00:00I think everything becomes funny when they're tiny and they're found in unexpected places.
00:07I bought a tiny little sticker printer instead of spending a lot to get them printed.
00:12And we just started putting out loads of ideas and as soon as we did this little man hanging off a ledge,
00:20we just thought it was hilarious.
00:23And so we printed a bunch more and stuck them up in the room and all night just kept giggling at them.
00:30And then the next day off we went and put it out there and it really turned a bad situation
00:40and not being in work and having maybe too much free time to dwell on things
00:44into having some free time to go and do something silly that might make some other people smile as well.
00:50I wanted there to be a chance that people who saw it, who maybe thought it was funny,
00:55could let me know that they'd seen it.
00:57It wasn't to grow a following or...
01:00But Aberdeen is where we found out that my partner has a cancerous brain tumour
01:07and that week needed very quick and risky brain surgery.
01:12Aberdeen just made me think off that week. I'd never really spent time in Aberdeen before.
01:17Then we went to put all our stickers up in town and started coming across these murals organically.
01:24We didn't know they were part of anything.
01:27And we were just blown away and having the best time finding more.
01:31Oh look, down this street there's more and this and putting our stickers up near them.
01:35And then we saw the posters for new art and realised that Aberdeen had embraced this whole culture of street art.
01:43So after that, we had to visit a few more times and every time we get a letter now saying he has an appointment there,
01:52it's like, yes, we get to go to Aberdeen.
01:55The thing that turned a, I don't want to offend anyone, but an ugly grey city with a pretty traumatic experience
02:04into a place that we can't wait to go back to.
02:07And I would love to see that kind of thing in Inverness.