• 2 years ago
Season 4 | show | 1978| S4 | Official Trailer | dHNzX0wzZS1PLTJCQVdj


00:01 >> CBC Sunday, "The Money Lender" on Side Street.
00:05 >> You don't intimidate kids.
00:07 >> I'm rebel, Tim, and he coughed up a name.
00:09 >> I'm sure, and what happens when we follow it up?
00:11 Everyone who watched you hustle a lot of that cafe is gonna know that Bernie's our boy.
00:14 >> If you think--
00:15 Lisa, listen to me.
00:17 The professor, he beats up guys who don't pay.
00:20 But not girls.
00:22 With girls, he makes...arrangements, you know?
00:25 >> Side Street, tonight at 9.
00:28 >> You being pretty mad, buddy?
00:28 >> Yeah, why?
