• 2 months ago


00:00Mr. M.S. Swaminathan has been in charge of this organization.
00:04Since then, this organization has been working not only for the farmers of this area,
00:11but also for the other parts of the country.
00:15If I tell you about the last 10 years,
00:19in the last 10 years, we have developed more than 75 varieties of crops.
00:26We have also released many new breeds in animal husbandry.
00:31We have developed 18 diagnostic and vaccine tools.
00:34We have achieved many achievements in the field of horticulture.
00:39We have started an education program here.
00:42And from the extension point of view,
00:45in the last 10 years, we have organized more than 17,000 training programs here,
00:50of which more than 7.5 lakh farmers have benefited.
00:57About 2.5 lakh extension workers and village level workers have benefited.
01:05And we have emphasized that our research in this organization
01:10has increased the productivity of crops by 15 to 20 percent in the last 10 years.
01:19As you all know, this region has a lot of potential for biodiversity and natural resources.
01:30This region is full of abundance of natural resources,
01:34whether it is water, good quality of soil, good quality of biodiversity,
01:40and several diversified fruits, crops, animals and so on.
01:46But then, this region is also facing some severe challenges,
01:51particularly because of climate change.
01:53As you all know, climate change is not only a problem for our country,
01:57but also for the whole world.
02:02And the North-East region, in terms of climate change,
02:07is a very sensitive and fragile ecosystem.
02:11Keeping this in mind, our organization has been focusing on climate-resilient agriculture for the last 15 years.
02:19We are focusing on many new varieties, many new approaches,
02:24in which we can take more advantage of less water.
02:29How can water be protected?
02:31How can water quality techniques be used?
02:34And how can organic farming and natural farming be increased?
02:38You all know, by default, this region is organic.
02:44By default, this region is natural farming.
02:47How can it be increased?
02:49How can agriculture be made nature-friendly?
02:54How can it be made market-friendly?
02:56How can it be made technology-friendly?
02:58How can it be made gender and youth-friendly?
03:01And how can North-East agriculture be made culture-friendly?
03:05We are working in this direction.
03:07Friends, we have achieved a lot, but still there are several challenges.
03:11And to address those challenges, the way we have worked for the last 50 years,
03:16we have to put more dedication, more energy and more enthusiasm
03:21to address the challenges of the coming 50 years.
03:25And in this direction, the people who are present among us today,
03:29I request you that your guidance, your suggested path,
03:34that in the coming 50 years, in the 50 years,
03:38what else can this institution do?
03:41If you give us guidance on that, we will work in that direction.
03:45Friends, in the end, I want to say that all of us together,
03:50have decided that by 2047, this country has to become a developed country.
03:55And the part of that developed country should be made like North-East Hill Region.
04:00How North-East Hill Region should be developed,
04:03how agriculture should be developed,
04:05we all have to work in this direction.
04:07And in this direction, our guidance, our guidance,
04:10the people who are present among us today to give us blessings,
04:14I request them to do so.
04:16And friends, you all know that Mahamahi Maharaja Rashtrapati Mahajan
04:21was supposed to be present among us today.
04:24But for some reason, he could not come among us today.
04:28But his blessings, his message is with us,
04:32which we will tell you.
04:34So his blessings will always be with us.
04:36So on this occasion, I would like to thank him from the bottom of my heart,
04:40on behalf of the institution, on behalf of the Parishad,
04:43on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture,
04:46I would like to thank him very much,
04:48I would like to thank him very much that he gave us time,
04:50he gave us blessings.
04:52With all this, may the coming time be better,
04:56may the availability be better,
04:58may we develop this region.
