• 2 weeks ago
00:00Better planters, but whatever floats your boat, son!
00:06All right. Okay, we got some more cement going on here, as expected.
00:10Number eight, yeah.
00:13I think it's not correct. Okay, what was that?
00:17No idea, Archie, no idea.
00:20Ah, so we're using this icing thing.
00:25If you don't need all that cement though, then it's just like open.
00:28Cement though?
00:29Cement though.
00:31Oh no, I was doing squats too hard.
00:35Oh, he's gonna cut it out, look at that.
00:36He's gonna make a stop sign out of it.
00:45I'm gonna break more of it.
00:47Well, now it's a perfect, what is that?
00:50Is it an octagon?
00:51I believe it is.
00:52Yeah, it is an octagon.
00:53No, no, no, no, the octagon!
00:54We haven't won a race!
00:56He's gonna mosaic it.
00:57He's gonna mosaic it?
00:58But look at this, it's not...
01:00Yeah, it's not stable, but we don't know.
01:01I think he's stuck it.
01:02Pay attention to that.
01:03Okay, forget about it.
01:05There we go, he's measuring.
01:07You weren't supposed to see that.
01:12Okay, is it a mosaic?
01:14Yeah, laying out the mosaic.
01:16Lay out the mosaic.
01:18Looks awesome.
01:20Yeah, it's nice.
01:20It's pretty cool so far.
01:22What are we gonna put in the middle though?
01:23So good.
01:25Oh, sun and moon!
01:27Moon and sun!
01:27And cover everything.
01:28Sun and moon!
01:29Tile ground!
01:31Sailor moon!
01:32The worst Pokemon games.
01:34All right.
01:36And we're holding them together with bricks.
01:39I'm very confused so far.
01:40Filling them up with cement.
01:41All right.
01:42What's gonna happen now?
01:45Are they gonna be like tiles?
01:46Haha, you drank cement!
01:49It's a prank, bro!
01:50Boiling water.
01:54What are they used for?
01:56We'll see later.
01:57Now that's a pentagon.
01:59And that's...
02:01Stonehenge, yes!
02:03It's a conspiracy.
02:04It is a conspiracy!
02:07Okay, all right.
02:08And now it's a pot, I guess.
02:13What are you doing there?
02:14Why are we spraying it?
02:15Is it gonna be for molds?
02:16I don't know.
02:18Whoa, more cement's on top!
02:19I guess he's gonna flip it over.
02:20And then it's gonna be a bucket.
02:21Uh, yeah.
02:23Maybe, no.
02:24A bouquet?
02:25A bouquet?
02:26Oh, look, he's like just pouring some more cement on top.
02:28What is going on?
02:29I'm very confused with what's happening here.
02:32I like that he's using his hands, though.
02:33Okay, let's try to give our best guesses as to what this could be.
02:36Like a fountain.
02:37Pottery, I think, right?
02:38Maybe a table?
02:39Or a table.
02:40It does look like a table.
02:41Oh, it looks like a really ugly table.
02:42Oh, it's a planter!
02:44Yeah, it's for a plant.
02:48I don't know.
02:49It looks like a cement replacement for your arm.
02:51It could be.
02:52Oh, he's coloring it white.
02:54I would have gone for a different-
02:56Oh, no, there we go.
02:57It's like a cyberpunk augmentation of your arm.
02:59Oh, it is a planter!
03:00You were right!
03:00No, it's a planter.
