(Adnkronos) - “Siemens al fianco delle multiutility come partner tecnologico per facilitare la sfida della transizione digitale e sostenibile”. Lo ha detto Marco Rastelli, Head of Electrification and Automation di Siemens Smart Infrastructure, a margine dell'evento di Siemens “Il futuro è blue GIS”, durante il quale è stato ufficialmente annunciato il lancio in Italia del nuovo portfolio di quadri elettrici di media tensione blue GIS SF6-free, punto di svolta nel mercato dell'energia elettrica e grande passo avanti in un’ottica di sostenibilità.
00:06MULTIUTILITIES have a very important challenge,
00:09the twin transition, what we call the twin transition,
00:12which is the sustainable and digital transition.
00:14Siemens stands by them as a technological partner
00:17precisely to facilitate, to become the enablers of this transition.
00:21Today we launch a new product,
00:23a new completely sustainable portfolio.
00:25The regulatory framework recently issued by the European Community
00:29which imposes the ban on fluorinated gases,
00:33therefore the SF6.
00:35Siemens has developed a completely sustainable and digital portfolio
00:38precisely to support the transition in this direction.
00:41Sustainability for Siemens has been a priority for many years.
00:44Siemens has invested for many years with an R&D project
00:48precisely to ensure that the gas-isolated medium-tension frames
00:52could be completely sustainable.
00:54And we are happy to be able to say that for several years
00:57the portfolio has been reviewed in SF6 free key,
01:01therefore free of polluting gases,
01:03and it has been sold in the international market with various references.
01:07In Italy, because of the local regulations,
01:10we had to subject our framework
01:12to procedures of approval and compliance with local regulations
01:15that we have recently completed.
01:17And we are happy to be able to say that we have made a first pilot
01:20with a DSO in Milan, an Areti,
01:23and we have just recently installed the first frame in Milan
01:26and therefore the first important reference for the Italian market.