• 2 years ago
Mushrooms and fungi have unique properties that allow them to grow extremely efficiently. Done Properly is harnessing fungi to make healthier, more sustainable food.


00:00Why mushrooms are so cool? Mushrooms use the minimum quantity of water.
00:04They do the hard work for us, for example, decomposing our garbage,
00:08and this is something that inspires us.
00:09Could we produce food that's healthier, requires less water, and cuts down on waste,
00:14all by using fungus? That's the idea behind this startup.
00:18We created a new ingredient, a food ingredient, that allowed food companies to reduce the use of
00:23salt by 40%. It means the same product with no changes in the color, flavor, and texture.
00:30This is very important, especially here in Latin America, where 30% of the population
00:35suffers hypertension.
00:36Done properly was selected by the 100 Plus Accelerator for a pilot program with AB InBev
00:41Brewing Group. The startup developed a technology that can take leftover yeast
00:44from AB InBev's brewing process and transform it into new food products.
00:49We are closing the loop around the productive process of the beer so we can recover the yeast,
00:54we transform it into a new ingredient, and we put it back in the food system.
00:58Done properly was founded by Eduardo Zavala, Javier Olave,
01:01Claudio Pedreros, and Freddy Boomwald to harness the power of fungi.
01:05Here's how their technology works.
01:07They take mushrooms and yeast, which are rich in umami, the flavor that gives food a savory taste.
01:11Then they use a biological process to extract as many umami molecules as possible.
01:16And finally, they filter that mixture to create a flavor enhancer that can be added to other foods.
01:21Done properly says that one of the big advantages of their product is that it reduces sodium.
01:25Consuming less sodium can lower the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
01:30We think that this is aligned with AB InBev's commitment to sustainability and innovation,
01:35and also to be able to promote startups that are changing our business and sustainability actions.
01:41Done properly's process is also a way to upcycle food waste.
01:45Food waste which otherwise could create emissions.
01:47We can do it using less water and transforming these products into new ingredients.