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Pelakon & pengacara Kiah Propa
kini terpaksa berulang alik dari Teluk Intan,Perak ke Institut Kanser Negara (IKN) Purajaya untuk rawatan kanser suaminya tahap empat suaminya.

Gempak berpeluang bertemu dengan Kiah Propa secara eksklusif di IKN bagi mendapatkan perkembangan terbaharu suaminya.
00:00Because the road is your choice, that's the road you want, right? You want to get married, right?
00:03Just go ahead, don't complain, just talk to God
00:05I am very, very grateful
00:08I am grateful and thank you for taking care of me
00:12Thank you
00:14I am so lucky to get this disease, I got it at KIA
00:24Once lived together and then divorced for almost 8 years
00:28KIA Propa actress has decided to get back together with her husband
00:32who is now living with stage 4 cancer
00:36And this time, Estrogen Park has the opportunity to meet and talk exclusively
00:40with KIA Propa at the Cancer Emergency Department
00:44Okay, we understand that you ran from egg yolk to Putrajaya
00:49What can you share? You said you are not very healthy
00:52Yes, today I have a little bruise on my neck
00:55Because when we do chemo, maybe the skin becomes thin
00:58So there is a bruise, then all my brother has diabetes, he has insulin
01:02So I don't want any infections, that's why I came here
01:06I came here, it's okay, today is a business vacation
01:082 days ago I came here, that day it was less salty, it was weak
01:11So no one said no, no one said no, no one said no, no one said no
01:14Everything is possible because this is his safety and also his comfort
01:18For his comfort, we have no compromise on any condition
01:23If he is sick, let's go
01:24Even though it's a big deal with IKN, for me, there is no obstacle
01:26God willing, God willing, ask God to take care, right?
01:28What do we want to say, right?
01:29Like us, if you are sick, people will blame you, it hurts, right?
01:33So we don't blame, I came
01:35You came down from egg yolk to Putrajaya, it's like the second home, if we look
01:40But your great sacrifice, where is your strength?
01:43Actually nothing, just like I think when I hold the responsibility that we want to get married
01:48We feel like we want to get married
01:50He got married, not just say, get married, get married, have fun, no, no
01:54When I got married to my brother for the second time, my brother also diagnosed cancer
01:57We already know our responsibility is different from other women
02:00So my sister's responsibility is different
02:01So I think that strength doesn't come from me, I'm just an ordinary person
02:04Everything comes from God Almighty
02:06There is nothing that can resist the power of God Almighty
02:09Today maybe we laugh, we don't know where we are tomorrow
02:11And the choice of IKN is the best choice for cancer patients like my brother
02:15Because we are public people, we don't know how to handle it like this
02:20If people say, I can just go to a regular clinic, I can take the easy way
02:24But I don't want to, give your comfort, where do you want to go?
02:27You want IKN, you want IKN, okay, we'll bring it
02:29So adjust it to your business, business, whatever
02:33The strength is not from us, the strength is from him
02:35Sister, about marriage, we know that you used to be with your brother for a while
02:40Then the fate was not long, you had to separate for a while
02:43And this time you are back with your brother in your current situation
02:47If we say it's not too much, not all wives or women can come back to this situation
02:54What caused you to accept it again?
02:56Because for me the world is temporary
02:58If you chase the world, the world has nowhere to go
03:00Because if he can have a hard time with his sister looking for sustenance
03:03Even though we have been separated for 8 years
03:05We are looking for sustenance together
03:06We went to Singapore, to Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak, all over the continent
03:11In the morning, afternoon, evening, camping, camping, whatever
03:14Busy, business, you know, business outside
03:17There we get money to raise our children together
03:19No way when he is in trouble, I leave him
03:21That means people have no humanity
03:23So the value must be there, he didn't have money first
03:25He didn't have money first, he valued us first as humans
03:28What is our value to humans?
03:30He is not a problem
03:30If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, we can play again
03:33You can take care of your diet, this is cancer
03:35Cancer today is different, tomorrow is different, the next day is different, the next day is different
03:38Because he is abnormal, he is not like us
03:40We can sleep 24 hours, let's think like that
03:42We can sleep 24 hours, my brother doesn't sleep like that
03:44We are sleeping well, my brother is sick
03:47We don't take medicine, my brother takes medicine for 2-3 hours
03:49So for me, he doesn't want to get popularity, he doesn't want to get this, no, no, no
03:52As long as you serve me as a wife, we serve each other well
03:57We do it well, don't tell me how to do the test
04:00Here in the world, there are a lot of tests
04:01Test, we walk, we walk, we focus on the future
04:04There are times when I'm not strong either
04:05There are times when my emotions are a bit disturbed, I want to be fast
04:08People have cancer, you know, sometimes they want to be fast, sometimes they are sick, sometimes like this
04:10But for me, that thing, consider it a toothache
04:14It's just the tip of the nail, it's okay, don't take it too seriously
04:17We have to think about the situation, try to include ourselves in cancer patients
04:21They have such high hopes here
04:23So I feel like cancer is a killer
04:25Number one, I feel like, surrender
04:27Cancer patients, I don't take a spring from you
04:30You guys are strong
04:32When he is sick or my brother says he has a disease
04:34What really comes to test your patience as a woman
04:37Well, I have to take care of my brother in this situation, my children
04:40Actually, my business, my children's business
04:43My emotions, my brother's emotions, everything is a game
04:45He's like this, people are sick like this, he wants to be fast
04:48He wants everything to be fast, everything, if possible, don't be wrong
04:50Fast, fast, fast, he says it, do it, he says it, do it
04:52But sometimes we don't let it go either
04:54If we feel it, it's normal for me
04:56This is human, I'm not a human robot either
04:58But he tests when he's sick
05:00For example, you like to be fast, like you manage time
05:02I want to be fast, this is my journey, my two hours, like this, like this
05:06My brain is time, time, time, fast, walk, firm, focus
05:09Like him, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute
05:12He will take time, so if you want to push him, he will be angry with me
05:14In the end, if he's not angry, he cries
05:16If you feel my heart, I'm fast, fast, fast
05:18Because for me, this is what I want, this road I chose
05:21Why do I have to give up?
05:22If this is the road I chose, why do I have to be sad, why do I have to
05:25Wait a minute, I'm not a robot, I'm not a statue
05:27I feel it in my heart too, but for you, why do you want to
05:31Because the road is your choice
05:32That's the road you want, right? You want to get married, right?
05:34Just walk, don't complain, God willing, talk to God
05:37Talking about the road, I have read the story of my brother and sister
05:40I once asked Rujuk to come back when I was healthy
05:44But why did you make the decision to accept your brother in this situation?
05:47Are you really sincere or out of pity?
05:50Actually, there are two of them
05:51We have two people, we have two different feelings
05:55Eight years ago, I really didn't want to
05:57Because for me, as a woman, after eight years, I feel comfortable
06:00It's not that I'm easy, I'm also difficult
06:02But my brother also helped
06:03So I didn't feel like getting married again
06:06But when I saw his condition, he started to feel pity for himself
06:09When it comes to pity, it's okay, we have to love him, right?
06:11Love and pity, they will be in one
06:13It's a lie if people say pity, no, no
06:15At this point, maybe you can share your condition at what level?
06:19He is stage 4, which he is in the palliative cancer group
06:22Brother, I'm sorry, maybe you can share
06:24What do you feel about your condition?
06:26What do you feel about your condition? What do you feel?
06:28Sick, how are you?
06:30Sick, he's like tense down here
06:32So I want to eat, I want to swallow, it's hard, it's hard
06:36That's all, the road so far okay
06:38But it hurts, he's cancer, today it hurts, tomorrow it hurts, he's like that
06:43Because you have a neck cancer, when you have a neck cancer
06:45The effect of chemotherapy is indeed nauseous
06:47But when the neck cancer cells have attacked the swelling here
06:51How do you want to eat?
06:52Chemotherapy is also chemotherapy, but if it's always tight, you can't eat, right?
06:55Brother, can you say a little bit about when Kak Kia sincerely accepted you
06:59After a few years in your condition
07:02I am very grateful
07:05I am grateful and thankful that he took care of me
07:08Thank you
07:10You're lucky, right?
07:11Lucky, praise be to God
07:13One of the reasons I got this disease, I got Kak Kia
07:17Did you expect that you would never get it back in your life?
07:21I have given up hope
07:24After that, but we keep praying
07:26Like the auntie said, pray, pray, don't give up prayer
07:29Every disease has a remedy, God willing
