• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Questa nuova pubblicazione dei numeri del cancro è, come al solito, ricca e interessante con delle novità”. In controtendenza, “mentre c’è un allarme sull’aumento dei tumori nei giovani adulti in altri Paesi, non c’è questo trend negativo in Italia, nel sesso maschile. In altri Paesi si è registrato, per esempio, un aumento dei tumori al colon retto, da noi no. Le stime del 2024 vedono dati migliori e in linea con le precedenti previsioni. Ci sono stati meno casi di quelli che ci si attendeva. Ci sono una serie di elementi favorevoli che non devono però farci abbassare la guardia rispetto alla prevenzione”. Lo ha detto Fabrizio Stracci, presidente Airtum, Associazione italiana registri tumori, a margine della presentazione ‘I numeri del cancro in Italia 2024’.


00:00We have just discussed this new publication of the cancer numbers, as usual very rich and interesting, with some news that I feel like underlining.
00:15One aspect is that, while there is a general alarm, which also had the honor of the chronicle, which concerns the increase of tumors in young adults, there is no such clear and negative trend in Italy, especially in male sex.
00:32In particular, in other countries, there has been a record increase in conor retus tumors, even at a young age, which we do not observe.
00:39So there is a modest increase, not significant, only in female sex.
00:43The other aspect, which concerns the estimates we made in 2024, which see a better trend than the one previously estimated, even if in line with the previous forecasts, which concerns above all a more favorable trend in male sex.
01:00So, let's say, less cases than what was expected, which presumably derives from some positive effects, such as the reduction of large intestine tumors, thanks also to the screening of conor retus,
01:13the continuation of a favorable trend for the stomach and lung, and also perhaps some reduction of the intensity of the PSA dosage, which perhaps is in fact better at a younger age, between 55 and 69 years, and less in very old people.
01:27So, let's say, a series of favorable elements, which obviously do not tell us that we have to lower our guard with respect to prevention and with respect to the attempt to reduce the incidence of these important diseases.
