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00:00The opposite of the night is the night of Eid.
00:02May God bless you, bless you and increase you.
00:05Smell the smell of the incense in the houses
00:07as soon as the moon shines on us.
00:09Plant the pomegranates and cultivate them in a different way.
00:12And complete the season on plans
00:14that talk about the delicious magical plant
00:17whose benefits do not end.
00:19Source of protein
00:21It contains a high amount of plant protein
00:24and this makes it an excellent substitute for meat.
00:27Rich in fiber
00:29which helps improve digestion and reduce constipation
00:32and also lowers cholesterol.
00:35Sustainable energy
00:37full of complex carbohydrates
00:39and this gives you energy for a long time
00:41without suddenly raising sugar.
00:43Friend of the heart
00:45It reduces the risk of heart disease
00:48because it is rich in magnesium and potassium
00:50that regulate blood pressure.
00:52And do not forget potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic cloves.
00:56They transfer the taste of the opposite
00:58to a completely different place
01:00and also weaken the nutritional value.
01:02Different cooking methods
01:04soup or fatteh or with vermicelli
01:07but no one can deny its delicious taste
01:09and warmth you feel
01:11just by smelling its smell.
01:13True, there is a rumored rumor
01:15that its owner certainly does not like the opposite.
01:17The rumor says
01:19that the opposite increases the cold.
01:22In fact, this is not true
01:24because it contains vitamins A, B and G
01:27which have an effective role in improving immunity
01:30except for fiber, minerals and protein.
01:33So you can fight the cold and winter
01:35with a plate of lentils
01:37and a lemon juice and green onions.
01:39And if you like crispy bread
01:41stay healthy and bake it in the oven.
01:44Tell us how you like to eat lentils
01:46and if you know the owner of the rumor
01:48mention him in the comments.
