• 2 months ago
Guy finds a senior dog trapped under a log while he's canoeing — and makes it his mission to reunite her with her family


00:00Oh buddy, how long you been here? You okay? There's a dog here. Doesn't look very well.
00:10Puppy! Maybe he's stuck.
00:18He can't move his lip, his back legs. He's been stuck in the mud. He seems paralysed.
00:31Oh buddy, how long you been here? You need help?
00:46Okay, the log's not on you anymore. Can you move buddy?
01:01You okay buddy? Okay, hang on.
01:17Good dog. Good boy or girl. He or she. I don't know if it's a boy or girl.
01:23Seems to be a lot calmer now. So there's a dock here in front of me and there's a house.
01:30I'm hoping that this house is its owner or at least they know his owner. It's okay.
01:37Is this your home?
01:50Hello, how are you? Good. Hey, I'm just canoeing. I'm canoeing across Canada. Oh yeah. And I was
01:56just canoeing past and I saw a dog that's been stuck in the mud. I was wondering, is it your dog?
02:01Yeah, probably a white one. Yeah. It looks like he's been there a long time.
02:08Thanks, because I've been looking for her. I looked out there too.
02:12Only you're lucky he came along. I've been looking all over for you but she wasn't barking or nothing.
02:17Hey, you're gonna need a bath. Look at you, you're probably hungry too. Oh yeah, and a midget.
02:2214 years old living here and first time she's ever done that.
02:34She's made her way outside to her favorite spot, which is underneath this truck.
02:37You feeling better? Oh my goodness, she's sitting so nice. She likes it.
02:46Are you getting all cleaned up?
02:47Oh yeah. It's all coming off though.
