• last week
We’ve had a little change at Manchester World.

Here is what you can expect from our video content going forwards.


00:00Myself and the team here are big on keeping you updated on all of our goings on.
00:03We value our relationship with you as an audience so I'm just going to tell you a little bit about
00:07what you can expect from us going forward. Firstly, over the last few weeks we've bid a
00:10fond farewell to Adam and Sophia with the delightful Vanessa Sims now taking charge
00:14of editing duties. From me you're going to be seeing a slightly different schedule.
00:17Monday will be all about travel so keep an eye out for today's transport update.
00:20Tuesday is the one we need your help with really, it'll all be about city identity.
00:24We're looking for independent and exciting businesses or stories that are important to
00:28build up. You may have seen some of our videos with Shallows Studio over the last couple of
00:31weeks. That's exactly the type of videos that we love doing so please send in your suggestions.
00:36On Wednesday we'll be picking something specific to each week to highlight what's going on in
00:39Greater Manchester. It might be stuff from the Christmas market or a new menu item or a new
00:43business opening. Thursday will be property so you may get us canvassing opinion from people
00:47on the street about new skyscrapers etc and on Friday you'll get more of an experience piece
00:52where I'll head out and try something myself bringing you along for the journey. We hope
00:55this all sounds appealing to you and we hope you come along for the ride. That's all for now.
