• last year
新闻报报看 | 早前有报道揭露,政府指定的电脑验车中心Puspakom里有害群之马,不仅收业者给他们的kopi钱,在验车时就做点表面功夫,睁一只眼闭一只眼,让原本不过关的罗里和巴士都可以通过Puspakom的检测。今天陆路交通局前往,全国各地电脑验车中心展开突击检查,没想到在其中一个中心就抓到害群之马!(主播:颜江瀚、傅雪玲)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:30As of November this year, the insurance company approved a total of 2,019 compensation cases.
00:40The total compensation amounted to 3.9 million RMB.
00:43This proves that this plan has worked in the benefit of taking care of housewives.
00:48She also revealed that the insurance company is discussing the age limit for this plan.
00:53From the current age of 55 to 60 years old or older,
00:57to take better care of all women's rights.
01:24In line with the introduction of a voucher card or scratch card worth RM120,
01:30which can be given to housewives,
01:33or as a wedding gift,
01:35which is becoming more popular among young people who want to give a life jacket to their partner.
01:43Kasturi said that although this year,
01:45there are already more than 500,000 housewives participating in social insurance plans,
01:49but this only accounts for 16.5%,
01:52and more than 2.6 million housewives have not registered for this insurance.
01:56She called on companies to actively donate through corporate social responsibility
01:59to fund more low-income women to participate in the plan.
