• last year
00:00i charge my family to come to christmas dinner at my house. does everybody do this? i'm intrigued to
00:05know what you guys do. so my family always want to chip in. like i've never actually
00:10actively gone and asked them for money. they want to chip in, they want to know how much i want to
00:15like put towards dinner. i find it really hard to know what to ask them for, like how much to tell
00:21them. so today it is big food shop day. i'm doing the big christmas shop because i don't want to
00:28overcharge or under charge. charge is the wrong word but like i don't want to tell them too much
00:32or too little. so i'm gonna go do all of the shopping. i'm gonna go to aldi and tesco,
00:37two separate trips because girl needs to refuel in between that. so i'm gonna go to aldi, get all
00:43like the dinner basics, all the stuff that i know that we like need to make the meal. and i'm gonna
00:48come home, have lunch and then go back out to tesco to get all the other bits. i always find
00:52there's other bits that we want to get like drinks and crisps, snacky stuff. then i will
00:58show the breakdown of how much it costs, like how much both shops cost and then what that kind of
01:03works out to be per person. what i will say is i'm feeding 10 people for three days. like this
01:08is christmas eve, christmas day, boxing day. there's 10 of us so it's a lot. um so i'm very
01:14grateful that my family want to contribute because oh my goodness it's gonna be expensive.
01:20first of all aldi are doing 8p veg at the moment. that is insane. that is like half the price of
01:25a supermarket. so you can buy a maximum of six 8p things each. um just showing you a quick bit
01:32of what i chopped in the trolley. a little festive quiche might be nice as part of our
01:35christmas buffet. got our pastry, got my sausage rolls, a ton of cranberry, um biscuits with cheese.
01:44these rolls are great for christmas. uh croissants because i always do cheese and bacon croissants
01:49for everyone in the morning on christmas day. got that bourbon kind of good and a pair of
01:52pretzels because there's no other way of eating them. that was my trolley look at the end, it was
01:56obscene. oh my god guys i'm actually slightly traumatized by that experience. like it wasn't
02:00too bad in the shops, it wasn't like crazy busy. it was kind of if you can tell people are doing
02:05their christmas shop now. this receipt though. so i spent £172.18p and that was the aldi shop.
02:16i've still got to go out and get bits in tesco. like how is life so extensive? this literally
02:22feels like the most boring lunch in the world when i know there is so much nice food in my
02:26house now. excuse the elf who's still chilling on the side. i'm gonna eat some lunch and then
02:32head out to the shops again. i've just got to tesco and the car park is so full. i feel like
02:40i feel like it's gonna be horrific in there.
02:46like i survived. i'll be honest like if the car parks round but it's not as bad as i thought it
02:51was gonna be. it wasn't too bad in there. thank the lord that it is payday tomorrow because i
02:56can't even bring myself to think about how much i have spent today. okay so i've worked it out to be
03:03today between aldi and tesco i spent £233.35 on anything related to christmas food.
03:11so that i've divided it by the adults because i feel like the kids just don't like they never
03:16eat anything. so i divided it by eight adults and it comes in at just under £30 per person
03:23which i actually i don't really think is that bad for three days worth of eating. like i said
03:28christmas eve, christmas day, boxing day. anyway um i might tell them it's like £25 each
03:34so that's like yeah i think that's is that fair tell me what you think guys
