• last year
Nick Whitehouse from Stourbridge has been named Mr Universe.
00:00Okay, so Nick Whitehouse from Stourbridge, you've become Mr. Universe 2024.
00:06That's an incredible achievement.
00:07Yeah, it was fantastic.
00:09So what happened, where was it and when did it take place?
00:12It was held at the NEC this year.
00:14I was the only British guy in my class, which was quite daunting and intimidating, but we got the job done.
00:22And what, you know, it's an incredible achievement.
00:24What's it take to do that, you know, how much training do you put in?
00:27Well, we do a 20-week prep.
00:30Obviously, we train all year round, but do a 20-week prep, which gives us plenty of time to lose all the fat that we need to lose
00:37and keep as much of the muscle as possible.
00:42I train five times a week.
00:44And what does that involve, what's the training?
00:46Heavy style training, Dorian Yates style.
00:49We train one to two body parts a session, I'd say five times a week, plus six or seven times doing cardio at 40 minutes a day.
00:59Start slowly reduced calories.
01:02We start at quite a high calorie.
01:05And we bring it down gradually over the time.
01:07Got you.
01:08So what are you kind of eating, you know, during training, right?
01:11How many meals a day?
01:12Six meals a day.
01:14Every day.
01:15For 20 weeks, I never miss the meal, never miss the training session, never miss the cardio session.
01:19It's normally based around eggs, oats, potatoes, rice, chicken, turkey, just wholesome, clean food.
01:29But does it get a bit samey, the food, or, you know, do you still enjoy the eating, or is it just a process?
01:35No, it just becomes a process.
01:37It takes the enjoyment out of food.
01:38You're that hungry at the end of it, you're just waiting for your next meal.
01:42Yeah, yeah.
01:43So you can go back on the burgers now.
01:45You can go back on the burgers now.
01:48Burgers and pizzas, yeah.
01:50So what's the plan now?
01:51Are you going for it next year?
01:52I think probably have a rest up next year because it took a lot out of me.
01:56And with the business and family and everything, it takes its toll.
02:04I'm a full-time electrician as well, so it takes its toll a little bit.
02:08So concentrate on growing our business.
02:11And, yeah.
02:12And you run your own shop, don't you, Nick?
02:15We run, together with my girlfriend, Rachel, we run a supplement shop called Renew Supplements
02:20on Lower High Street in Stourbridge, selling everything from protein, creatine, to all your health and fitness,
02:28well-being, general health and vitamins supplements as well.
02:33Well, congratulations anyway.
02:34Thank you very much.
02:35Well deserved.
