Do you know what a yapper is?
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00:00What is yapping? Could you or someone you love be a yapper?
00:05If you've been online recently, you've probably heard the terms yap, yapper, or yapping in some sort of tweet or TikTok,
00:12but do they mean what they sound like they mean?
00:15The online colloquial use of yapping is faithful to the Oxford definition,
00:21which is to talk in a silly, noisy, or unusually annoying way.
00:26If someone's a yapper, it means that they talk too much, and not much more or less than that.
00:32Naturally, this slang did not originate on TikTok.
00:36Rappers like Nas and Jay-Z used the term yap in this context, like, late in the 90s and odds,
00:43and this urban dictionary definition is almost 20 years old.
00:48If you already knew all of this and don't really get why I'm making this video,
00:52just know it's because I'm addicted to the sound of my own voice,
00:55and I've been diagnosed as a yapper by several medical professionals, okay? Yeah.