• last year
दिल्ली: दिल्ली के हजरत निजामुद्दीन रेलवे स्टेशन पर दिल्ली बीजेपी प्रदेश अध्यक्ष वीरेंद्र सचदेवा ने टैक्सी और ऑटो चालकों से मुलाकात की। इस दौरान उन्होंने ऑटो और टैक्सी चालकों की समस्याओं को सुना और उनकी बातों का समर्थन किया। वीरेंद्र सचदेवा ने ऑटो टैक्सी चालकों बात करने के बाद कहा कि ऑटो चालकों की समस्या घर पर बुलाकर चाय पिला देने से ठीक नहीं होती, इसके लिए उनके घर जाना पड़ता है और उनसे बात करनी पड़ती है। पिछले 10 सालों से मेरी इसे लगातार बात हो रही है और इन्हें ठगने का काम किया जा रहा है। वहीं ऑटो चालकों ने कहा, बीजेपी ने जो काम किया है वह बहुत अच्छा किया है । सरकार ने 5 लाख का जो बीमा दिया है उसका फायदा हमारे कई ऑटो चालकों को मिला है ।

#HazratNizamuddinRailwayStation #taxi #autodrivers #VirendraSachdeva #BJP #AamAadmiParty #Delhi #DelhiElection #AAP


00:00This is a Gita colony.
00:02Give me a garland.
00:04Sit back.
00:06A little.
00:08Give me a garland.
00:10Give me a garland.
00:22The Talak family
00:24Listen to me.
00:26Their problem is
00:28getting tea is not enough.
00:30They have to go home
00:32and talk to people.
00:34In the last 10 years
00:36in Delhi
00:38I have been talking to the
00:40Auto Talak brothers
00:42and they have only been
00:46Today they have to pay
00:48to get a car passed.
00:50If you talk to a customer
00:52on the road,
00:54they click your photo.
00:56The kind of corruption
00:58in the authority
01:00is happening under the nose
01:02of the Amnesty Party.
01:04They want a self-respecting life.
01:06They want a decent life.
01:08All the Auto Talaks in Delhi
01:10have decided to work
01:12with the BJP.
01:14I want to ask them
01:16why are they giving a guarantee?
01:18The government and the Chief Minister
01:20should give them a guarantee today.
01:22Why are they saying that they will do it when we come?
01:24It is Arvind Kejwal's
01:26old habit to lie,
01:28make up stories and
01:32We are saying that
01:34all the illegal migrants
01:36in Delhi should be
01:38thrown out of Delhi.
01:40It is very important
01:42for the safety of the people
01:44of Delhi that
01:46Rohingya and Bangladeshis
01:48should be thrown out of Delhi.
01:50The BJP did a good job.
01:52The roads that we used to use
01:54to get to and from Delhi
01:56are now running in 2.5 hours.
01:58The Bombay Express highway
02:00is making a lot of profit.
02:02The roads that the BJP
02:04did, they did a good job.
02:06The 5 lakhs
02:08that the BJP government
02:12at least 50 of our drivers
02:14took advantage of that.
02:16The BJP government
02:18did a good job.
02:20Mr. Modi is doing a good job
02:22for India.
02:24We met him
02:26and he did a good job.
02:28We have come to Delhi
02:30to meet him.
02:32Kejwal has made
02:342-wheelers run.
02:36He has made
02:38illegal vehicles
02:42He takes photos
02:44and makes them run.
02:46No one looks back.
02:48The police
02:50make the motorists run.
02:52There are many wrong ways
02:54that the BJP has done.
02:56It is good that we have come here.
02:58We welcome them.
03:00They have come to solve
03:02a problem that Kejwal
03:04has been solving for 10 years.
03:06We have not fulfilled
03:08any of the promises
03:10that we made in 2013.
03:12We have not fulfilled
03:14any of the promises
03:16that we made in 2013.
03:18They made commercial vehicles
03:20run private.
03:22They have made
03:24private vehicles run for the job.
03:26We have to drive
03:28the vehicles at the airport.
03:30The banks
03:32will finance the autos.
03:34We have not fulfilled
03:36any of the promises
03:38that Kejwal has made.
03:40We hope from the bottom of our hearts
03:42that we will make
03:44We will make sure that the people of Gujarat get what they deserve.
