• 3 years ago
"ADHD is not this fun, quirky little disability."

These people want you to know what it's really like living with ADHD …
00:00ADHD is not like this fun and quirky little, like, disability.
00:05Your main symptoms make you look like a bad person.
00:09Tasks can be psychologically painful for you.
00:19Now the first chunk is attention deficit.
00:21A lot of us in the ADHD community don't really see it as a deficit of
00:25attention, but really as an inability to control where that attention's going.
00:30Now onto the slash hyperactivity part.
00:32Now the slash is very important because the slash means that,
00:35yes, some people have hyperactivity when it comes to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
00:41However, not everyone will have hyperactivity.
00:50Hey Mike, I'm looking for my...
00:52What are you doing?
00:53Just cutting my hair.
00:55How long have you been planning this?
00:59Mike, impulse check.
01:08I'm Dr. Brian, I specialize in ADHD and I have it myself.
01:11Boys are more likely to have ADHD than girls, right?
01:14See, our research tells us that boys are much more likely to show externalizing forms of behavior,
01:19like running around and acting impulsively,
01:20whereas girls are more likely to show more internalizing forms of ADHD,
01:23like inattention and daydreaming.
01:25If you're someone that feels like they might have undiagnosed ADHD,
01:29then keep watching this video.
01:31You've always struggled with forgetfulness.
01:33You've always struggled with organization.
01:35You struggle to remember people's names and faces.
01:37Doing tasks can be psychologically painful for you.
01:42You have poor object permanence,
01:43meaning you don't remember that you have something unless it's in sight, out of sight, out of mind.
01:50Object permanence isn't just for things, it's for people too.
01:54So like, if we don't see or interact with you on a regular basis,
01:57you kind of stop existing to us.
02:01I can't think of a nicer way to say that.
02:02The way that ADHD throws your life into a spin
02:06in a way that makes it inconvenient for the people around you.
02:09Honestly, how do, how do I explain?
02:11Oh look, an email.
02:15Hey Dave, I have something that I need you to do.
02:17It's really, really important.
02:20But if it doesn't get done, it's not that big of a deal.
02:22But there is a time limit of 10 days.
02:26Do you ever have a task to do and you're kind of just sat there in your head,
02:29thinking about the task, but not getting the task started?
02:32That's ADHD paralysis.
02:33And oh my god, it's frustrating as f**k.
02:36It's not normal to have to remind yourself to pay attention when someone's talking to you.
02:40Often if someone's telling me a story halfway through,
02:43it'll sound like they're talking Simlish.
02:45In a minute, I'm gonna need another minute to figure out what the hell I was doing.
02:49There's so many people on this app that talk about ADHD and how we struggle to sleep and,
02:56you know, make it out to be this like quirky thing.
02:59Like that's not cute.
03:01It's horrific.
03:02It is, honest to god, debilitating.
03:04The last few months, I've literally been averaging maybe three, four, five hours sleep.
03:11Find a relationship you think it's all sunshine and rainbows
03:14and then bang, out of nowhere, you just don't care.
03:16You can be doing something right that you think you really love and enjoy
03:19and then out of nowhere, you can just stop enjoying it.
03:22You can struggle with rejection like to a point where even guys don't like it.
03:26It really hurts.
03:27One of my top comments is that everyone on this app has ADHD.
03:31That's not true.
03:32What's happening is now finally after years of us being undiagnosed and having absolutely no reason
03:40and no explanation as to why we were struggling,
03:43we're finding other people like ourselves and the information is widely available.
03:48If you have ADHD or you know someone, please just go easy on them.
03:52Show them love.
03:53Show them compassion because I can promise you they are literally doing their best.