• last year
00:00Charlie's a young lady who's coached with us for the last couple of years. She was very
00:06new to rugby when she started out at Wrexham. She coaches with us regularly, she coaches
00:10for the girls' teams as well, and she's just done her Level 1 refereeing and is refereeing
00:14for quite a few teams throughout the club. She's really, really passionate about rugby
00:19and she conveys that to the children. She's fun, but she's firm, but they just worship
00:25her and they all look up to her and they all just want to be like Charlie. So she's
00:30just fabulous. She's a real asset to our team and a real asset to our club. The parents
00:34love her and they think she's really fantastic with the children. All the coaches love her
00:39because she's willing to have a go and get involved, and she's always asking for opportunities
00:44to do a little bit extra here and there. A club like this couldn't survive without volunteers.
00:50They are the bedrock of everything we do, from people that volunteer in the kitchen
00:55to the more senior volunteers like the club secretary, who just keeps everything ticking
01:00over. But the main people are the coaches. They just give up so much time, not just time
01:05on the pitch, but time planning sessions, thinking about sessions, just generally devoting
01:11everything they've got to rugby. Everyone at Wrexham Rugby Club's really proud of Charlie.
01:15We're all really grateful to her for everything she does as well. She even helps out in the
01:18kitchen, the bar. She's always here, willing to lend a hand, just to help anyone, and she's
01:23always just really kind and welcoming. Dios, Charlie. Dios!