• last year
दिल्ली: केंद्रीय मंत्री रामदास अठावले ने प्रियंका गांधी के नोटिस कहा, मेरा मानना है कि अल्पसंख्यकों को खुश करने का श्रेय किसी को नहीं जाना चाहिए, क्योंकि वहां अन्याय हो रहा है। प्रियंका गांधी कह रही हैं कि भारत का हर नागरिक, हर नेता और हर कार्यकर्ता बांग्लादेश में हमारे हिंदू लोगों के साथ हो रहे अन्याय के बारे में बोल रहा है। उन्हें सुरक्षा मिलनी चाहिए और उनके साथ कोई अन्याय नहीं होना चाहिए। वहीं इंडिया ब्लॉक में ईवीएम के मुद्दे पर कहा कि जब जीते तब मशीन ठीक थी वायनाड में अभी प्रियंका गांधी चुनकर आईं तो मशीन ठीक थी हारने के बाद EVM मशीन को दोष देना और जीतने के बाद EVM मशीन ठीक है ऐसा बोलना ठीक नहीं है। इसके अलावा महाराष्ट्र में मंत्रिमंडल विस्तार में कोई पद न मिलने और मणिशंकर अय्यर के मनमोहन सिंह को लेकर दिए बयान पर भी अठावले ने प्रतिक्रिया जाहिर की।

#ramdasathawale #rpi #priyankagandhi #indiabloc #evm #maharashtracabinet #manmohansingh


00:00I feel that the way Congress Party is repeatedly raising questions about the UAE machine,
00:05that the UAE machine was not good in Maharashtra.
00:08My question is that when power was gained in Jharkhand, the machine was good.
00:12When Rahul Gandhi chose 4-4.5 lakhs in Amiti, the machine was good.
00:17When Priyanka Gandhi chose in Wayanad, the machine was good.
00:21When she got power in Karnataka, the machine was good.
00:25And the UAE machine was not brought by Modi.
00:28The UAE machine was brought during the time of Congress.
00:31It took a lot of time to count on the ballot paper.
00:35It took 20-20 hours.
00:37That is why the UAE machine was used in our country.
00:41And after losing, blaming the UAE machine.
00:45After winning, saying that the UAE machine is good.
00:48These are two sides.
00:51My question is that in opposition to this role of Congress,
00:55Mamata Banerjee's Abhishek Banerjee,
01:00raised the question that it is not right to blame the UAE machine.
01:04And there, Omar Abdullah ji.
01:06And in the alliance of Congress Party, he got power in Jammu and Kashmir.
01:11Even then, Omar Abdullah ji raised the question that it is not right to blame the UAE machine.
01:16This means that India can break ahead.
01:20And on one side, many people are talking about making Mamata Banerjee a convener.
01:25RGD's Lalu Prasad Yadav has also spoken.
01:28Many leaders are saying that Mamata ji should be made the convener.
01:33But the Congress Party is not ready for this.
01:36So there can be two groups ahead of India.
01:39One group will be of Mamata Banerjee.
01:41The other will be strong.
01:43And the second group will be of Rahul Gandhi.
01:45He will not be so powerful.
01:47So if there are two groups,
01:49it will be very beneficial for us in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
01:53That is why I feel that it is not right to raise questions on the UAE machine.
01:57They should raise questions on their mistakes.
02:00This is what I feel.
02:01In Maharashtra, the way the ministerial system has been expanded,
02:04Devendra Pradhan has become the Chief Minister.
02:07And first of all, I had asked that Devendra Pradhan ji should become the Chief Minister.
02:14Because BJP got 132 votes.
02:19So we met Devendra Pradhan ji 10 times.
02:22And he did not give us assurance every time.
02:25But he has broken our assurance.
02:29And that is why I am also upset.
02:31My political workers are upset.
02:33My society is upset.
02:34So the Republican Party of India is with you.
02:37So like the alliance partner in Uttar Pradesh,
02:41they are also given seats.
02:43They are also brought to power.
02:45But in Maharashtra, my party is standing with the BJP with honesty.
02:49Despite that, we do not want to get a share in power.
02:52This is a very serious matter.
02:57And that is why I believe that Devendra Pradhan ji needs to think about us again.
03:02The remaining ministerial post should be given to the Republican Party and a good decision should be taken.
03:10This is our message.
03:12I do not think it is a matter of minority.
03:15Everyone is saying that there is discrimination.
03:18Ali Priyanka Gandhi is not saying this.
03:20Every citizen of India, every politician, every worker is saying that
03:25the Hindus of our minority in Bangladesh are being discriminated against.
03:30They should be protected.
03:32They should not be discriminated against.
03:34Since the incident has been happening, our respected Jai Shankar ji, the foreign affairs minister,
03:42is in contact with the foreign affairs minister of Bangladesh.
03:47And the Hindus there should be protected.
03:50This is the role of our government.
03:52The government is working for it.
03:54Even Narendra Modi has spoken to the foreign affairs minister.
04:03And that is why our government is in constant contact with the government of Bangladesh.
04:09And to protect the Hindus there, Bangladesh has been appealed.
04:14And they will be protected.
04:16This is what we believe.
04:18As Mani Shankar Iyer has said, our respected Manmohan Singh was a great leader.
04:25He was very intellectual.
04:27He was an economist.
04:29He was also the chairman of the Reserve Bank.
04:32That is why when he came to the Congress Party and came to the Rajya Sabha,
04:38he was made Prime Minister in the first five years of UP.
04:44So when Manmohan Singh was made Prime Minister,
04:47then Sharad Pawar should have been made Prime Minister.
04:51Because Sharad Pawar was very strong in Maharashtra.
04:54But he was not given that opportunity.
04:57Despite that, I don't understand why Pawar was made Prime Minister of the Congress Party.
05:02He should have come with Modi and NDA.
05:06Even now we appeal to him that Sharad Pawar should come with NDA.
05:11And we should get his contribution in the development of India.
05:15As Mani Shankar Iyer has said,
05:17Manmohan Singh was not right to be made Prime Minister for the second time.
05:23Manmohan Singh should have been made Prime Minister.
05:44This is the suggestion given by Mani Shankar Iyer.
05:47But it is true that if such a decision had been taken, it would have been good.
05:51But Parnam Mukherjee was more active than Manmohan Singh.
05:55But Parnam Mukherjee was more active than Manmohan Singh.
05:58But in 2014, when BJP came to power,
06:05Narendra Modi played a very big role in that.
06:08And he left the Gujarat Chief Executive and came to this field.
06:15And he came for the first time in the politics of All India.
06:18And he fought the Lok Sabha elections for the first time.
06:21And he became the Prime Minister of India for the first time in 2014.
06:25So I think the suggestion given by Mani Shankar Iyer is the right one.
06:32Manmohan Singh should have been made President and Parnam Mukherjee should have been made Prime Minister.
