• 2 months ago
Intro:रोहतक। एचएसआईडीसी द्वारा जमीन अधिग्रहण की पॉलिसी के तहत किसानों को दिए जाने वाले रेजिडेंशियल प्लॉट को लेकर गुस्से में चार गांव के किसानजिला प्रशासन को दी धरने व आंदोलन की चेतावनीलगभग 10 साल से काट रहे हैं प्रशासन के चक्करकिसानों का आरोप पैसा भरने के बाद भी नहीं दिए जा रहे प्लाटकोने के प्लॉटों को लेकर चल रहा है विवादकिसानों का कहना एचएसआईडीसी अपने चाहिए तो को देना चाहता है कोने वाले प्लॉटकिसी कीमत पर भी नहीं होगा बर्दाश्त


00:30Sir, what is your problem?
00:32Sir, what is your problem?
00:34Sir, what is your problem?
00:36Sir, what is your problem?
00:38Sir, what is your problem?
00:40Sir, what is your problem?
00:42Sir, what is your problem?
00:44Sir, what is your problem?
00:46Sir, what is your problem?
00:48Sir, what is your problem?
00:50Sir, what is your problem?
00:52Sir, what is your problem?
00:54Sir, what is your problem?
00:56Sir, what is your problem?
00:58Sir, my name is Dheeraj Malik
01:00Ward No. 8, Parshadum
01:02We have 4 villages
01:04Khedi, Kaloud, Nond and Baliyana
01:06In phase 3 of these 4 villages
01:08Land requirement was in 2013
01:10At that time
01:12We didn't get any excuse
01:14Farmers were forced to pay cheque
01:16Farmers were forced to pay cheque
01:18Farmers were forced to pay cheque
01:20Farmers were forced to pay cheque
01:22Farmers were forced to pay cheque
01:24Farmers were forced to pay cheque
01:26We had written letters to every posts
01:28from Chief Minister to Centre
01:30But we could not find any solution
01:32Our land count is about inche many
01:34Our land count is about inch many
01:36Since 2007-08
01:40we were forced to pay GST
01:43We Daggedd the roads with our payments
01:46but we are unable to pay through Check
01:49But we Daggedd the roads with our payments
01:51but we are unable to pay through Check
01:53No one is scared, nothing is happening.
01:55The land where the farmers' land is,
01:58they have given allotment to foreign companies.
02:02Companies have been formed, work is starting.
02:04But there is injustice being done to the farmers.
02:06No plot is being given.
02:08Now this new issue has been created, the corner plot.
02:10When our land used to be along the road,
02:12today we have 10,000-15,000 acres of road blocks.
02:15At that time, they took our land in cheap land,
02:17SIDC took our land.
02:19Seeing that, today the rate of our land,
02:22which we had taken,
02:24they are imposing 5,000-7,000 per acre.
02:27That is absolutely wrong.
02:28And they are asking for documents again and again.
02:30Give us your documents.
02:31Then they took our land,
02:33then also they gave us cheques,
02:34no one asked for it.
02:35They didn't ask us,
02:36our land is being allotted.
02:37Then why are they asking for documents?
02:39Give us our names directly.
02:40And this issue of the corner plot,
02:42it is the worst thing.
02:44It is the worst thing.
02:45Let's see what the farmers have done wrong.
02:48We will fight for it.
02:49And one day we will sit and take our decision.
02:52We will think about it,
02:53what will be the decision.
02:54But now we will buy the plot.
03:00Poon Singh Balijana.
03:02All our applications were submitted in 2013 for the plot.
03:06But they keep giving assurance on assurance,
03:09date on date.
03:11They didn't threaten us.
03:13Once they wrote a letter in the form of RTI,
03:16that the draw will be conducted by 31st, 8th, 23rd.
03:20But no response.
03:22No draw was made.
03:24After this, they said,
03:25submit a case of 10%
03:28and we will draw according to it.
03:30All the farmers submitted their plots with 10%
03:35but there was neither draw nor draw.
03:38Now they have created a new issue
03:41that the farmer will not be given a plot with good location and corner.
03:47Whereas in the first phase,
03:49while drawing the plot,
03:51and while drawing the second phase,
03:53the plots with good location and corner were included in the draw.
03:57It is written in the Indian Constitution
04:00that there cannot be a case of equality.
04:02Keeping in mind the case of equality
04:05and keeping in mind the rule and regulation,
04:08we request the government
04:11that the plot that is being drawn
04:13should be drawn according to the rule.
04:15It should be drawn according to the notification of the Haryana government.
04:19It should be drawn according to the R&R policy of the Haryana government.
04:23If we don't get it, how will it stand?
04:25If we don't get it,
04:27we will give the notice to the DC sir
04:29and sit on the polling station.
