• 2 months ago
Is TOWIE's Dan Edgar a new Dancing on Ice fashion icon? Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00It's lovely to see you both. Can we just talk about the outfits first, please?
00:06Do we look like a couple?
00:08Yeah, I think we're pulling it off alright. No?
00:11I think you look really good.
00:13How did you feel about the clobber at first because it's a bit out there?
00:15When I first saw it hanging up, I wasn't overly keen on it, but now I've got it on, I'm embracing
00:21the sequins and the sparkles.
00:23I don't mean this to sound silly, but I actually don't think you've ever looked better.
00:27Oh, really?
00:29It suits him. He looks sharp.
00:30I actually kind of feel like we've been robbed. I think you should be wearing glitter and
00:33sequins a long time ago.
00:35I agree.
00:36How is he doing? He looks the part, but is he skating the part?
00:39He's doing very well, exceptionally well. He is skating smoothly, he's got great posture,
00:46he's a good lifter, so I'm quite impressed.
00:49A good lifter then? Is that all the time in the gym? Is it paying off?
00:53Yeah, well, I like to think so. It's definitely helped, I think. We've been doing some lifts,
00:59which has been quite scary.
01:01I know, that is scary. Don't drop her.
01:03No, I know. That's what I'm worried about.
01:06What has been the scariest thing so far? Because everyone's said something different.
01:10So far, I'd say the lifts. For me, it has been. The first day, when it was like, right,
01:16we're going to try a lift, it was like, well, now. But no, we've done alright, haven't we?
01:24He's picked it up really quickly, and he's just someone that's very cautious and very
01:29considerate, so he doesn't just do something to do it. He takes his time, he's patient
01:33with himself, and honestly, he's picking it up really, really well.
01:36You've got the look, you've got the charm. Have you got the rhythm? Have you got the moves?
01:40The rhythm and the moves, we're working on. They're not quite there yet, but yeah, I'm
01:46hoping. We're making good progress, I think.
01:48What was that moment like, the first time you stepped onto the ice?
01:52It's weird, because when I was a kid, I used to ice skate, but it's so different to anything
01:57I've done back then. So it was like, I had the small basics of being able to skate around,
02:02but yeah, some of the moves and the stuff we're trying, it's really cool. It's really
02:08cool to learn it all.
02:09And I think this is genuinely one of, if not the hardest show to do. Why did you want
02:14to do this, Dan?
02:15I just think it was... I mean, how can you turn down this? The experience, get to dance
02:20and skate with Vanessa every day, to learn a new skill like this. I just think the whole
02:27experience is really good.
02:29Do you know what I think as well? I think this might do wonders for your dating profile,
02:33because I think once people see you in these outfits...
02:35Is it the see-through vest?
02:36Honestly, there's something about how it's doing something, Dan. I think it's going to,
02:40yeah, that'll be a whole new life for you.
02:42Maybe I'll start slowly adding some bits to my wardrobe.
02:44I think you should, I think you should.
02:47So how did the first rehearsal go then? How is it all coming together for the show? Because
02:50it's on Sunday!
02:51So, we are actually in week two.
02:54So we have still one more week to train, but he's doing really well. We did show and tell,
03:00I think everyone was really impressed. I think he surprised himself too, because when you
03:04put pressure on, you never know what's going to happen, and he handled it well. I think
03:08we're going to be ready.
03:09Yeah. It's mad what a difference it makes, even a few people watching you, to perform
03:13your routine. So it definitely adds to the pressure. This is going to be a whole different
03:19story altogether, but yeah, we're remaining calm for now.
03:23Have you reached out to anyone else that's been on it to ask for advice?
03:27Yeah, so I'm good friends with Joey. We've done it not so long ago, so we've had a little
03:32chat about what to expect.
03:33What was his advice? Was he like more fake tan?
03:36No, no. We've got enough of that in Essex.
03:39Well, true.
03:40It's just more just giving me an insight into what it was like. It's a lot that goes into
03:46it, and I think when he done it, he put everything focused on solely this for however long it
03:52was for, for months. So yeah, that's all I'm doing. It's focusing on doing the best we
03:57can for the competition.
03:59Just enjoy it. Just be a charmer. At the end of the day, we don't always know when things
04:03are going wrong. If it goes wrong, just smile. Just give it a bit of a smile. I mean, you'll
04:06be fine.
04:07That's what I've learned. If it goes wrong, smile.
04:09Just keep going. Not everyone sees what we feel.
04:13Just keep skating. Excuse the pun.
04:15He'll be perfect anyways.
04:16Guys, great to see you. I think you're going to smash it, honestly.
04:18Thank you very much.
04:19New fashion icon right here. Lovely to see you both. Thank you so much.
