भुवनेश्वर : प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ओडिशा के तीन दिवसीय दौरे पर हैं। भुवनेश्वर पहुंचने पर उनका भव्य स्वागत हुआ। पीएम मोदी ने बीजेपी कार्यकर्ताओं को संबोधित किया। उन्होंने कहा, "जब मैं सीएम-पीएम के रूप में काम करता रहा, मैंने राजनीति के अलग-अलग रंग देखे हैं। मैंने उसके तरीके भी देखे हैं। मैं मानता हूं कि राजनीति में नीतिगत विरोध स्वाभाविक है। ये लोकतंत्र का स्वभाव है। किसी भी निर्णय को लेकर अलग-अलग मत हो सकते हैं। राजनीतिक दल अपने हर तरह के विचार जनता के बीच ले जाते हैं। आंदोलन पहले भी होते थे, आज भी होते हैं। लेकिन पिछले कुछ समय से एक बहुत बड़ा बदलाव आप सभी महसूस कर रहे होंगे। संविधान की भावनाओं को कुचल दिया जाता है। लोकतंत्र की सारी मान-मर्यादाओं को अस्वीकार किया जाता है। जो लोग सत्ता को अपना जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार समझते हैं, पिछले एक दशक से वो केंद्र की सत्ता खो चुके हैं। इस स्थिति ने उनके अंदर इतना गुस्सा भर दिया है कि वो देश के खिलाफ साजिश करने में जुटे हैं...।"
#PMModi #NarendraModi #Odisha #Bhubaneshwar #BJP #Congress #PMModi #BhubaneshwarRally
#PMModi #NarendraModi #Odisha #Bhubaneshwar #BJP #Congress #PMModi #BhubaneshwarRally
00:00Friends, when I worked as a C.A.M. and P.M., I have seen different colors of politics.
00:09I have also seen its methods.
00:15And I believe that in politics,
00:21political opposition is very natural.
00:28This is the nature of democracy.
00:32There can be different opinions on any decision.
00:39Political parties take all kinds of their ideas among the people.
00:50And there is a complete opportunity to educate the people.
00:53Every political party has the right to think politically.
01:01And they can make full use of this right.
01:06Political parties keep on protesting to get their message across to the people,
01:14to educate the people.
01:19They live within the boundaries of democracy and constitution
01:25and express their views.
01:29And protests used to take place earlier.
01:32Protests still take place.
01:34But for the last few years,
01:38you have all been feeling a huge change.
01:45The constitution of India is being crushed.
02:00All the principles of democracy are being rejected.
02:11Those who consider power to be their birthright,
02:20they have lost the power of the central government for the last decade.
02:31And from the first day,
02:36the people of the country bless someone else,
02:42their anger is also on the people.
02:46This situation has filled them with so much anger,
02:51that they are bent on conspiring against the country.
02:55These people are venting their anger on the people.
03:06To take the country in the wrong direction,
03:11they have started misleading the people.
03:16Their lies and falsehoods are spreading.
03:30Now they have intensified this campaign.
03:39For the workers of BJP,
03:48for those who love the country,
03:53for those who respect the constitution,
03:57for those who want to win democracy,
04:00the actions of such people,
04:06their intentions, their actions,
04:10are becoming a great challenge.
04:14And therefore,
04:17I would like to say to all the citizens of the country,
04:21I would like to say to all the workers dedicated to democracy,
04:27we have to be alert at all times,
04:31and we have to keep the people aware.