• 2 months ago
रेवाड़ी में यादव कल्याण सभा के 11वें वार्षिक उत्सव में कैबिनेट मंत्री राव नरबीर सिंह ने शिरकत की.


00:01Tell me what is my fault?
00:02I am a corrupt official.
00:04Is there anything wrong with me?
00:06It's been five years and you haven't given me an answer as to why your ticket was deducted.
00:10I have no problem with the BJP.
00:12I have changed so many parties.
00:13How many more will I change?
00:15But don't do this.
00:16Give me a ticket with respect.
00:18And now you are calling me to become an MLA.
00:22So that's why you gave me a ticket with respect.
00:25You made me a minister with respect.
00:27And I will do business with respect.
00:32If the population of Ahirwal increases in our area,
00:38then we will have ten MLAs and one minister among them.
00:43We will not let this happen.
00:44People will say that the BJP government
00:47and the future generations of Ahirwal MPs will say that they didn't work.
00:53This will not happen.
00:55The entire budget will be spent on you.
00:58The entire wish of the people of Ahirwal will be fulfilled by you.
01:02I say this to all of you.
01:04All of you who have come here,
01:07Rambir Bhai,
01:08leave this post now.
01:11Give someone else a chance.
01:14It's not that I will lose for five years and you will keep me here for twenty years.
01:20He has changed.
01:22The new people who will come will work more.
01:25The capacity that I had in 2014 is not there in 2024.
01:29Change them.
01:31Swamiji, I am telling you as well.
01:33You are the security guard. Change all the teams.
01:36At least,
01:37there should have been people sitting in this gallery as well.
01:40In a year, do one function and 50 people come.
01:46If 500 more people had come, it wouldn't have fallen.
01:49It would have remained like this.
01:52Change them.
01:53These old people have become men. Give new people a chance.
01:57And brother, until there is unity in the society,
02:00we will not progress.
02:02I am telling you, Rambir Bhai. He is older than me.
02:04But change.
02:06When we will not be able to work, we will also leave.
02:09We will not remain in the bottom.
02:11Now I asked, how many days are left?
02:13He said, three years.
02:15When will you make it? I said, I will make it last year.
02:16He said, three years. He will drink blood now.
02:22As long as 1000 people come at your behest,
02:25and stand up and down,
02:26and celebrate,
02:27what will you achieve?
02:29Half of the society that you respect has given up.
02:32If 10-20 people come with you, what will happen to you?
02:35What will happen to the society?
02:39In Chennai, 500,000 people can gather.
02:42In Ahirwal, London, there are only 500 people.
02:46Think about this.
02:47Jai Hind.
02:48Ram Ram.
