• 2 months ago
ડીંડરોલ મુક્તેશ્વર યોજનામાં બનાસકાંઠા જિલ્લાના વડગામ તાલુકાના 17 ગામના ગામ તળાવને સમાવેશ કરી નર્મદાના પાણીથી ભરવાની માંગ સાથે કલેકટર કચેરી ખાતે આવેદનપત્ર આપી રજૂઆત.


01:30I have come here today with the main objective of raising the level of poverty in the Vidhan Sabha area and districts.
01:36I would like to say one more thing.
01:38Even after my approval on the 12th day,
01:40even today, the district collector of Banaskara district,
01:44the clean workers and other workers are not getting the maximum salary.
01:49In the district, the collector is selling himself,
01:52the district collector is selling, the resident collector is selling, the manager is selling,
01:56and yet, not paying the maximum salary to even a single worker of the outsourcing contract.
02:03This is a very shameful matter.
02:05So, I request you to investigate this matter as soon as possible
02:08and to pay the maximum salary to all the clean workers of Banaskara district,
02:11all the TDO offices, Mamladar Kacheri, Pranth Kacheri, SP Kacheri, Collector Kacheri,
02:16and all the workers who work in each Kacheri.
