पुंछ: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की महिलाओं और छोटे कामगारों को उनके कार्यों में दक्ष बनाने के मकसद से शुरू की गई प्रधानमंत्री विश्वकर्मा योजना से जम्मू कश्मीर के दूरदराज और भारत पाकिस्तान नियंत्रण रेखा पर स्थित पुंछ जिले में भी लोग लाभान्वित हो रहे हैं। इसमें बड़ी संख्या में महिलाएं कपड़े काटने और कपड़े सिलने का काम करने में हुनरमंद होने के साथ स्वरोजगार की राह पर आगे बढ़ रही हैं। विश्वकर्मा योजना के अंतर्गत आईटीआई पुंछ में प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करने वाली महिला और प्रशिक्षण देने वाले शिक्षक इस योजना को लाभकारी बताते हैं।
#jammukashmir #poonch #pmvishwakarmayojana #iti #indiapakistanborder #vishwakrmayojanatraining
#jammukashmir #poonch #pmvishwakarmayojana #iti #indiapakistanborder #vishwakrmayojanatraining
01:00Basically, the B.M. Vishwakarma scheme on 17th September, 2023 was implemented by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
01:10This scheme was for the craft people, the skilled artisans.
01:15In this scheme, they included credit support, tool kit incentives, skill training and marketing support.
01:25In this scheme, we have 5 courses in running.
01:30These are Tailor, Carpenter, Mason, Blacksmith and Barber.
01:37We have already completed 400 plus candidates.
01:44Recently, our batch is running.
01:47Their basic training has been completed.
01:51Those who have completed 5 days basic training, they will go for advanced training.
01:58Advanced training will be completed in 15 days.
02:01The benefit of this scheme is for people who had financial problems.
02:06People who wanted to expand their business.
02:09For that, the government has taken a big step.
02:13For example, if someone is working as a tailor, the government is giving him a tool kit.
02:17He can open his own boutique.
02:19He gets a loan of Rs. 1 lakh.
02:22At the rate of 5% interest.
02:23That is also a big thing.
02:24After that, the main thing is that their skilling has been upgraded.
02:29In 5 days, they got a lot of things to learn.
02:34Like safety precautions, tool kit cutting.
02:41Nowadays, power tools are coming.
02:44They are using simple machines.
02:46Apart from that, their skilling has been upgraded.
02:48In the same way, blacksmith, carpenter.
02:52They are getting power skills there.
02:55They got good skills to learn.
02:58We are doing Vishwa Karma course here.
03:01Which has been started by Narendra Modi.
03:03We get a lot of benefits from this.
03:04We are learning a lot.
03:06We can learn about all our tools.
03:09We can learn our work perfectly here.
03:12We can be self-dependent.
03:13We have learned a lot here.
03:15With the help of this, we are completing our work.
03:18And becoming self-dependent.
03:19A lot of unemployment is ending.
03:21A lot of children have done this before us.
03:23And a lot of our teammates are still doing it.
03:28A lot of children are learning.
03:29And this is very beneficial.