• 2 months ago
Honey Rose police complaint against Facebook comments |
ഫേസ്‌ബുക്ക് പോസ്‌റ്റിന്‌ താഴെ മോശം കമന്റിട്ടവർക്ക് എതിരെ പരാതിയുമായി നടി ഹണി റോസ്. എറണാകുളം സെൻട്രൽ പോലീസ് സ്‌റ്റേഷനിലാണ് നടി ഇതുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട പരാതി നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നത്. 27 പേർക്കെതിരെയാണ് സ്ത്രീത്വത്തെ അവഹേളിച്ചുവെന്ന് ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടി പരാതി നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നത്.

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00:00Honey Rose, who complained against the person who posted a bad comment under the Facebook post,
00:05has complained about this at Ernakulam Central Police Station.
00:09She has complained against 27 people.
00:14In the morning, Honey Rose, who was investigating the same matter,
00:17shared a post on Facebook.
00:19This is where the bad comments came from.
00:21Honey Rose, who was investigating the same matter,
00:23shared a post on Facebook.
00:25This is where the bad comments came from.
00:27Honey Rose, who was investigating the same matter,
00:29shared a post on Facebook.
00:31This is where the bad comments came from.
00:33Honey Rose, who was investigating the same matter,
00:35shared a post on Facebook.
00:37This is where the bad comments came from.
00:39Honey Rose, who was investigating the same matter,
00:41shared a post on Facebook.
00:43This is where the bad comments came from.
00:45Honey Rose, who was investigating the same matter,
00:47shared a post on Facebook.
00:49This is where the bad comments came from.
00:51This is where the bad comments came from.
00:53This is where the bad comments came from.
00:55This is where the bad comments came from.
00:57This is where the bad comments came from.
00:59This is where the bad comments came from.
01:01This is where the bad comments came from.
01:03This is where the bad comments came from.
01:05This is where the bad comments came from.
01:07This is where the bad comments came from.
01:09This is where the bad comments came from.
01:11This is where the bad comments came from.
01:13This is where the bad comments came from.
01:15This is where the bad comments came from.
01:17This is where the bad comments came from.
01:19This is where the bad comments came from.
01:21This is where the bad comments came from.
01:23This is where the bad comments came from.
01:25This is where the bad comments came from.
01:27This is where the bad comments came from.
01:29This is where the bad comments came from.
01:31This is where the bad comments came from.
01:33This is where the bad comments came from.
