• 2 months ago
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions, and have you already broken them? Or do you think resolutions are just nonsense? We ask Birmingham residents whether they believe in setting goals for the new year or think it’s all a waste of time.


00:00Yeah, they're a nonsense now. At my age, I just want to enjoy myself, so I'm not going to resolve not to drink or eat fatty foods.
00:11I mean, you could turn around and say, look, I'm going to lose weight this year, but then you walk past a McDonald's restaurant, you feel hungry, you drop in and get the food, don't you? So, that's just my point of view, anyway.
00:20I plan to... I just plan to be myself and try and be a better person.
00:28No, I didn't make any. I don't really see the point of it because, like, people's views and life changes, don't it? Like, you don't know what's coming day to day.
00:39Well, my New Year resolution is to reinstate following the 5-2 diet regime as recommended by Dr Michael Mosley.
00:48I did do it some years ago, before lockdown, and I found it really easy to follow, effective, and it did make me feel healthier.
