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00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're taking a look at 10 times Lara Croft ventured deep
00:12into the recesses of other video games.
00:23Before we begin, we publish new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to Mojo
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00:32Final Fantasy Series
00:40On the surface, this might be one of the most bizarre crossovers in both franchises' respective
00:46Whereas Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII contains Lara's outfit as a costume for
00:51Lightning, Final Fantasy XV and the Brave Exvius mobile games make Lara a part of the
00:57actual franchise.
00:58In Final Fantasy XV, there is a small chance that Lara will photobomb one of your picks
01:04when Prompto takes a photo.
01:06As for the Brave Exvius games, Lara is straight up a playable character that you can add to
01:11your party.
01:12She's even given her own unique job title, Tomb Raider, which is entirely built around
01:17inflicting physical damage while completely ignoring poison and blind afflictions.
01:22Sounds a little bit broken if you ask me, but what do I know, this is a mobile game
01:26I don't play.
01:27Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
01:36Call of Duty has gotten somewhat egregious in the crossover department, but funny enough,
01:40Lara Croft sort of fits?
01:43In a sense.
01:44Lara has never had that hardcore military soldier look, but somehow, she doesn't look
01:49or feel totally out of place here.
01:52Regardless, some folks weren't happy with the way she was designed for Modern Warfare
01:57Despite wearing her iconic top and short shorts, many found her face to be very un-Lara-like.
02:03Very generic and just far too realistic.
02:06It didn't help that she cost a pretty penny to purchase with all of her additional cosmetic
02:11C'mon, 20 bucks?
02:16Hero Wars Alliance
02:23Typically we refrain from putting mobile games like Hero Wars on these kinds of lists, though
02:29this crossover was too bizarre to ignore.
02:32In 2024, Lara Croft was added into Hero Wars Alliance, and her inclusion was taken in a
02:38somewhat different approach compared to Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
02:42While she still focuses on physical damage, Lara can utilize abilities that buff the team's
02:47critical hit chance, stun enemies, and even heal herself and her allies.
02:52Her AoE game is strong, and coupling that with her aforementioned abilities make her
02:57a worthy party member.
03:04Fall Guys
03:10Since its release in 2020, Fall Guys has been filled to the brim with an endless ocean of
03:14costumes based on other video game characters.
03:18In June 2023, Season 4's second Fame Pass added our beloved explorer to Fall Guys.
03:24Unfortunately, it was met with little excitement.
03:28To be fair, we're not quite sure what might have happened behind the scenes to make this
03:33Still, couldn't we have gotten some kind of special map like what we saw with Sonic
03:37the Hedgehog and Aloy?
03:44Dead by Daylight
03:45Yes, it seems that Lara Croft will pop up into just any video game whenever Embracer
03:57Group feels like selling the license.
03:59In 2024, Lara made the unexpected appearance in Dead by Daylight as a brand new survivor.
04:05Though her perks were faithful to her character, with their focus on acrobatics and hunting
04:09for items, this crossover caused some confusion among the DVD community.
04:14Many players began debating whether her inclusion fit the game's aesthetic and themes, or if
04:19there is room to be made for horror-adjacent IPs.
04:24Regardless of how one may feel, you're bound to run into Lara players every once in a while.
04:42It was only a matter of time before we saw Fortnite show up, right?
04:46Come on.
04:47To the game's credit, Fortnite was probably one of the most passionate crossovers we have
04:50seen in the game.
04:52Chapter 2 Season 6 allowed players to obtain Lara Croft via the season's battle pass,
04:57and she came in a few different styles.
05:00The first you'd unlock was her recent appearance from the prequel trilogy published by Square
05:05The second skin you could unlock for her was based on her mid-2000s appearance in Tomb
05:10Raider Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld.
05:13The final skin you could unlock, and this is perhaps the best of the three, was the
05:17Classic skin, which was heavily inspired by her old polygonal appearance in the first
05:22handful of Tomb Raider games.
05:24There was also a gold version of the second skin, but it's meh.
05:29It really wasn't worth your trouble.
05:36Power Wash Simulator
05:43While Lara Croft herself does not make a physical appearance, this was still a crossover no
05:47one would have anticipated.
05:49For the very first DLC pack for Power Wash Simulator, players were hired by Lara herself
05:55to clean various areas of her manor.
05:58Somehow, Croft Manor was caked in filth in various areas between the front of the manor
06:04to the obstacle course to her own treasure room.
06:07You could even clean up Croft Manor's own hedge maze to find more areas to clean.
06:12And to think that this DLC was given away for free, this was too cool, man.
06:18Well, if we aren't ever going to see Lara Croft in Smash Bros., we suppose this is the
06:23next best option.
06:25In 2020, Brawlhalla added not just one, but two Lara Crofts into the game.
06:31Fans of the original games and fans of the prequel games could freely choose whichever
06:35skin they wanted without having to worry about playing as different characters.
06:39No matter which skin you went with, Lara still played the same way as Diana, so mains could
06:44equip their favorite Lara skin and not have to suffer through learning a whole new character.
06:49Though it is odd seeing her tangle with the likes of Rayman here.
06:54Naraka Blade Point
07:05So in this game, Lara Croft isn't technically in the game.
07:10If you already mained Matari in Naraka Blade Point, maybe this didn't affect you as much.
07:15However, if you wanted to run around as if you were playing a Tomb Raider spinoff, well,
07:20time to learn a new character.
07:22Or just time to learn this game.
07:24In 2024, Matari got a brand new skin that basically allowed her to cosplay as Lara Croft.
07:30Admittedly, Matari already looks like she could very well be Lara Croft in this case.
07:36So if someone had told us that she was actually in the game here, we would have believed them.
07:48Astro Bot
07:54In Astro's playroom, a Lara bot could be found when traversing GPU Jungle, albeit in
07:59a spot that most players probably didn't even notice.
08:02Thankfully, the Lara bot seen there makes a more prominent return in Astro Bot.
08:08Once you've rescued her from the Hyrule Glitch Pyramids in Camo Cosmos, you can use the Gacha
08:13Lab to obtain her collectible item, a Red Raptor.
08:17Now you'll be able to watch the raptor chase Lara around your in-game PS5, and the special
08:22interaction is just absolutely adorable.
08:28What was your favorite Tomb Raider crossover?
08:31Let us know down in the comments, and be sure to subscribe to Mojo Plays for more great
08:35videos every day.