• 2 months ago


00:00In the Thiruparakadal, in the Thirukkolam, in the two Thirukkolams, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudrana are depicted as the three Murthis.
00:08Hence, this Thiruparakadal is the only Thirukkolam that has the unique speciality and pride of being a Moolavarke Shuddha Vasal.
00:15In the 108 Vaishnava Divya Deshams, the beginning is Sri Rangam and the end is Thirupathi, the Divya Deshams celebrated by the devotees.
00:24The two Divya Deshams, Sri Rangam and Thirupathi can be seen here.
00:30The devotees can feel the happiness of seeing the Thirupathi Brahma and Ranganathar here.
00:38The sins written by Chitragupta can be seen by seeing this Brahma and Ranganathar here.
00:43This Thirukkolam is known as the Thiruvonam of the 27 nakshatras.
00:49This Thirukkolam is also known as the Thiruvonam nakshatra.
00:53During the time of Vijayanagara King Krishnadevaraja, Perumal depicted the beauty of Thirupathi Brahma to Vijayanagara King.
00:59Hence, this Thirukkolam is known as Thirumalai Aragan and also known as Prasanna Venkatesa Brahma.
01:03Hence, the happiness of seeing Thirumalai can be seen by Perumal here.
01:11Hence, this Thirukkolam is known as Sriya Thiruvenkadam and Sriya Thirupathi.
01:15In the world, out of the 108 Vaishnavites,
01:18the Thirukkolam known as Moolavarkesh Thirukkavasal is the only Thiruparkadal.
