• last year
(Adnkronos) - Si è svolta presso il Ministero della Salute a Roma la presentazione dell’evento conclusivo del G7 Salute sul tema dell’antibiotico-resistenza. Un evento, presentato da parte dallo stesso sottosegretario alla salute Marcello Gemmato, che si svolgerà a Bari il prossimo 28 e 29 novembre e che si colloca come naturale evoluzione del dibatto su quella che è stata ormai dichiarata una emergenza di salute globale, e non soltanto nazionale. L’Antibiotico-Resistenza rappresenta infatti una delle sfide più urgenti e complesse dei nostri tempi, una minaccia che non conosce confini e richiede un impegno da parti di tutti.


00:00It takes place at the Ministry of Health in Rome the presentation of the final event of the G7 Health on the theme of antibiotic resistance.
00:12An event presented by the same Deputy Secretary of Health, Marcello Gemmato,
00:17which will take place in Bari next 28 and 29 November and which is placed as a natural evolution of the debate
00:24on what has now been declared a global and not only national health emergency.
00:29In Bari, representatives of the institutions, civil society and the scientific world
00:34will therefore discuss the prospects in the field of interdisciplinary collaboration, research and innovation
00:41to effectively address this type of emergency.
00:44With the electronic tracking of the antibiotic movement,
00:49we are able to track each antibiotic movement on time,
00:53the use of antibiotics has been reduced by 46.7% in farms and therefore in the zoological field of antibiotics.
01:02MEF has invested 21 million euros in the so-called push and pull mechanism,
01:07taking the opportunity to promote the research in innovative antibiotics that can, in fact,
01:12cure Italians and citizens of the world.
01:15In balance, 100 million euros are provided for the so-called reserve antibiotics,
01:21those antibiotics that cure resistant cells.
01:24During the meeting on G7, the village of health was also presented,
01:28which will always open in Bari from November 29 to December 1.
01:31An initiative dedicated to prevention and health education strongly desired by the FISM,
01:37the Federation of Italian Medical Scientific Societies,
01:40and carried out in collaboration with the Ministry itself and with important institutions in the field.
01:46There are three days dedicated to screening, visits and information,
01:52information that we will keep within workshops.
01:55We have carried out a 50-square-meter ambulatory within the village,
02:00where it will be possible to do counseling for psychological well-being,
02:04counseling for male and female health,
02:08and where we will also carry out multi-specialist visits for the screening of frequent diseases
02:15such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, chronic kidney disease and heart failure.
02:23The Ministry of Health will be present with its own stand dedicated to the promotion of healthy lifestyles
02:29and the campaigns launched for the responsible use of antibiotics,
02:33vaccination against influenza and the donation of organs and tissues.
02:37It will also be possible to donate blood at the stand
02:40carried out by the National Blood Center in collaboration with AVIS.
