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Season 4 | show | 2024| S4 | Official Trailer | dHNzX1ZQVHdOdWM1YjNj


00:00Where are the freaks? I'm getting bored.
00:08It was in the fall when I realized the world I had known was forever doomed.
00:12I knew I was about to enter the gates of hell, but like the inescapable pull of gravity, there was nothing I could do about it.
00:19Let's hope they start bringing in some paying customers.
00:21Dear diary, I have seen my future. It is pink and wrapped in silk.
00:27You're going to be big stars. You're going to pack that house night after night.
00:30We're nobody's trained monkeys.
00:32This place is as good as it gets for folks like us.
00:34Human, out of this!
00:36What you're about to see will astound your senses and harrow your very souls.
00:43Freaks! They're freaks!
00:45Come tomorrow morning, my boys are going to come over here and run you out of town.
00:48There is no place in Jupiter for freaks.
00:51Don't call us freaks!
00:56Don't call us freaks!
