• 2 months ago
00:00Moving on, let's move on to our last story, in which we have put in a lot of effort.
00:04Advisor to CMTPK on Information, Mr. Barrister Seher is with us.
00:07And we have news from a Parachinar site that finally, the case of smuggling of food items
00:15that had been going on for so many days, has finally reached the relevant areas today
00:20and the goods have been smuggled there.
00:22Now, what is the status? To understand, Mr. Seher.
00:25Seher, Assalam-o-Alaikum.
00:28Sir, thank you very much for your time.
00:30First of all, please tell us, in these circumstances,
00:33there has been a movement today, which is a good thing.
00:36But, it is not as if the roads have been cleared.
00:39In the current situation, the kind of movement that has taken place today,
00:42helicopter drones in strict security.
00:44Now, there will be some more movements like this.
00:46And after that, when the trucks will be fully unloaded,
00:49then the roads will be cleared. Is that so?
00:53Yes, absolutely.
00:54It will take some time for the roads to be fully cleared.
01:00So that we are doing the system of checkposts completely.
01:04We are making new checkposts at different points on all the roads to Parachinar.
01:14And we are further strengthening the security.
01:17It will take some time.
01:20And we also want to improve the environment gradually.
01:26Because there has been a lot of pollution in the past.
01:32So, we do not want to take any kind of risk.
01:35That, God forbid, as a result of a small incident,
01:38the problem may not be resolved again.
01:41And there may not be a fire of corruption.
01:43So, as this caravan has gone today,
01:45similarly, the second caravan will go, the third caravan will go.
01:48We will continue to supply.
01:51The caravans will continue to move.
01:53People will also be allowed to travel after a few days.
01:57But it may take some more time for the roads to be completely cleared.
02:02God willing, it will be soon.
02:04But the risk cannot be taken.
02:07The incident that took place the day before yesterday,
02:10in which the deputy commissioner was attacked and fired,
02:12was also such an incident that has made us a little more cautious.
02:17So, we do not want to take any unnecessary risk at this time.
02:23And that, of course, is a surprise for people sitting far away.
02:27That there is a place where there is so much focus
02:29that the micro-management is doing a great job.
02:32Security, this and that.
02:33Such an incident happened there.
02:34Thank God, there was no loss of life.
02:35So, how did it happen?
02:36So, how did this happen?
02:38Because there is a lot of focus on one specific route.
02:41Everyone's eyes are on it.
02:42Security, forces, everything.
02:43So, how did this happen, Mr. Saif?
02:46Look, the weakness of security was not this.
02:50Because after the agreement from our side,
02:54the thought was that now there is understanding from both sides
03:00and there will be no such contoured incident.
03:04But everywhere, in every society, there are definitely miscreants.
03:09And whenever they get a chance, they strike.
03:12I think this was an incident of mischief.
03:17Some people who did not want peace to be established in this area.
03:21Perhaps their benefit was related to insecurity.
03:25So, this attempt was made by them.
03:28Actually, the deputy commissioner was coming to us.
03:32He was coming to us from the place where we were standing.
03:36He was coming to us from the place where we were standing.
03:38He was coming to us from the place where we were standing.
03:40So, we ourselves did not have any fear that there would be such a big incident.
03:47Because some people were protesting there.
03:49But that protest was about compensating for the losses in that specific area.
03:57And the deputy commissioner was in contact with him.
04:00And the deputy commissioner was in contact with him.
04:02So, there was no such threat.
04:04But suddenly, when he was coming, some people suddenly came in the way.
04:08Many of them were unarmed, but some of them were armed.
04:13They suddenly started firing.
04:16So, this was an incident that should not have happened.
04:19But in any case, the security threats were not in our minds.
04:24But after that, the security alert was also issued.
04:28And then the decision was made regarding the caravan that the caravan should not go ahead in these circumstances.
04:34Until complete clearance is obtained.
04:36So, because security clearance was also obtained today.
04:39And at the same time, it was discussed with the protestors in some places.
04:45And with their consent, they not only opened the way, but also fully cooperated with the administrators.
04:53Because of this, there was a positive development today.
04:56Thank you very much, Mr. Bairat Joseph.
04:58Dilawar KP was with us.
05:00Inshallah, long live health.
05:02See you tomorrow, Inshallah.
