• 2 days ago
चिकित्सक से मारपीट, कपड़े फाड़ने का आरोप

- समर्थन में शहर के निजी चिकित्सक पहुंचे थाने, जताया आक्रोश

अजमेर. अजमेर विकास प्राधिकरण ने पंचशील नगर िस्थत चाणक्य स्मारक के सामने भूखंड के एक हिस्से में किए निर्माण को जेसीबी से जमींदोज कर दिया। एडीए ने यह कार्रवाई निर्माण को बिना अनुमति व बिना नक्शा पास कराए मानते हुए की। पीडि़त निजी चिकित्सक परिवार ने कार्रवाई का विरोध किया। मौके पर हाथापाई की नौबत आ गई। सुरक्षाकर्मी विरोध जताने पर चिकित्सक को थाने ले आए। मामले की जानकारी मिलने पर शहर के निजी चिकित्सक थाने के बाहर एकत्र हो गए। चिकित्सकों व पुलिस अधिकारियों के बीच करीब दो घंटे वार्ता चली। समझाइश व पीडि़त चिकित्सक के मेडिकल के बाद कार्रवाई के आश्वासन पर मामला शांत हुआ।


00:00In 2021, the auction price was Rs. 30,000.
00:04We paid Rs. 45,000 in cash.
00:08If you don't build in three years, it's considered illegal.
00:12That's why we built it.
00:14The rule is that you can build a house 500 square meters smaller
00:17with the architect's permission,
00:19deposit the money in the AD and leave the setback.
00:22So we did that and we're living there.
00:24This afternoon, we were on duty and our patient was watching.
00:27Neighbors call us and say,
00:29the AD people have come to demolish your house.
00:31There are kids in our small house.
00:33A 7-year-old and a 9-year-old kid.
00:35The AD people caught both of them and threw them out.
00:37After that, they threw them out and started demolishing our house.
00:41Did you get any notice before?
00:43We didn't get any notice.
00:44We haven't seen a notice about the AD yet.
00:46The biggest thing is that when all this happened,
00:49my kids were all alone at home.
00:51Both of them are small kids.
00:53We were both on duty.
00:54We didn't have any information.
00:56How dare they do this?
00:57What kind of law is this?
00:59When kids are alone at home,
01:01you come in and demolish their house and throw them out.
01:04All of my kids' books and clothes were buried in the dustbin.
01:08The kids are so scared.
01:10They haven't eaten anything.
01:12They can't speak.
01:13They have behaved like this with 7-year-old and 12-year-old kids.
