey, I want my niche to grow more and more.
01:47And it's growing, luckily.
01:50And you went to the historical studio,
01:52or one of the historical studios, of Tinelli.
01:54All the comparisons started,
01:56that he's doing video match, that he's the same.
01:58Your audience didn't see video match, you didn't even born.
02:03I don't know, because I saw it,
02:05and my audience is more or less my age.
02:07But you saw video match.
02:09I, when they say that...
02:10He was 10 years old.
02:11No, almost 100.
02:12Yes, no, but I saw it.
02:14It marked my generation, yes, yes, it marked my generation.
02:17And for me to be told that is an honor.
02:19I wish it was 10% of what video match was.
02:21I wish.
02:23I don't know.
02:24When they say that, on the one hand,
02:26I say, well, obviously I have references,
02:28because I grew up watching Marcelo,
02:30I grew up watching video match, or match,
02:32dancing, everything.
02:33Well, in fact, I was.
02:34But hey, I have references of him,
02:36I have references of Guido,
02:37that I worked a lot with him too.
02:39And like everything, I don't know.
02:41It's an honor that you tell me that.
02:43Of course, they say it in pejorative,
02:45but it's the other way around.
02:46You told it here once,
02:47and I heard it several times,
02:48that you, when you were dancing,
02:49accompanying Flor at the time,
02:51you looked at everyone,
02:52you paid attention to everyone,
02:53you studied how Marcelo moved too,
02:56because you liked this.
02:57Everything, everything.
02:58Everything with him and with Guido.
02:59With Guido.
03:00With both of them.
03:01I died studying them,
03:02looking at them,
03:03looking at what they did,
03:04and it's like you say,
03:05the one who says it in pejorative,
03:06is a moron, I don't know.
03:08I feel that it is the greatest honor
03:10that they can tell me,
03:11that I look like something that...
03:13Let's see, I repeat,
03:15I wish it was 10%
03:17of what he is,
03:18or what he was.
03:19But it's like,
03:20you see a kid playing ball,
03:22and you say,
03:23hey, he plays like Messi.
03:24And of course.
03:27I don't know.
03:28I wish.
03:29Everyone wants to be Messi,
03:30they don't want to be a four-cup.
03:31Listen to me,
03:32did you talk to Marcel?
03:33Of course, of course.
03:34Yes, yes.
03:35Well, I have
03:36a strong bond with him.
03:37Yes, he loves you.
03:38Yes, I also love him a lot,
03:39and he really helped me a lot.
03:41I always say it,
03:42my step through dancing
03:43was the popularity shot
03:44that made me later
03:45have the opportunity
03:47to host programs
03:48on air television.
03:49Because until that moment,
03:50everyone told me,
03:51hey, you have conditions,
03:52you're fine,
03:53but you see,
03:54to host,
03:55people have to know you.
03:56And they didn't give me
03:57the opportunity,
03:58and after dancing,
03:59and what it was,
04:00and everything Marcelo
04:01did with my family,
04:02and well,
04:03what was dancing,
04:04which you know
04:05better than anyone,
04:06I was given the opportunity,
04:07and it was a before and after
04:08in my career.
04:09And how is your grandmother?
04:10Before the first show,
04:11she was here.
04:12Very well,
04:13my grandmother is here.
04:14The grandmother,
04:15you see,
04:16is she coming back
04:17at some point?
04:18Does she have to go back
04:19to streaming or something?
04:20No, no,
04:21she's coming,
04:22she's coming.
04:23She's coming,
04:24she's coming.
04:25Here it happens,
04:27we have to put together
04:28all the logistics
04:29for my grandmother
04:30to come,
04:31because you see,
04:32she has to bring her,
04:33my brother is here
04:34just for the preseason,
04:35so next week
04:36he'll be back
04:37here in Buenos Aires,
04:38so he'll be able
04:39to bring her,
04:40you see,
04:41so that's going to happen.
04:43a whole character
04:44is being built.
04:45I'm very happy,
04:46and you see,
04:47every time we do something
04:48with her,
04:49it gives her
04:50a shot of energy.
04:51Ana Nico,
04:52the one who's trusting you
04:53is Marcelo to you,
04:54because you did
04:55your reality
04:56with the family.
04:58what an idiot.
04:59And yes,
05:00and now he started.
05:01The other day
05:02I said it on the show,
05:03now it comes out
05:04in the Sochiato.
05:05I didn't hear you,
05:06but you did
05:07your reality
05:08on social media
05:09with your family
05:10and now he's full
05:11with that.
05:12And he has the same enemy
05:13as Spergolini,
05:14he has the same enemy
05:15as Spergolini.
05:18I want to see it,
05:19I want to see it,
05:20the advancements
05:21are great.
05:22The reality,
05:24The reality of Marcelo.
05:25The one of the Cinelli.
06:13and take her place as Tinelli's ex-girlfriend, of course.
06:19But if we do it with Tinelli's ex-girlfriends, we have to do nothing more than that.
06:22Three seasons.
06:25When you came to Bondi, Nico, you talked a bit about the TV projects,
06:29I don't know if that was going to go ahead, you threw us something there,
06:33but that's it, can you say something or did it get stuck?
06:37No, no, there's nothing, there's nothing, no, no, you threw it, you said,
06:40I made a mess.
06:41Do you remember that?
06:42We grew up a bit there.
06:44Yes, yes.
06:45Did any of the producers get mad at you?
06:47No, no.
06:48Wasn't it your face in Me Suena that they said you were going to drive?
06:50They said that.
06:51And that you were even more jealous.
06:52No, no, no, look, I am in conversations with the people of Telefe,
06:56because the last thing I did was the last passenger and I had a great time,
06:59and it went really well.
07:00I love it, I'm going to keep doing TV when there is a project that I like,
07:04and obviously Telefe is the channel that I would like to continue working on,
07:09and I have been chatting with them, but for now there is nothing that has appeared,
07:12but I am always willing to chat and do it.
07:14Oh, no, I just wanted to ask you a question.
07:16Yes, but while we ask, can we walk to the studio to see it a little?
07:19Because it is so good that it is worth showing it.
07:21Yes, the issue is that the people are already in the studio,
07:23but I'm going to send myself, I'm going to send myself, I'm going to send myself.
07:26The audience is already filling up, but I'm going to send myself.
07:28How many people are in this tribune?
07:29Let's see a little, if we are not in a panel.
07:31300 people.
07:32350 people.
07:33How nice it is.
07:34There are a lot.
07:35And the dressing room comes out.
07:36Of course.
07:37I love it.
07:38No, I wanted to ask you, Nico, you were just talking about TV.
07:41Do you hear me?
07:42Let's go over there.
07:43You guide us, Nico.
07:44No, you don't hear me.
07:45Yes, I hear you, I hear you.
07:46Ah, no, because you were talking very loosely about TV.
07:47We hear you.
07:48And what I always imagined is that the people who do streaming,
07:51you see, the youtubers and all that, they have like a little thing with TV.
07:54Doesn't that happen to you?
07:55Because in reality you leave the TV and go to streaming.
07:57No, no, hold on.
07:59No, wait, I answer slowed down because if not, he's going to kill himself.
08:04No, quite the opposite.
08:05I honor TV.
08:06All the producers I have working at Luzu, they all come from TV.
08:09I think the best producers and the best content is made on television and of quality.
08:18So, no, not at all.
08:19I come from there and I love it and it seems to me that it is very different.
08:22I always say it.
08:23TV is still the massive thing.
08:25In streaming we are still a niche.
08:27TV is massive.
08:29TV still sets an agenda.
08:31No, no, no.
08:33Nico, what you just said.
08:34I love it, I love it.
08:35What you just caused with this new project of Changing the Night.
08:38Did it exceed your expectations as a producer beyond the number?
08:44Yes, yes.
08:45The truth is that I am very ...
08:46Keep it there.
08:48Keep it, keep it, keep it.
08:49No, I answer slowed down, I answer slowed down because if not, he's going to kill himself.
08:51Poor camera.
08:53Re, I am very happy, very happy.
08:55I love coming here at night to get together with the guys.
08:58That there is also the possibility of this, right?
09:00That it is at night and in summer many families come to see us for free.
09:04To the stands.
09:05And to meet with those people.
09:07Any program, any panelist is watching you?
09:11No, no, no.
09:14Be careful, because they already took you away.
09:16Nobody is going to go to the theater.
09:20But Nico, let's see, are you still seeing good vibes really?
09:23Because at first they said, well, a streaming came out, another came out.
09:26You were a pioneer in this.
09:27And it was like we were all friends.
09:29And everything was going well.
09:30And all good vibes.
09:31That has passed.
09:32I think that's over.
09:33Now they are competing very hard.
09:37Let's see.
09:39How do I answer you?
09:40Be sincere, Nico.
09:41No, no, no.
09:42I am sincere.
09:44I think everything is worth it, like in all industries.
09:47And as you have talked about this topic very well.
09:50And it's not bad to go from one channel to another.
09:52Everything is perfect.
09:53And it's like any job.
09:55And everyone has to go where they want.
09:57And no one owns anyone.
09:59I am totally calm about that.
10:01I say, hey, I don't think it's bad.
10:03What I do have internally for me are the ways.
10:06The way that everyone does the things they do.
10:08I mean, some were disloyal.
10:09I don't say that my ways are good.
10:11You feel that some were disloyal.
10:13I don't say disloyal.
10:14I don't care about the way.
10:15I don't say disloyal.
10:16How they handled me, of course.
10:18How they behaved with me.
10:20But I repeat, I don't say that I am the owner of the truth.
10:23I have my ways of handling myself.
10:25And I pretend that people behave the way I would have done.
10:28But that doesn't mean that I am the owner of the truth.
10:31Now, if you don't want to tell us who.
10:34Because I understand that you don't want to tell us who.
10:36Of all the people who left.
10:37No, I'm not going to get into that.
10:38But maybe you can tell us what was that way you used to leave.
10:43That you wouldn't do.
10:45I mean, what did you do that you wouldn't do?
10:48I prefer not to get into that.
10:50Because getting into something that doesn't make sense.
10:52A little.
10:53No, no.
10:54I prefer not to get into that.
10:55There are people who have a code.
10:56I'm warning you.
10:57No talking.
10:58No, there are people who have a code.
10:59The truth is that there were a lot of people who had never worked.
11:02He worked with Nico for the first time.
11:04And suddenly, well, maybe they didn't let you know in time.
11:07No, and not only that.
11:08He trusted me a lot.
11:10Maybe you had already planned something for that person.
11:12Listen to me, Nico.
11:13You have to go to the show.
11:15I won't steal your time.
11:16Get out.
11:17Tell Mommy Jardina on my behalf.
11:19That I was never invited to the phone.
11:21Because he sent me threats.
11:22Try to see me on the phone.
11:24Don't break the ball.
11:27I told Nico to be on the phone with him.
11:29Do you want to go look for her?
11:30For what?
11:31Do you want to go look for her?
11:32Like a filler?
11:33No, I don't know.
11:34No, that he's going to fight me.
11:35That he's going to fight me all the time.
11:36No, no, no, no, no.
11:37I think he was looking for you on the phone.
11:38No, but she thought the phone was for her.
11:39Do you want to go to the studio?
11:40Yes, I want to see the studio.
11:41I want to see the studio.
11:42I don't want to see Mommy, but I do want to see the studio.
11:44I want to see the audience.
11:45Hey, and I tell people.
11:46When the AM ends, if someone doesn't know what streaming is,
11:52it's called Luzu TV Vivo, and they have us there at night,
11:55at the end of the night, in February.
11:57When the AM ends.
11:58Yes, subscribe to Bondi.
11:59I'll see you in the morning, Pepe.
12:02That's it, tomorrow Bondi, at night, at the AM.
12:04In the studio before.
12:06Look, look, look.
12:07Look how beautiful.
12:08It explodes.
12:09Look how beautiful this is.
12:10It's about to start at 9.
12:11The rhythm of the night, look.
12:12I never go in before the show.
12:14How beautiful, how beautiful.
12:15Well, let's not break it.
12:16I don't want to get involved.
12:17Let's not break the cable.
12:18No, no, no, I don't want to get involved.
12:20Come on, let's play, of course.
12:21I don't want to break the cable.
12:22No, no, no.
12:23He just goes crazy.
12:24No, people go crazy.
12:25They go crazy.
12:27Well, Nico.
12:28I thank you for the cell phone, I send you a big kiss,
12:29and the best for you always.
12:32Thank you very much.
12:33Thank you, Ángel, for the good vibes as always.
12:34And kisses to everyone there.
12:35I send you a hug.
12:37Santi, if you see Mommy, tell her she couldn't go out on the cell phone.
12:41We're running out of time, unfortunately.
12:43Make her a joke.
12:44Keep the threats in mind.
12:45Make her a joke, baby.
12:46Make her a note with the camera off.
12:48Oh, yes, yes, yes.
12:49So she's happy.
12:50Oh, come on.
12:51Of course.
12:52Like you florists do.
12:53And film her with the phone.
12:54You in the halls make hidden cameras, the famous ones.
12:58I see them.
12:59Flor Jasmin is also there, right?
13:00And the looks.
13:01Flor Jasmin, goddess.
13:02Another plan.
13:03It's another plan.
13:04Let's see.
13:05Let's make us look for Mommy.
13:06Where is Mommy?
13:07And then they come to call her.
13:08Total, you have to start.
13:09Where is Mommy?
13:10Where is Mommy, girls?
13:11In her dressing room.
13:12First lady.
13:14In her dressing room.
13:15Where is Mommy?
13:16How not.
13:17This is Mommy's dressing room.
13:18There is Mommy.
13:19Mommy, where are you?
13:28Is she in her dressing room?
13:29Yes, she is.
13:30We are live.
13:31We are live for the show.
13:32Where is the bathroom?
13:33Oh, she went into the bathroom.
13:34She doesn't want to see us.
13:35Make another note.
13:36Girls, where is the bathroom?
13:37Today she sent me threats all afternoon.
13:38I love that the camera is on the wall.
13:39She doesn't wear her clothes.
13:40Something weird.
13:41We are live.
13:42Someone can answer me where the bathroom is.
13:43I'll be there.
13:44And if they put something better on me, because I'm seeing a white wall.
13:45Nobody wants to help me.
13:47Nobody wants to help me.
13:48Oh, the bathroom? Oh, there's Mommy.
13:50Let's pee there, in Marcelo's dressing room.
13:54They're going to pee in Marcelo's dressing room.
13:56Let's see if he's there.
13:57Oh, pee in that place?
13:59Of course.
14:00Hey, look at the lady.
14:03She's got a lot of ideas.
14:05The Valdez nurse from Okiato.
14:10Yes, friend, there's 15 minutes left.
14:13We'll talk to Flor, Angel, while Mommy leaves the show.
14:17Put the headphones on Flor.
14:25What's up, Flor?
14:27How are you?
14:28How are you?
14:30I was just telling Nico that I asked him for a cell phone to show him the studio, to talk about Lucio.
14:35And Mommy thought it was for her, the cell phone.
14:37And she started sending me threats in the afternoon.
14:39That she doesn't break my ball, that she doesn't ask me about Tinelli.
14:41But nobody invited her to the cell phone.
14:44We were just in the bathroom, peeing together.
14:47Look, here's Tinelli.
14:49We don't have light, this is a mess.
14:52Let's go inside, there's light.
14:54Let's go, girls.
14:55Let's go to the girls in the dressing room.
14:57There's a pre-manager that Nico gave us a return.
15:00He kept it.
15:01Nico, can you give me that return?
15:03Can you put it on Mommy?
15:04Please, put it on Mommy.
15:07And to the love of your life, put it on each one's headphones.
15:10I love it.
15:11Is Angelito here?
15:12Angelito is here, yes.
15:14You're going to work, Nico.
15:15Hello, Mommy dear, how are you?
15:19Hello, beautiful Angelito.
15:21I saw everything and I'm training.
15:23Good, yes, I got your messages.
15:25Thank you, baby.
15:27Yes, I was going to shit on you, do you remember?
15:30Why is it aggression?
15:31Why are you so bad?
15:33Is it because Marce came back with Milan?
15:35I'm bad.
15:37Shut up.
15:39Look what's up, my friend.
15:41Let's change the subject, the girls.
15:43It's okay, it's okay.
15:44Yes, goddess.
15:45Flor, you're a goddess too, Mommy.
15:49We have a great team here that is joining us every day.
15:51Maru Benancio, Vero Luna, Maguro Masdebrito.
15:54They're like that.
15:55Yes, it's all in Bondi, Mau.
15:57You're weird, Mommy.
15:58First team.
15:59And how are you doing with the night?
16:03Oh, we love it, I love it.
16:05I'm honest with you, Angel.
16:07I needed to change my routine a little bit
16:09because it's been four years since the morning.
16:11I love the change of schedule.
16:14And the live audience.
16:15Yes, being awake in the morning is difficult.
16:19I'm more used to the night,
16:21because I always worked at night,
16:23so I feel more comfortable.
16:24You're a girl of the night.
16:25More of the night than of the day.
16:28I'm a girl...
16:29Who's talking to me?
16:30Mariana Abrey.
16:33Marianita Abrey, my love.
16:36Well, not so much.
16:38I'm quite a grandmother,
16:39but I like to work at night.
16:40I feel more awake.
16:42And I wonder now if Flor and Nico,
16:44who probably take advantage of being together in the morning,
16:46stay up making spoons.
16:51More or less.
16:52He actually gets up early
16:53because he's attentive to all the programming
16:56that's still going on in the morning,
16:57even if it's other programs.
16:58So he gets up, checks that out,
17:00maybe gets a little involved in production.
17:03Are you more of the night?
17:04Yes, I stay up until...
17:06Yes, he gets up at 7.30
17:08and I take advantage of that.
17:10He shoots a 10.30, 11.
17:12That's good.
17:14I wanted to ask Flor,
17:15what does it mean for you
17:16to return not only to La Corte,
17:18which is the place where you are now making use of,
17:20but also as a boyfriend with Nico,
17:21with whom you started
17:22and shared the first Bailando.
17:26No, it's crazy.
17:27We can't believe it.
17:28And a total joy.
17:29Besides the fact that the studio is beautiful,
17:31it's very close to where I live.
17:33So I come walking.
17:35And when he introduced it,
17:37that it was live in December,
17:39I saw him,
17:41he was making a mobile,
17:43the studio was being set up,
17:45and I got very excited,
17:46because it's like,
17:47I don't know, his dream.
17:49So it's incredible.
17:51And that's where it all started, too.
17:53Your relationship,
17:54professional and then, well, personal.
17:58Yes, yes.
17:59A studio where, I don't know,
18:00from the moment...
18:02From the moment we were there,
18:04on the show,
18:05and in this studio,
18:06many things changed.
18:07So yes, incredible.
18:08A very special moment.
18:09Now, Nico said he wouldn't come back to Bailando
18:11because he doesn't have time.
18:12He works a lot.
18:13Would you be available?
18:17Oh, I don't know.
18:18It could be.
18:20I have to ask him for permission to use it now.
18:24And the mom would come back to Bailando
18:26as a participant?
18:29Oh, look, my love,
18:30when I went to dance the salsa de tres,
18:31they killed me.
18:32So I don't know if I want
18:33them to kill me again.
18:34But maybe the jury didn't appreciate your talent.
18:36With your boyfriend, mommy,
18:37with your fiancé.
18:38She herself says she dances badly.
18:41You said you danced badly.
18:42No, no.
18:43Your feudal friends.
18:44But look,
18:46No, maybe...
18:47Oh, the feudal friends.
18:48I didn't have a good time that day.
18:50Because they left you waiting.
18:51I must admit.
18:53here, on the show,
18:54I can do everything I want
18:56and I can show my artistic talents
18:58if I don't feel judged.
18:59I saw your musical, yes.
19:00But Bailando is a place I love
19:03and I appreciate a lot
19:04and it gave me everything.
19:06you know what I would do?
19:07You'd better do it.
19:08Let's do it.
19:09Girls, you are a bit...
19:11You look like a woman.
19:13And your grandma is dead,
19:15all together.
19:16I wanted to ask the girls,
19:18because just now,
19:20you saw that he is a bit evasive,
19:21more shy.
19:22You are a little more loose.
19:24Because of the traitors.
19:25Because of all those who left,
19:26because of those who misbehaved.
19:29They look at each other.
19:32Someone say something.
19:34I didn't understand.
19:35Someone say something.
19:36A cut to the air.
19:37They won't understand.
19:39Because they went too far with the streaming.
19:41Those who changed sides.
19:43Everyone is free to be where they want to be
19:48and I think it's good.
19:50You have to make decisions.
19:52And if they felt like that,
19:53I don't know.
19:54It's good.
19:55They called you, Flor?
19:56We are very happy.
19:57It's going very well.
19:58Did they call you to pass you by?
20:00Or they didn't get to that point?
20:05I don't know, guys.
20:06I didn't think they would call her.
20:07And the offer is good.
20:08They didn't call me.
20:09And they should have called you.
20:10And Mom and you?
20:11No, she would have left.
20:12She would have left.
20:13If she had told me,
20:14you know what?
20:15She would have left running.
20:16She didn't leave.
20:17She didn't leave.
20:18She didn't leave.
20:19She didn't leave.
20:20She didn't leave.
20:21She didn't leave.
20:22She didn't leave.
20:23She didn't leave.
20:24They didn't call her.
20:25And you, Mom?
20:26Did they call you?
20:27No, they didn't call me.
20:28You know?
20:29I don't know.
20:30At least, I feel like
20:31Flor and I
20:32have the shirt on
20:33but not to create rivalry
20:34but because we feel comfortable
20:35and happy
20:36where we are.
20:37We are not her type.
20:38Who knows.
20:39Maybe we are not good.
20:40They were depressed
20:41in the middle of the phone.
20:43thank you very much
20:44for being here
20:45with us
20:46and for being here
20:47with us
20:48with us
20:49with us
20:50Chicas, gracias por la buena onda. Ya se tienen que ir al aire, que se arranca el programa en Luzu. Les mando un beso grande.
20:58Gracias a ustedes. Besos de enorme a todos por ahí.
21:00Saludos para todos por estar.
21:01Besos a todos ahí.
21:02Besos para todos los chicos de producción de Luzu también. Gracias, Santi. Después volvemos.
