• 2 months ago


00:00If you've ever had a maintenance request for the City of West Lafayette, well, now there's an app for that.
00:05Every now and then there's something that's maybe broken or maybe something that could be changed, maybe made a little better.
00:11And I think the app's going to be amazing for it.
00:13The City launched the West Lafayette Reported app today to give residents a place to request services from the City and track those requests.
00:22And Yves said he's seen the occasional issue that needed the City's attention, and he's excited to have an easy way to let the City know.
00:29I've always wondered if there's somebody I can talk to about that because it does cause a lot of people a lot of issues.
00:35So I'm really glad they're coming out with this.
00:37He said he'll be downloading today, and he's not alone.
00:40Yeah, I might as well, right? It's always good to know about those hazards and report them to save other people in the future.
00:46The West Lafayette Reported app is now available for your iOS or Android device.
00:50Emily Slater, Star City News, West Lafayette.
