MUMBAI: Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis recently attended a special screening of Kangana Ranaut's film "Emergency". He was all praise for the movie, expressing his admiration for Kangana's performance. CM Fadnavis also shared his personal connection to the film's theme, recalling the Emergency period in India.
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00:00Today, I watched the special show of this film, Emergency.
00:05Emergency is a chapter in the history of our country,
00:10in which the fundamental rights of the people were completely violated.
00:16The constitution of India was closed in a way.
00:21Millions of politicians were imprisoned for two years.
00:26And the way the people were tortured at that time,
00:32all these things have been kept in this film in a very impressive way.
00:36But along with that, the way Kangraji has brought the character of Swargya Shrimati Indira in front of us,
00:46I want to congratulate her, she has brought it in a very impressive way.
00:50And not just the black schedule of the emergency,
00:55but the fight of 1971 in the leadership of Indira Ji in this country has also been brought forward in a very good way.
01:03So I believe that in a way, their life journey also comes in front of us through this film.
01:11And a history of the country that if the democracy has to be kept alive,
01:17then the history that everyone should know, that history also comes in front of us through this film.