• 2 months ago
আধার, জন্ম শংসাপত্র ও প্যান কার্ডের জন্য পৃথক রেট চার্ট ৷ উদ্ধার ভুয়ো পরিচয়পত্র বানাতে ব্যবহার করা নথিও ৷


00:00I don't know anything like that. He lived like him.
00:02What did he do?
00:03I don't know anything like that.
00:05Didn't you see him?
00:06If I had seen him, I would have been busy with my work.
00:08Everyone was busy with their work.
00:09That's how I used to hang out with him.
00:10What did he do?
00:11I don't know anything like that.
00:13Who is in his family?
00:14There are two sons in the family.
00:15One son is a dentist.
00:17And the other son is in the police department.
00:20Police department? Dentist?
00:22How can I say?
00:24He didn't hang out with anyone like that.
00:27He lived like him.
00:28Did you see him at home?
00:29No, I didn't see him at home.
00:30I didn't see anyone going to his house.
00:32The police are investigating him now.
00:34No, I heard about him from you.
00:36I came here when you came here.
00:38I didn't know that he was arrested.
00:40He was arrested last night.
00:41No, I heard from you that he was arrested.
00:44That's how I used to hang out with him.
00:45What do you think?
00:47What can I say?
00:49I don't think anything like that.
00:51He didn't hang out with anyone like that.
00:54He didn't hang out with anyone like that.
00:56You are shocked.
00:57Of course, I am shocked.
00:59I came here because I wanted to see you.
01:01I want to know about your profession.
01:02I know that you own a shop.
01:04Yes, I own a shop.
01:05How long have you been in the city?
01:07How long have you been here?
01:08Around 25 years.
01:09I didn't do anything.
01:10Have you been arrested because people are coming from Kolkata?
01:14Yes, but the people around here do not understand that.
01:17So, why were you arrested?
01:19I had no mobile phone.
01:20Your mobile?
01:21What did you get from home?
01:23I didn't get anything. I gave my name and address to the people I was talking to.
01:29When did they arrest you?
01:31In the evening.
01:36Aren't they behind you?
01:38Yes, they are behind me.
01:40They are holding a camera.
