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M3m0-4D0 : 005 Español Audio Latino


00:30Memorias Adolescentes.
01:01¿Puedo ayudarte?
01:03No por ti, sino por el bien de Zubin, ya que es mi novia.
01:06¿Qué dices? Solo somos amigos. ¿Cierto, Mahoyo?
01:14Estoy confundido.
01:30¿Puedo ayudarte?
02:00¿Puedo ayudarte?
02:16¿En serio, Shui Yun-Hu? ¿Qué te estarudo?
02:30¿Puedo ayudarte?
02:51¿Estás en casa?
03:02¿Qué estás haciendo?
03:05Supongo que estás muy aburrido como para preguntarme qué estoy haciendo.
03:11No es eso. Es solo que... estaba pensando en ti.
03:19Por cierto, ¿qué dijo el profesor sobre mi prueba de nivel?
03:23Todavía no ha dicho nada.
03:26Supongo que fallé. ¿Qué debo hacer? Mi madre se pondrá histérica.
03:56¿Qué pasa?
03:58¿Qué pasa?
04:00¿Qué pasa?
04:02¿Qué pasa?
04:04¿Qué pasa?
04:06¿Qué pasa?
04:08¿Qué pasa?
04:10¿Qué pasa?
04:12¿Qué pasa?
04:14¿Qué pasa?
04:16¿Qué pasa?
04:18¿Qué pasa?
04:20¿Qué pasa?
04:22¿Qué pasa?
04:24¿Qué pasa?
04:30¿Qué pasa, Shui Yun-Hu?
04:32Si las oraciones en inglés son tan difíciles, al menos dime cuál es tu sueño.
04:54¿Mi sueño? Dormir con las luces apagadas.
04:58¿Con las luces apagadas?
05:07¿Qué le sucede? ¿Está loco?
05:10La mejor escuela secundaria para el aprendizaje.
05:13¿Cómo pudieron sacar a Son Yun-Ming?
05:15El árbitro estaba confundido.
05:20Al menos lo intenté, ¿cierto?
05:22¿Cómo que no le gusta el fútbol?
05:24No lo sé.
05:25Es que parece que no.
05:27¿Quién sabe?
05:28Josuville es la mejor en inglés.
05:30Si sus calificaciones o su promedio se llegan a arruinar,
05:34será por tu culpa.
05:36¿Cómo hiciste eso?
05:38No, no hagas eso, por favor.
05:42¿Cómo hiciste eso?
05:44No, no hagas eso, por favor.
05:46No es necesario que le hables bien de mí al profesor.
05:49Si no me va bien en el examen, no hay nada que hacer.
05:53No te preocupes, Josuville.
05:55Lo hiciste bien, estoy seguro.
05:57Chico nuevo.
05:58Nunca responde cuando lo llamo.
06:00¿Qué posición juegas?
06:01¿Va bien la preparación para el diálogo con Yun-Hu?
06:05Ah, no lo sé.
06:07Es desalentador.
06:10Shui Yun-Hu.
06:11Nos vemos.
06:12Hablaré con él.
06:14Chico nuevo.
06:16¿Qué posición juegas?
06:18¡Serás el portero!
06:20¡A correr!
06:31¿Quién es?
06:33¿Quién es?
06:41¿Es en serio?
06:42¿Tu sueño cuál es?
06:43¿Dormir con las luces apagadas?
06:46¿Estás bromeando?
06:47Puedes cambiar de compañero si quieres.
06:53No sé nada de inglés y no tengo ningún sueño.
06:57No arruines tus calificaciones por mi culpa.
07:00Y cambia de compañero.
07:03Tú en serio me impresionas.
07:06Ni siquiera respondiste mi mensaje de texto
07:08y solo me enviaste un mensaje extraño.
07:11¿Y ahora esto?
07:15También en las evaluaciones de desempeño.
07:18He estado siendo considerada contigo,
07:21pero tú haces que todo sea tan complicado.
07:24¿Por qué estás siendo considerada conmigo?
07:27¿Te parezco patético?
07:29Dime la verdad.
07:32¿Tienes algún sentido de responsabilidad
07:35de querer ayudar a chicos como yo?
07:43Estoy agradecido, pero basta.
07:46No tienes por qué hacerlo.
07:53¿Por qué dibujaste los guisantes?
08:01¿No estabas pidiendo ayuda?
08:03¿Por qué tú también querías hacerlo bien?
08:12Normalmente dibujo cosas así.
08:15Es un hábito.
08:20Debería cambiar de pareja.
08:26¿Qué estás haciendo, Shui Yun-Hu?
08:29La escrita Kim So-Hul dio importancia
08:32a la estructura de los poemas.
08:34Si se fijan bien...
08:36¿Guisantes? ¿Quieres comer guisantes?
08:38La parte superior e inferior tienen simetría.
08:46Si colocan el poema de lado, parecerá una montaña.
08:50Él quiso que se viera de esa manera.
08:53En el siguiente verso, vean esto.
09:29Aquí está. Este es mi sueño.
09:34Si lo escribes en inglés, lo memorizaré.
09:47¿Estás bien?
09:52Qué raro es.
09:54Déjame ver.
09:58¿Por qué no me dejas ver?
10:01¿A dónde vas?
10:03Al baño.
10:19Mi sueño es quedarme dormida en una habitación de noche
10:23y con las luces apagadas.
10:25Cuando era niño tenía que dormir mucho a solas,
10:28así que dormía con las luces encendidas.
10:30Cuando dormía, sentía que zombis, fantasmas y monstruos
10:33podrían venir para hacerme daño.
10:35Incluso ahora sigo durmiendo con las luces encendidas.
10:39No porque tenga miedo de los fantasmas, sino...
10:50Oh, líderes odiatil, tome asiento.
11:00¿Quieres practicar inglés en la cafetería después de la escuela?
11:03¿Van bien con la preparación para inglés?
11:07¿No puedo cambiar de pareja?
11:09Lo siento, no puedes.
11:11¿Por qué? ¿Si estoy bueno en inglés?
11:13No estoy loco por la escuela.
11:15¿Qué tal en el parque después de clases?
11:18De todos modos, prepárense bien para su diálogo.
11:22Hasta mañana.
11:24Buena suerte.
11:31Bien, me rindo, testarudo.
11:35¿Está bien?
11:45Sí, profesor.
11:47Yo subí en...
11:49Ya tienen los resultados de su prueba.
11:51Oye, espera.
11:52¿A dónde vas?
11:53Debo hacer algo.
12:09¿Qué le sucede a mi corazón?
12:13Está acelerado, no lo entiendo.
12:15¿Cómo le voy a enseñar a ese testarudo?
12:52Lo siento, surgió algo importante.
13:14¡Yung Hu!
13:15¡Oh! ¡Xu y Yung Hu!
13:17¡Ha pasado tiempo!
13:18Eres leal, tal como pensábamos.
13:20Sin embargo, corriste aquí cuando tu mejor amigo te escribió.
13:23¿Estás bien?
13:25Sí, estoy bien.
13:28¿De que esté bien después de haber corrido hasta aquí?
13:31Ya que estás aquí, hagamos un poco de ejercicio.
13:37¿No vas a pelear?
13:39¿Y si hago...
13:42¿O esto?
13:44Dijiste que no harías eso.
13:45¿Cuándo dije eso?
13:46¿Estás enojado, idiota?
13:48Eres un perdedor.
13:49¿Qué sucede?
13:50Tu amigo está muriendo.
13:52Oye, ven aquí.
13:53¿Te olvidaste de tu amigo después de transferirte a una buena escuela?
13:56¿No piensas hacer nada de respeto?
13:58Oye, dije que te detengas.
14:00¡Qué patético!
14:02Quiero que prometas que te vas a esforzar en la escuela.
14:05No te metas en problemas.
14:08¡Dije que vinieras aquí!
14:10¡Ven a pelear!
14:12¡No te vayas!
14:13Tu amigo se va a morir hoy.
14:15¡Te dije que te detuvieras!
14:22¡Soy Jung-Ho!
14:27¡Pedazo de idiota!
14:32¡Estúpido presumido!
14:34¿Qué harás ahora?
14:36¿Qué harás?
14:37¿Qué vas a hacer?
14:42¡La policía!
14:43¡Salgamos de aquí!
14:45¡Rápido, corran, corran!
14:46¡Caremos y te mataremos!
14:49¡Vamos, corre!
14:55¡Apresúrate, Jung-Ho!
14:57¡Mi mamá no está en casa hoy!
14:59¡No corras! ¡Espérame!
15:01¡No corras!
15:15¿Por qué vives así?
15:17¿Crees que me expulsaron para que vivieras así?
15:20¿Se sintió bien para ti?
15:23El haberse ido de esa forma,
15:25después de hacerme sentir tan culpable.
15:27Te dije que te fueras a otro lado y empezarás de nuevo.
15:30No seas ridículo.
15:33¿Cómo podría ser eso?
15:35Siempre seré igual en todas partes.
15:38Las personas como nosotros no son las mismas.
15:41Jung-Ho, ¿por qué dices eso?
15:44Antes no pensabas así.
15:49Sui, Jung-Ho.
15:50Oye, ¿tú crees que las cosas simplemente van a cambiar?
15:56Yo no lo creo.
15:58Nuestras vidas están malditas desde el día en que nacimos.
16:04¿Por qué crees que las cosas van a cambiar?
16:07Nuestras vidas están malditas desde el día en que nacimos.
16:13Tengo que irme.
16:17Oye, Jung-Ho.
16:29Mamá, ¿cuándo vienes?
16:31¿Hoy también?
16:33¿A qué hora vendrás?
16:37¡Jung-Ho! ¡Jung-Ho!
16:46Hola, pensé que estarías asustado.
16:48Hola, Jung-Ho.
16:58Ya no tienes miedo, ¿verdad?
17:00Ya estoy aquí.
17:01Sí, mi sueño era dormir con las luces apagadas.
17:05Ya duérmete.
17:07Niño cobarde.
17:08¡Aah! ¡Aah!
17:33Bien, supongo que Sui y Jung-Ho es así.
17:36And a judge is like that, he's a fool and irresponsible.
17:46You can do it, Josubín.
17:58My girl!
18:00Josubín, come here!
18:03They accepted you in Professor Son Yejong's class.
18:06Come here, we'll see you.
18:08We're here!
18:12Josubín, congratulations, you won.
18:17Well, I worked hard, but Joyon also did.
18:22Josubín, I hope you work hard not to make Joyon look bad.
18:28She will, I know she will.
18:32Are you okay?
18:34Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
18:39Here, here.
18:40Yes, yes, move your foot a little.
18:45That's it.
18:47This side too.
18:48Ready, ready.
18:57Songhee, are you okay?
19:00I'm fine.
19:16Hey, why are you locking yourself in?
19:18Go out for a while.
19:21Are you a servant?
19:22Did I go to class thanks to her?
19:26Of course.
19:28You couldn't have done it without Joyon.
19:31I did it on my own, it wasn't for him.
19:34Don't be ridiculous, how can you say that?
19:37You're not that good at math.
19:40Mom, seriously, I'm ashamed.
19:45Why are you bragging about Seoul University at work if you end up humiliating yourself?
19:54Whose fault do you think it is?
19:56Why do you think I'm doing this?
19:58Whose fault is it that I have to humiliate myself this way?
20:03Don't argue and get out.
20:05I don't want to.
20:07Get out now.
20:08You're forming groups for other subjects, you have to give a good impression.
20:12Come on.
20:13I don't want to.
20:14Come here.
20:15No, I told you not to.
20:16I told you to get out.
20:17Let go of me.
20:18It's all right now.
20:21She has severe menstrual colic.
20:24And she's run out of medication.
20:28She's very sensitive.
21:05Yes, yes, yes.
21:16And now it's raining.
22:29Why are you...
22:38Don't you have umbrellas?
22:41That's why I'm like this.
22:47I don't have one either.
22:50I don't have one either.
23:02So, what...
23:05Do you have something to say?
23:11But, what happened to you?
23:13I have something to say.
23:24You don't have anything to say.
23:27You left so suddenly, after saying that we would meet.
23:33Don't get wet.
23:38What I wanted to say...
23:41Is that you shouldn't...
23:43Get wet.
24:13I'm sorry.
24:43I'm sorry.
25:14I had it in my pocket.
25:20It's clean, just wrinkled.
25:27What a surprise.
25:29That you're taking this.
25:30Since I live alone, I have to take it to see myself better.
25:33That's what Mom said.
25:36I'm sorry.
25:38I'm sorry.
25:40I'm sorry.
25:41That's what Mom said.
25:44You'll look worse if you wear it like that.
25:46You should iron it.
25:49Well, I usually iron well.
25:51But my mom took the iron.
25:55She lives in the countryside, for her job.
26:01That explains it.
26:03That's why your uniform and your clothes are so wrinkled and dirty.
26:07Why don't you have an iron?
26:10It's not dirty.
26:12They said it was fine.
26:16Who said that?
26:21The school people.
26:23The girls.
26:29You pretend not to know anything and be indifferent, but you actually enjoy what they say.
26:35No, I didn't mean to say that.
26:37I really didn't want to hear them, but it was inevitable.
26:42And they all have strong voices.
26:45That's why.
26:58Why don't you ask me?
27:04About what's going on.
27:05Why was I walking like that?
27:11Why don't you ask me?
27:16Why am I like this?
27:23I'm sure you fought again.
27:29I'm not out there fighting.
27:31So, if you didn't fight, what?
27:34Did you exercise?
27:40Well, it was a fight.
27:44Are you sure you weren't hit?
27:47Is that what you think of me?
27:50Well, I can't tell you now, but that's what happened.
27:56Aren't you going to answer?
27:58Aren't you going to answer?
28:08Oh, it's true.
28:17Hey, where are you?
28:29Hey, how did you forget to go to your part-time job?
28:33I had an emergency.
28:48Wait, why are you taking me with you?
28:51It's far, and it could rain again. Hold on tight.
29:05Why did you send me to the unfinished homework, not because you're afraid of ghosts?
29:10What is it? Tell me.
29:14Aren't you going to tell me?
29:29It's all right.
29:56What were you doing?
29:58Park Jung-bae, you're late because you flirted.
30:01What happened to your face? Who did it to you?
30:04Was it you?
30:07No, I, I fell.
30:10Both of you?
30:14You're dating, aren't you?
30:28Hi, Ho-yeon.
30:30Where were you?
30:32Your mom was worried.
30:34Did you go to my house?
30:36To go to the academy.
30:38Congratulations on passing.
30:41Do I have to go today?
30:43Of course.
30:44You have to start soon.
30:47Jung-gu, did you fight again?
30:50Really? I was right.
30:52Tell me if you're in trouble. It doesn't matter.
31:00We are companions.
31:02We must help each other when we are in trouble.
31:08I don't know.
31:09I don't like it.
31:14As you wish.
31:15See you tomorrow.
31:16Let's go, Subin.
31:17Let's go.
31:28Send me the last part of the script.
31:36Hey, Jung-bae.
31:37Are those two dating?
31:40It's not like that.
31:42What do you mean?
31:45That girl is very lucky.
31:48Hey, go get changed.
32:03I just took a walk.
32:07I didn't walk much in the rain.
32:12It's okay, mom.
32:26I brought you clothes.
32:28Get changed.
32:31What's wrong with my mom?
32:32I didn't have to ask you.
32:34I asked her.
32:35She was worried that you got wet.
32:39Where will you get changed?
32:41It's okay.
32:42No need.
32:43I'm fine.
32:44You'd better get changed.
32:45What if you get sick?
32:58Dry, right?
32:59I won't get changed.
33:04But, please, Jung-gu.
33:06Don't do things like that.
33:08I feel uncomfortable.
33:11But why?
33:12I did it because I wanted to.
33:16Well, we'll be late.
33:18Let's go.
33:19Let's go, Jung-gu.
33:20Let's go.
33:23Let's go, Jung-gu.
33:25Let's go, Jung-gu.
33:52I told you to send me what's missing.
33:54Why didn't you do it?
34:03And translate what you wrote into English and send it to me.
34:06I won't say anything.
34:07Even if it's not good, just send it.
34:09That way, I'll help you study.
34:11Help me study?
34:16It's the best in English.
34:23Very good.
34:24As you just saw, the sine rule is always valid for acute triangles,
34:27rectangular triangles, and obtuse triangles.
34:31So, this is the formula you'll have to use.
34:34The length of a side divided by the value of the sine
34:37equals the diameter of the circumscribed circle.
34:40Good. Let's put it into practice now.
34:42Who wants to solve this exercise?
34:46Hoi Jung, would you like to try it?
34:54Were you distracted?
34:55What's wrong?
34:56Professor, I guess he can't concentrate because his girlfriend is with us.
35:01Wow, what a problem.
35:03This is not good.
35:05Oh, no, no, no.
35:08What should we do then?
35:10Professor, since I don't have a girlfriend,
35:14then I'll solve it.
35:17Okay, solve it.
35:18Why do you think you don't have a girlfriend?
35:21Romy, her bin is in the academy.
35:24Forget it. Erase this first.
35:27I'm here.
35:48I'm home.
35:55Did you have a good day?
35:57Did the class go well?
35:59Yes, it was good.
36:02Mom, what's wrong?
36:05Does your head hurt?
36:06I hit my head when I was looking for you.
36:13I'm sorry.
36:14It bothered me a lot to see you act like this in front of Hoi Jung's mother.
36:21Subin, I know it bothered you a lot and I also know I shouldn't do it.
36:30I always tell myself that I shouldn't be greedy, but it's not easy.
36:36You are my only daughter, my baby, whom I love the most in the world.
36:43What will happen if she graduates from a mediocre university?
36:48What if people look down on her?
36:50What if she doesn't find a good husband?
36:53What if she can't afford to live in Gangnam?
36:58I can't stop worrying.
37:03Mom, come on. Lie face up.
37:08That's why your shoulders are so tense.
37:13I'll study hard. Please don't worry.
37:30In the end, I didn't get hurt at all.
37:42I'm sorry.
38:01I sent you the English version. Check it out.
38:05About the ending, I'm still thinking about it.
38:15Wow, Jung Ho. He speaks English very badly.
38:20What do I do now?
38:22Damn. At least he made his best effort.
38:35It's almost done. I made some changes.
38:40What do you mean, some?
38:42What a shame.
38:45Memorize everything. We'll review it tomorrow.
38:47You don't sleep until you memorize it.
39:05That explains it.
39:07That's why your uniform and clothes are so wrinkled and dirty.
39:11Because you don't have an iron.
39:25Remove wrinkles without an iron.
39:34I had it in my pocket.
40:04What's your dream?
40:16What's your dream?
40:25Some people say monster.
41:04Why does Mom call so early?
41:35Hello, Mom.
41:36Good morning, Jung Ho. Are you washing up?
41:38Yes, my eyes are burning.
41:40Good, Jung Ho. Don't forget to have breakfast.
41:42Yes, yes.
41:43Put on your uniform. Don't forget the handkerchief.
41:45Breakfast? The handkerchief?
41:47Mom, I have to hang up. My eyes are burning.
41:49Very good. I love you, my baby.
41:51Good. Bye.
41:52Have a good day.
42:14Shui, Jung Ho. Are you okay?
42:25Leave a message after the tone.
42:45Jung Ho.
42:47Jung Ho. Come here.
42:50Jung Ho. Listen.
43:05I didn't expect you.
43:07And that mask?
43:13Wow, you're a great actor.
43:15You're a celebrity. Come here.
43:17Let me see. Take it off.
43:20What happened to your face?
43:23Hello, Professor.
43:24Hello. How are you?
43:25Good morning.
43:26He caught a cold with this heat.
43:29Great. Goodbye.
43:32Hey, what happened?
43:34Did you get into a fight?
43:35When, where, with who?
43:37No. I fell off my bike.
43:39You fell off your bike.
43:41And that's why you got those scars?
43:44Is that it?
43:48Well, the school doesn't know.
43:50So, it shouldn't be serious.
43:53Are you sure you're okay?
43:55Yes, I'm fine.
43:57So, it shouldn't be serious.
43:59Are you sure you're okay?
44:01Yes, I'm fine.
44:04Well, cover it up. And cough a lot, okay?
44:07Oh, hello guys.
44:11Why did you have to catch a cold?
44:13It can't be.
44:27They got scared when the police arrived.
44:32They'll do it right next time.
44:37They won't do anything stupid, right?
44:41I don't think so.
44:43Don't worry.
44:44What if they do?
44:51Don't worry.
44:54You've got me.
44:57You've got me.
45:08Are you going to eat carrots again?
45:11Yes, that's right.
45:13You'll become a rabbit.
45:16When are we going to practice?
45:20Can't we do it now?
45:32How are you?
45:34That will get the teachers' attention.
45:41Did it hurt?
45:43Not at all.
45:46Well, did you practice a lot?
45:53A little.
45:57A little.
46:04That won't be enough.
46:17Did you wash it?
46:22If you do that, it will wrinkle.
46:25I ironed it very well.
46:54You said you didn't have an iron, but you ironed it well.
47:19Adolescent Memories
