• 2 months ago


00:00Are you doing it?
00:07Yes, we are doing it.
00:15We have met with many scientists and experts.
00:22I have taken some suggestions from the farmers,
00:27the IPOs that are running,
00:30the farmers who are progressive,
00:33our agricultural scientists,
00:36those who are doing farming in our dairy,
00:44or those who are doing cattle farming,
00:46I have taken suggestions from all these people for the budget.
00:52I have received very good suggestions from them.
00:57I keep in mind that in Haryana,
01:02about 70% of the farmers are farmers of 2-2.5 acres,
01:07and how to increase their income,
01:10I have taken suggestions for that,
01:13so that we can include it in the budget,
01:17and the farmers of Haryana can benefit from it.
01:20Very good suggestions.
01:22In those meetings, all our IPOs,
01:27or our progressive farmers,
01:29or other farmers who came in,
01:33all of them gave good suggestions,
01:36and we will include all of them in it.
01:39And after that, here at Chaudhary Charan Singh University,
01:44an agri tourism centre has also been inaugurated,
01:50which is worth 5 crore 60 lakh rupees.
01:55It is spread out in 6 acres.
01:57People will benefit a lot from this,
02:01because the agri tourism that we have inaugurated here,
02:11the traditional farming that our ancestors used to do,
02:15and how they used to do it,
02:17in this agri tourism,
02:19all of that has been shown,
02:22how we used to farm,
02:25future generations will also benefit a lot from it.
02:28And a nutrition book has also been published today.
02:32Many children are suffering from malnutrition.
02:38This is because of our diet.
02:41If we look at our women,
02:43there is a shortage of blood in women,
02:45that is because of malnutrition.
02:47And the book that has been launched,
02:50by Pandit Dean Dayal Ji Upadhyay Shodh Centre,
02:54his officials,
02:56Nanaji Deshmukh,
02:58who was a social activist,
03:00had an idea,
03:02that idea was taken forward,
03:04and the Shodh Centre was inaugurated here.
03:08And through that Shodh Centre,
03:10this nutrition book has been published today.
03:16People will benefit a lot from this,
03:19because it is the life of Bhagdod.
03:21Today, in the life of Bhagdod,
03:24instead of food,
03:26pizza is more visible in our plate.
03:28And because of that,
03:30in this way,
03:31there is a shortage of nutrition in our body.
03:33We are talking about a shortage of nutrition.
03:37the way the Prime Minister
03:39has talked about millets in the UNO,
03:43because this nutrition,
03:45the protein that is lacking in our body,
03:48was always around us.
03:54But, in the life of Bhagdod,
03:56the time for food also goes back and forth.
04:00Because of that,
04:01such shortages are seen.
04:03So, through this book,
04:04whatever has been published today,
04:06our sisters,
04:10and the common people will benefit a lot.
04:12I would like to congratulate everyone for this.
04:14Would you like to share anything
04:16with the farmers
04:18about your session today?
04:20Any suggestions?
04:22No, see, those were suggestions for our budget.
04:24We will definitely invite you
04:26on the day of the budget session.
04:28There is going to be a lot for the farmers in the budget.
04:30No, see, we are taking suggestions from all walks of life.
04:32From pre-budget,
04:34we are talking to industrialists.
04:36We have talked to startups.
04:40today, we have talked to farmers.
04:42We are talking to different groups.
04:44Because, in this budget,
04:48there should be work for every group.
04:50And, every group should feel that the budget is theirs.
04:52The poor should feel that the budget is theirs.
04:54The farmers should feel that the budget is theirs.
04:56The industrialists should also feel that the budget is theirs.
04:58So, we are taking their suggestions
05:00and inviting them.
05:02You and all your ministers,
05:04BJP, Haryana BJP,
05:06are putting all their efforts.
05:08Are there any suggestions from the leaders of Haryana?
05:10This election,
05:12we are taking it very seriously.
05:14Whether it is a small or a big election.
05:16Because, Delhi,
05:18the election of Vidhan Sabha,
05:20the dates have come.
05:22Voting is on the 5th.
05:24The result is on the 5th of February and 8th.
05:26And, when the result comes,
05:28in Delhi, in the Tatwadhan of Mr. Adaniya Modi,
05:30with a very large margin,
05:32the government of the BJP is being formed.
05:36Kejriwal has shown
05:38his dreams.
05:40He has spent 10 years in his dreams.
05:42But, he has fulfilled his dreams.
05:44The dreams of a poor person
05:46have not been fulfilled.
05:48Sir, the elections are going to take place.
05:50What will you say?
05:52How are you prepared for the elections?
05:54The BJP has been active
05:56since the beginning.
05:58No, we are fully prepared
06:00for the elections.
06:02And, very soon,
06:04as soon as it feels appropriate,
06:06it will announce the dates
06:08for the elections.
06:10See, this is our party's
06:12parliamentary board.
06:14It decides where we have to fight
06:16with the symbol and where not.
06:18Because, the elections of Nigam
06:20are fought on the symbol.
06:22But, this is also decided by the party.
06:24But, if we see,
06:26on the streets of Haryana,
06:28the people are getting healthy food.
06:30Is there any investigation?
06:32Is the department doing anything?
06:34No, there is an investigation.
06:36You cannot say that
06:38there is no investigation.
06:40Our officials are
06:42keeping an eye on it.
06:44The officials of the department
06:46are watching it.
06:50The government is being formed in Delhi.
06:52Kejriwal is getting clean.
06:54Kejriwal has fulfilled his dreams.
06:56I have said that the dreams of the people of Delhi
06:58have not been fulfilled.
07:00He is leaving.
