• 2 months ago
Just Smile ;
Everything starts when the only son of the humble family Civan Family, Sarp, completes his education and returns from America. The life of Sarp, who coincidentally encounters Yasemin, the young daughter of the Özdemir Family, will change as soon as she gets off the plane. Yasemin, who will get married the next day, is also unaware of what will happen to her while completing her final preparations. On the same day, Sarp's grandfather Hasan Efendi, who had been a driver for 30 years at the same place, was also fired from his job. What Sarp does not know is that it was Yasemin's father, Lütfü Bey, who fired his grandfather Hasan Efendi. Although Lütfü Bey does not tell anyone, he is in trouble with his company and he is about to lose all his wealth. These financial difficulties lie behind her desire to marry her daughter Yasemin to a rich family. He eventually becomes afraid and receives the news that he went bankrupt just the day he married his daughter. While the marriage, which was planned with great hopes, is in danger, Yasemin finds the solution by running away to Hasan Efendi, whom she regarded as her grandfather since childhood. After all these experiences, fate will bring together the socialite Özdemir and the humble Civan, who have nothing in common.

Erdal Özyağcılar
Aslı Bekiroğlu
Yılmaz Kunt
Seray Kaya
Pamir Pekin
Sermet Yeşil
Erkan Sever
Aslı Altaylar
Evrim Doğan
Uğur Kurul
Elif Andaç Çam
Barış Aytaç



00:08Amira woman never called the buggy shot against a Jackson saw ha
00:13Senin haberin yok tabii Hasan amca biz de babamla istifa ettik istifa mı ha
00:19Baba senin haberin yok sen tefkir amcanın yanına gidince dün akşam gece baskısını kaçırdın tabii
00:24Bu lütfü bugün iş görüşmesine gidiyor ne işi bu
00:28Oğluk teklif etmişler de babama babana o CEO'luk teklif edende akıl yokmuş akıl oğlum baban dünyayı batırdı
00:35Ahmet bakın çocuklar bu işte mutlaka bir yanlışlık
00:40Siz benim babamın iş adamlığını yargılayamazsınız pardon yani şimdi sen babanın iş adamlığını
00:49Ne oluyor
00:51Ne ne oluyor Hasan amca
00:53Temiz hocalığı ne oluyor sana para verdim sertifika nerede
01:00Bu iş bende bende hiç merak etmeyin ben halledeceğim o işi tabii
01:08Ne oluyor
01:10Ne ne oluyor Hasan dede konuşmuştuk ya iş iş arayacaktım ne yaptın iş
01:17Ne yaptım şey ha birkaç yerle görüşüyorum iki teklif var onları derler
01:26Gözlerim yaşar çocuklar artık ailede herkes yavaş yavaş işe başlıyor inşallah hadi bakalım
01:37Söz ver tamam bak görüyorsun sen dedeyi söz
01:53Şey yapma aşkım
01:56Nermin ama yavaş şimdi beni birlikte şey yapalım yani
01:59Ay Ahmet gözlerim kanadı
02:02Lütfü ya bu ne herhalde sen bu ne ya
02:06Ay aaa bu Sarp'ın takılı değil mi be Ahmet
02:09Ne Sarp oğlum sen niye veriyorsun bu adama takılı elbiseni ya
02:13Baba ne olacak giysin işte bugün iş görüşmesine gidiyormuş
02:17Eee hayırlı olsun CEO olmuşsunuz
02:20Sağ olun Hasan efendi çok yakında gene imparatorluğumu kuruyorum inşallah
02:24Kuruyor inşallah
02:28Olur da kuramazsan ben seni kuracağım Lütfü
02:31Sabahtan akşama kadar bu bahçede eşek gibi çalıştıracağım seni
02:35Bahçeyi yeniden yapacaksın
02:37Aaa laflara bak laflara bak ben ne yapayım sizin uyuz bahçenizi ya
02:42Koskoca bir iş adamıyım ben
02:45Plazalar, holdingler, giriş kartları, toplantı salonları, yemek pişleri, ve slide'lar, ve makineler, ve seanslar, ve beyaz yakalılar
02:59Hadi o zaman Ahmet efendi
03:01Bana eyvallah
03:05Heee Hasan efendi
03:10Sende yol parası var mı ya
03:14Sağ olun, sağ olun
03:31Evet evet biliyorum
03:33Biliyorum biliyorum Kemal Bey'in hastası
03:36Tomografi mi istenmiş? Kim istemiş?
03:41Gül Hanım mı?
03:45Tamam geliyorum ben birazdan
03:50Küçük hanıma bak ya
03:52Benim arkamdan iş mi çeviriyorsun sen ya
04:04Bakar mısın?
04:06Gül nerede?
04:08Bilmiyorum hocam ama gece nöbetçiydi belki çıkmak için hazırlanıyordur
04:14Sağ olun
04:44Sağ olun
05:15Yeni tutamamış bu güzellik birisi
05:33Tamam geldim zaten şimdi hastanın yanına gidiyorum
05:35Seçil, Seçil dursana
05:41Seçil, Gül dün gece bu Hüseyin Demir'in tomografisini istemiş
05:43Senin haberin var mı?
05:45Yok ona bakmaya gidiyorum ben
05:47Tamam gel beraber bakalım
05:51Daha iyisiniz değil mi?
05:53Sağ ol kızım iyiyim Allah razı olsun
05:57Hocalarımız da geldi
06:03Hastamızın gece nöbette karın ağrısı şiddetlendi
06:05İstediğin batın tomografisinde retroparitonyal kanama saptandı
06:09Atiko agulant tedaviyi de kestim
06:11Çok iyi
06:15Hüseyin Bey Gül Hanım size ilk müdahale yapmış
06:17Şimdilik endişelenecek hiçbir şey yok
06:19Biz aynı şekilde tedaviye devam edeceğiz
06:21Siz gelene kadar
06:23Kızım çok yardımcı oldu bana
06:25Sağ olsun
06:27Ne demek efendim görevim
06:29Gül bir bakar mısın?
06:39Ben sana
06:41Kemal hocanın hastalarına bakmayacaksın demedim mi?
06:43Seçil Hanım
06:45Hastanın retroparitonyal kanaması vardı
06:47Ne yapsaydım?
06:49Ayrıca ben sizi aradım ve telefonunuz kapalıydı
06:51Bana o kadar yakışıklı değil mi?
06:53Ben o kadar yakışıklı yapmıyorum
06:55Sadece işimi yapıyorum
06:57Bak sen
07:05Ben burada olduğum müddetçe
07:07Bu sıtaşı geçemeyeceksin
07:09Biliyorsun değil mi?
07:11Elinizden geleni ardınıza koymayın Seçil Hanım
07:13Aşkım aşkım
07:15Aşkım aşkım
07:17Bak bana bak
07:19Görüşmeye gittiğinde
07:21Ne olur tamam mı?
07:41Görüşmeye gittiğinde
07:43Ne olur tamam mı?
07:45Sakin sakin konuş
07:47Sakin sakin konuş
07:49Sınava girmeden önce
07:51Ama ne sınavı işte
07:53Görüşmeye gitmeden önce de mutlaka tuvalete git
07:55O iş hali
07:57Nermin ilkokul çocuğu muyum ben?
07:59Sen de benim belim misin ya?
08:01Bir de beslenme çantası ver istiyorsan tam olsun
08:03Beslenme çantası?
08:05Nermin nereye gidiyorsun?
08:07Ne yapayım çok heyecan yaptım aşkım
08:09Şimdi güle güle git
08:11Zengin dön inşallah
08:13Oh maşallah maşallah
08:25Sen şey akşam benimle ilgileneceksin
08:27Tamam mı söz verdim
08:29Yani şey ilgileneceksin derken iş için
08:31CV hazırlayacağız onun için
08:33Tamam mı?
08:35Tamam ufaklık söz
08:37Bye bye
08:57İşte burası
09:03İnşallah otobüs kokusu sinmemiştir üstüme ya
09:05Hadi bakalım lütfü
09:07Göster marifetimi
09:29Kızım ben yeni CEO
09:31Görüşme için gelmiştim Erdoğan Bey beni bekler
09:33Biz kendisiyle goften de çok iyi tanışırız zaten
09:35Sekreteriyle randevulaşmıştık bugün için
09:37Kimsiniz yani isminiz?
09:41Lütfü Özdemir
09:43Lütfü Özdemir biraz bekler misiniz?
09:45Aslında bekletilmeyi hiç sevmem ama
09:47Ne yapalım mecburen
09:55Aslanım Lütfü Özdemir burada
09:57Erdoğan Bey ile CEO görüşmesine geldiğini söylüyor
09:59Öyle mi?
10:01Peki ne diyeyim
10:03Tamam ben söylerim kendisine
10:07Masam nerede
10:09Maaşım yaptım
10:11Ve öğle yemekleri nerede yeniyor
10:13Tamam kızım şaka yaptım
10:17Ama tabii ki senin de yeni CEO karşısında
10:19Heyecanlanman çok normal
10:25Ne oldu kızım konuşsana
10:27Tamam anladık heyecanlısın da
10:29Oda bir yere kadar
10:31Hadi bakalım odamı gösterin bana
10:33Lütfü Bey
10:35Şimdi şöyle bir şey olmuş
10:37Ne olmuş?
10:39Biz aslında
10:41Mert Özdemir'i arayacakken
10:43Sizi aramışız
10:45Ne diyorsun kızım sen?
10:47Yani bir yanlış anlaşılma
10:49Çok özür dileriz
10:51Ne olur kusura bakmayın
10:53Erdoğan Bey'in sekreteri yanlışlıkla sizi aramış
10:55Yanlış anlaşılma
10:57Tekrar özür dileriz
10:59Ne demek yanlış anlaşılmamış
11:01Ne demek yanlış anlaşılmamış
11:03Ben geldim bir kere kardeşim
11:05Mert Özdemir kimmiş ya
11:07Kimmiş Mert Özdemir
11:09Başlatmayın Mert'inizden Mürt'ünüzden
11:11Benden daha Mert CEO mu bulacaksınız
11:13Koskoca Lütfü Özdemir var karşınızda
11:15Bana soy isim benzerliği yapmayın
11:17Delirtmeyin lan beni
11:19Delirtmeyin beni
11:21Siz beni dışarı atlamazsınız
11:23CEO'yum ben
11:25Lütfü Özdemir'im ben
11:27Odam nerede benim
11:45Nermin Hanım'cığım
11:47Bir işin ucundan da siz tutsanız
11:49Nasıl olur acaba
11:53Ay hiç güleceğim
11:57Ay Ayten Hanım delirdin herhalde
11:59Koskoca ben
12:01CEO karısı
12:03Toz malıyım yani
12:05Hatırlarsan son yemek yaptığımda
12:07Katil oluyordum
12:09Olmaz yani
12:11Nermin Hanım'cığım
12:13Sana bir şey soracağım
12:15Bu CEO ne demek acaba
12:17Yanlış anlamayın
12:19Ne anlamı var
12:21Oğuzhan'ı doldura doldura merak ettim
12:23Yani açılımı ne
12:25Ne anlama geliyor
12:27Ne mana bu CEO ne oluyor
12:31CEO demek
12:41Ne demekse demek
12:43Allah Allah sen bu yaşına kadar öğrenemediysen
12:45Ben mi öğreteceğim sana
12:47Bu kadar cahillik de pes
12:51Ne demek
12:57Ya CEO demek
12:59Şey demek
13:01Ya işte
13:03Memnunlik demek
13:05Force demek
13:07Makam, mevki, yat, kat
13:09Araba, dolgu, boto
13:11Alışveriş, kıyafet demek
13:13Anladın mı
13:15İnşallah sizi bu evden alıp götürecek bir şeydir
13:19Ne asabiyet yaptın
13:21Ayten Hanım ya
13:49Nereye kadar kaçabilirsin Gül
13:51Konulmak için daha ne kadar direnebilirsin
15:45Then one day
15:47He thought the loneliness was over
15:49But the real
15:51The biggest blow was then
15:53Then this kid
15:55He ran away from everyone
15:57He ran away from everything
15:59From people
16:01From the city he lived
16:03He ran away from the world he knew
16:07In a city he didn't know
16:09He just focused on his job
16:11But he didn't keep his plan
16:13He fell in love
16:15With a pure
16:17Natural girl
16:21He froze in front of this beauty
16:25You laughed
16:27As if you read my mind
16:29Before you knew me
16:31You saw the real me
16:33You loved her
16:35I'm still that man
16:37Not someone else
16:43You're not alone
17:01Well you guys keep going I'll be right there
17:07Can we talk?
17:11Can we talk?
17:13Of course, of course.
17:15Let's talk.
17:17But not in the hospital.
17:19Okay, wherever you want.
17:31Ahmet, son, haven't you seen this?
17:33What is this cable? Haven't you seen this cable?
17:35Son, Yunus, how do you work like that?
17:37What is this?
17:39Don't hit Yunus. Now I'm going to hit you.
17:41Focus on me.
17:43Look, now this cable
17:45while going down like this
17:49Oh, good luck.
17:51Good luck.
17:53How are you, Hasan Efendi?
17:55Ahmet, how are you?
17:57Red mask, how are you?
17:59Dad, didn't you go to work?
18:01Why did we come?
18:03What work?
18:05Didn't you go to work?
18:07Why are you so sad?
18:09What did I say?
18:11Didn't you say in the morning
18:13I won't come to this rat hole again?
18:15I didn't say anything like that.
18:17What did you say?
18:19No, you're wrong, brother Ahmet.
18:21You're wrong, Hasan Efendi.
18:23I didn't say.
18:27I can't say it didn't happen this time.
18:29So that's it.
18:31I wonder.
18:35Then go straight in.
18:37There's a shovel and a shovel there.
18:39Take them and fix the garden.
18:41Let them plant flowers, dad.
18:43Of course. Come on, kiss the garden with your hands.
18:45Of course, of course, Hasan Efendi.
18:47Where is my shovel and shovel?
18:49Where are my dears?
18:51Emre, Emre.
18:53Run, son.
18:55I have good news for you.
18:57We became gardeners.
18:59Lütfü, take off my son's shoes
19:01without dirt.
19:03Take it off.
19:05Hurry up.
19:07Now look.
19:09Here, here. Focus.
19:19Lütfü is here.
19:21My husband is here.
19:23My CEO is here.
19:25He came to my house.
19:29Why did you come so early?
19:31Something must have happened.
19:33Nermin, calm down, dear.
19:35If you say calm down,
19:37something must have happened.
19:39What happened, Lütfü?
19:41Please tell me.
19:43It didn't happen, dear.
19:45It didn't happen again.
19:47It didn't happen again.
19:49It doesn't happen when it doesn't happen.
19:53They called the wrong number.
19:55I'm not the one they're looking for.
19:57I'm not the one they're looking for.
19:59God damn it.
20:01Something happened to me.
20:03It's getting worse.
20:05It's getting worse.
20:07My husband.
20:11I can't believe it.
20:27I can't believe it.
20:39I started to think
20:41we'll never be together again.
20:43Me too.
20:47Look, Gül.
20:51I just want you to believe me.
20:53My marriage
20:55ended a long time ago.
21:05Why are you breaking up?
21:09I mean, at least I have the right to know.
21:17it's over.
21:19My love for her
21:21my love for her
21:23even my respect for her.
21:25We never
21:29shared much.
21:33We got married but we never got married.
21:41we got away from each other.
21:47It has nothing to do with you.
21:49I don't like your choice.
21:53I gave up on loving her a long time ago.
22:01why didn't you tell me?
22:03I couldn't.
22:07You're so natural.
22:09You're so pure.
22:13You're so far from this world.
22:19I got used to everything so quickly.
22:23I fell in love with you so quickly
22:27that I was afraid you'd leave if I told you.
22:31I was afraid you'd leave me.
22:35And I was.
22:45I can't tell you to be with me.
22:47I can't tell you to wait for me.
22:51I know you don't want to be with a man like me.
22:55But at least I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me.
23:03Believe in your heart
23:05not anyone else.
23:09I love you.
23:17I believe in you.
23:23I'll wait for you, Kemal.
23:27Until we get divorced.
23:39no matter what you do
23:43I love you too.
23:47I love you too.
24:09Dad, will this garden stay like this?
24:15Lütfü will take care of it.
24:17You'll take care of it, won't you, Lütfü?
24:21The wind blew, didn't it?
24:25Aunt Ayten.
24:27Let me help you.
24:29Which mountain bird died?
24:31It came from inside.
24:33Let me see.
24:37Take these.
24:39The winds of unhappiness
24:41are blowing from both sides.
24:45It's blowing.
24:47It's blowing.
24:51Sarp, we're working tonight, aren't we?
24:53I mean, we're preparing the CV, aren't we?
24:55Okay, sweetie, don't worry.
25:23Send Ms. Gül to me right away.
25:33These are patient entrances.
25:35You take care of them, okay?
25:37He's calling me.
25:39Okay, let's go.
25:47Yes, honey, believe me.
25:49I don't know what to do either.
25:51But he's like that.
25:55He sent a letter to Kızıntekin again.
25:57Can you believe it?
25:59He did the same thing in İzmir.
26:01You know that.
26:03And he's attractive.
26:05They think he's special or something.
26:07They don't know that he's Kemal.
26:09The same sentences again.
26:11When I lost my father when I was a child,
26:13when I was a lonely child,
26:15when I just found the love of my life.
26:17It's all the same.
26:21Okay, honey, I'll call you back then.
26:23Okay, I'm waiting.
26:31What are you doing here?
26:33Did you come in without knocking on the door?
26:35Are you listening to me?
26:37Sorry, the door was open.
26:39I'm sorry.
26:41You called me.
26:43I sent you an e-mail.
26:45It needs to be translated.
26:47Take care of it tonight.
26:49I'll put it in the file tomorrow morning.
26:51You can work from home, by the way.
26:53You don't have to stay here.
26:57Don't come into my room without knocking on the door again.
28:03Son, haven't you slept yet?
28:07Everyone's asleep, and you're up.
28:09Mom, I have something to do with Yasemin.
28:11I'll take care of it and go to sleep.
28:13Okay, don't sit too long.
28:15Good night.
28:17Good night, Aunt Ayten.
28:19Good night.
28:21Yes, little one.
28:23At least we didn't waste your work experience.
28:25Tell me your interests.
28:27Let's write them down.
28:31I found it.
28:39Spending money.
28:45I'm not that kind of person anymore.
28:47You know that.
28:49Yes, I know.
28:51You're not.
29:03What happened? Why aren't you at the hospital?
29:05I left a little early.
29:07Now I'm going to work from home.
29:09And until the morning.
29:13Sarp, can I borrow your computer?
29:15Of course.
29:17What happened? What are you going to work on?
29:19I have 15 pages to translate from English until the morning.
29:21And I don't know how to train them.
29:2315 pages?
29:27Come on.
29:29Actually, I can help you.
29:31I mean, it's hard to train them on your own.
29:35Actually, it would be great, Sarp.
29:37Can we take care of your work in the morning?
29:41Good luck then.
29:55Shall we start?
29:57It looks like it's going to take a long time.
30:01Let me take these out.
30:05Sarp, thank you very much.
30:13If we take this sentence to the end, it would be better.
30:17You're right.
30:27I can't believe it.
30:29I can't believe it.
30:31You promised me.
30:33We were going to look at my CV together.
30:39What time is it?
30:41You're still with Gül.
30:45Should I fix this?
30:49Yes, it's better.
30:51We've already taken care of the difficult part.
30:53From now on, it will be easier.
30:55Sarp, thank you very much.
30:57It wasn't what I was afraid of.
30:59What if it was?
31:01Don't exaggerate.
31:03Let me check.
31:25Do you like a boy?
31:29Sarp has been in love with me for years.
31:31If you have such a feeling, don't get involved.
31:33Then you'll be very sad.
31:49I wish I had met you before.
31:51I mean,
31:53I'm really talking about getting to know you.
31:57If everything
31:59could have been
32:01very different
32:03a long time ago.
32:09No, I can't stay here.
32:37Can we start over?
32:45I mean,
32:47can you
32:49love me
32:51like you used to?