• 2 months ago
Newborn Dead body Sadhaura: साढ़ौरा में नवजात का शव मिलने से सनसनी फैल गई. शव प्लास्टिक के कट्टे में जमीन के अंदर दबा मिला.


00:00We received a tip-off a while ago that there is a river in the village of Sarora
00:05and a newborn baby has been buried in a pit.
00:10As soon as we received the tip-off, we went there and dug the pit and checked.
00:15We found a newborn baby wrapped in a cloth.
00:20We checked him and he was confirmed as a boy.
00:25We have started filing an FIR.
00:30We need to file an FIR as soon as possible.
00:35We need to arrest the perpetrator as soon as possible.
