• last year
মহাকাশে ২২০ কেজি ওজনের দুটি স্যাটেলাইট পাঠাবে ইসরো। ভারতে তৈরি হবে নতুন ইতিহাস।

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00:00India is the face of history.
00:02Satellites are being sent to the sky using high-tech technology.
00:07Each satellite weighs 220 kgs.
00:10India will be the witness of that recognition.
00:14The milestone in the history of the country is not expected to be mentioned.
00:19Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle or PSLV rocket will be used to send these two special satellites
00:30to the sky.
00:31One satellite's name is The Chaser and the other name is The Target.
00:36It is known that these two satellites will be based 470 km above the earth and will be
00:44used for reconnaissance and reconnaissance.
00:46Previously, the reconnaissance was carried out by three countries, Russia, America and
00:53Now, the name of India is going to be formed as the fourth name.
00:57A new history is being created.
00:59It is known that many more reconnaissance will be carried out on this mission of the
01:09Indian Space Agency.
01:12This mission is very important for all the plans that ISRO has in the future.
01:18This satellite launch is going to be very important for all these missions, starting
01:24with the sending of Indian astronauts to the sky and creating the Chandrajan-4 Indian
01:30Space Station.
01:31It is very clear that the increase in the number of satellites will go through this
01:38This mission is very important for ISRO in terms of advanced docking projects and
01:44coming up with a new country.
01:46This will prove that India is equivalent to any other satellite.
01:50But it is not much in terms of cost.
01:53Spardex will open many doors through this mission.
01:57It is known that the country will be a witness to history before the end of the year.
02:03ISRO will inaugurate this mission on December 12, i.e. December 30.
02:07And on the other hand, the whole of India.
02:10The presentation of the deadline is going on in ISRO.
02:13It is necessary to keep in mind that this mission is going to take place on December
02:49Bureau report, One India Bangla.
