• last year
00:00I mean Matt Cain signed a deal for over a hundred million dollars. So did Buster
00:05That's why we were talking earlier about well Buster's not doing this for the money
00:09He must only be doing it and and again, I if whoever said that to me earlier will remain nameless
00:16Thank you for that thought because I thought it was a really really interesting one, which is you look at this situation
00:23Analytically, okay, not baseball analytics your own analysis. Take a look at it. Why would Buster do this?
00:30I find this to be a very comforting thought. He's not doing it for money. He's certainly not doing it for attention
00:36He's not doing it because his wife wants him out of the house and she'd like to raise the four kids by herself
00:41He's not doing it for any of those reasons. There really only can be one that anybody can think of
00:47And it's that he freaking loves Giants baseball and watching them flounder hurts like hell and
00:54One thing they kept saying at the presser today when someone like Buster asks for the ball you give it to him
01:01It's kind of like when KD was yelling at Draymond and Draymond just rippled right by him and he was doing the clap-clap-clap-clap-clap
01:09Yeah, give me the ball. Well Buster did that and Greg Johnson was like here. Yeah, go ahead
01:16Go ahead. I don't know where it's gonna go. I don't know what's gonna happen next but like
01:20Yeah at a minimum you ignite not just and this is why I don't really buy into the whole it's a PR stunt thing
01:29Yes, it ignites the fan base
01:31But I wonder if all of you can hear and feel how it is ignited the actual organization
01:37the actual players
01:39the former players the current players the marketing people the
01:47Everybody's ignited and we've heard from various sources inside the building of a general
01:55Discontent with the direction and you'd mentioned this before about you know pictures about glory days and past
02:02accomplishments coming down off of walls and a general
02:05lightweight scrubbing of the successes and of the past and that's always a tough one where you inherit something and
02:13Something that's been very very good and you want to make your own way
02:17but sometimes when you make your own way you do it by trying to get rid of the past and
02:23That's a little bit of an insecurity in my opinion
02:25and so now you bring in a guy from the past a hero from the past a guy who has won three rings and
02:31Is one of the best drafted players of all time?
02:34So I'm sure inside the building is a great not only relief
02:39But also a celebration of what they all remember the glory days right shut up Bruce Springsteen absolutely, okay
02:46That's important what you just said I
02:49Hope everybody heard that I hope you heard it. I heard it. That's why I'm spotlighting it good
02:55Yeah, I came on so you're actually listening. Yeah exactly. Yeah, it's early in the week
03:01Get some WNBA playoffs coming on everybody here. What Dan Devlin just said I
03:07Actually think and and my bad for
03:11Doing an entire baseball season without bringing up what I actually think is the most important thing
03:18The most important flaw in what Farhan Zaidi was doing through all of it
03:24I know what everybody's gonna
03:25Oh, we couldn't land a big fish, and he was cheap, and he was a nerd and okay fine. Whatever
03:31You know Luciano can't play short all fair things
03:36The most important thing that you need to take away from the Farhan Zaidi era was his
03:44Insecurity you just said the word and I think it is the epicenter of everything that happened around it
03:51Farhan Zaidi, what do we know he's literally removing pictures from the walls like you just brought up
03:59Pictures from the past because he felt threatened by the three World Series championships that happened before his arrival
04:06Is it because he wanted credit? I don't really feel it was that he wanted credit
04:11I think it's a little bit more intricate than that
04:13I think he wanted his way to be right and he was very very stubborn with that
04:22Everything that was happening around him
04:24Would sort of force a certain behavior
04:27That wasn't often the right thing to do if I could sit here with Farhan Zaidi today
04:32I'd say this directly to his face
04:34I wish you could have walked a little bit more confidently into what you were doing and what I mean by that is
04:42Work with the past and work with the future as as opposed to being so
04:48stubborn about Tuesday
04:51Tuesday we're sending mottos down
04:54because we're facing a right-hander and
04:57We need Trenton Brooks
04:59like dude
05:03You know what? I mean stop trying to prove
05:06That you're right with every single little move because a lot of times you were and a lot of times you weren't but that's just
05:12not the way to do it and I think that that
05:16He sort of stumbled into that at times and that affected all of these decisions and the morale and
05:22Everything around him and the way the former players talked about him and the way the veteran players felt about him all of that stuff
05:28I think it all comes from his insecurity. He had rabbit ears. I
05:34Knew this, you know if there's anybody on radio or TV in town that was like man
05:38I hope my message gets too far on he heard you. Yeah, I
05:42Promise you he heard you he knew everything that was written
05:45you knew everything that was said and then he went out and he tried to prove those people wrong and
05:52I've learned this lesson in my life too. That's just not the way to do it. It doesn't it doesn't work
05:57It doesn't help unless you have unmitigated success
06:00And that's the only way that you can go about making that approach work because if not
06:06Then the people who you alienate the people who you ostracize on the inside
06:11Are gonna be more likely to turn against you because you are ultimately the outsider and when you start to scrub some of the memories
06:19and you start to
06:20Disrespect some of the greatness that has taken place before you and you come in with an approach of this is the new way
06:27it's my way and it's gonna work and when it ceases to work and you start to have a
06:32Real struggle and you don't have the same level of success
06:36Then you're not gonna have as many people
06:38Standing up next to you or standing up behind you saying no, this is the guy it's gonna work
06:43Give him more time put your faith in him
06:46And that's just that's just one way to go about it and it's a way that's not gonna probably work unless you are really really successful
06:53Let's go to Marlon and Concord. Hi Marlon. Thanks for calling. What's up?
07:01Marlon you there
07:04Oh, yeah, man, that was a buzzer beater we're about to hang the freak up on you
07:11No, I was shopping at Safeway, man. Sorry. Oh
07:16Yeah, exactly, what are you buying right now? Oh
07:20Man stuff for the kids just bread, you know milk all that stuff bread. No, I wouldn't buy for myself
07:27Yeah, oh yeah
07:30I love bread
07:34Yeah, I hear that in the commercial but hey, I'm calling in
07:38Because I feel like you know people are really piling the dirt on on Farhan and and I understand why
07:44But you know, I think first off he had the Dodgers clone on him
07:48So I don't think he and gave were ever really fully accepted. But what you just said before you answered the call, I think
07:55It does show a lack of confidence you don't come in and take anything down because things were there before you arrived
08:02But I also think that
08:04People like to kind of call the Giants fan base a bit of homers
08:09they you know, you got a lot of fans starting in 2010 and and I think that
08:14People just couldn't let go of Bochy
08:16They could not let go of that and that analytics are sort of the wave of the future
08:21So it was funny you mentioned earlier your son doesn't quite have a favorite baseball player yet
08:26No, and maybe because there hasn't been anybody good for a while
08:29But I do think that the future is less of Bochy and a little bit more of what a Farhan could be
08:36But Farhan wasn't that guy and in the last point I want to make is them not landing the big fish
08:41That was the kind of the things that are really on, you know top of mind, but I think that
08:47It was a blessing. They didn't get Korea and waste a lot of money there
08:51and I do think that the the having buster, you know on the staff is really gonna
08:56Hopefully land both bigger players, especially now that Chapman decided to stay
09:01I do think that if they would have had another hundred plus season, maybe fans felt different
09:06But anyways, hopefully the Giants will be successful and thanks for taking my call Marlon. Thanks. That's a good call and enjoy safe way
09:12I hope you go home with a lot of good stuff to eat for the kids
09:15No doubt get the app and clip those coupons for extra savings little deals, man
09:20They just poof right there check out. It's amazing. But anyway, I
09:24Will say this really quick. It's like anything else in life
09:28timing is
09:30Everything and I'm not saying that you would have liked Farhan if it had been a different scenario
09:35But here's what I will say. This is just like anything else in life
09:40Farhan follow the dynasty
09:42Buster is following Farhan
09:45So who's getting sort of a different landing spot like anytime you follow a legend and whether this is
09:52Fair or not Farhan felt like he was following bocce, even though they're in completely different roles
09:59It felt like he fired bocce. He didn't I promise you he didn't
10:05Did bocce want to go?
10:07Hmm, maybe a little bit
10:09Forced out maybe not but was he forced out by Farhan I'd argue
10:14No, they knew he was leaving the second they hired Farhan
10:18So there were many voices in the room on that and it was situational and the Giants were in a bad spot
10:24They weren't a good baseball team at that time. So he's gonna be held to a standard that was very difficult
10:31I'm fine with that. This is Giants baseball. You got to live up to that and he didn't but I
10:38Just I keep stuff like that in mind like what's your starting point, of course?
10:43Well, your starting point was we're changing to a whole new direction
10:47Even though this was a direction that was wildly successful and all of us loved it more than anything in all of life in terms
10:54Of baseball and now Buster Posey is Buster
10:58He's literally the face of all that great stuff that happened before and he's coming in to replace someone who was widely
11:04Disliked so Buster's leash is going to be incredibly long
11:09Someone said to me today at the at the press conference. I'm pretty sure there's never gonna be a
11:19fire Buster
11:21No matter what happens. Yeah, I wouldn't go that far
11:24I would well, there's no way any real Giants fan would even let their fingers type that well
11:30If they have three bad years worse years years that make
11:35Look like a genius if if the Buster Posey moves
11:39Do not do anything and this team has three more years of this if not a little bit worse
11:45I don't know if fire Buster will be a hashtag
11:48But there will be some movement and I don't think that he's gonna get 10 or 15 years no matter what no
11:54I'm not saying that I'm saying he's gonna get respect no matter what yes
11:59We've seen some other legends be forced out or have their their legacy
12:06Disparaged a little bit over over the time when they went into the front office. That's an interesting thought
12:12Let's let's explore that a little bit more
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12:32Talk out anything with Farhan gone Buster on the way in we'll play a little bit more of the sound
12:36For you also a little bit later this hour before we get out of here
12:40There are massive trade rumors surly swirling in the NFL and I know
12:45That we'd like to get to that at one point, but tell me more about what you just you just said we've seen legends
12:52Get to the point where they've kind of been forced out before who are you thinking of Oh John Elway is one
12:58I think when he was with the Broncos and he won a couple of Super Bowls
13:02And then he went to the front office, and it didn't work out quite as well
13:06And so after a certain amount of time it was clear that they needed to go in a different direction
13:11And so out he went and I don't know if he was fired
13:15But you have
13:17Situations where legends take jobs, and it doesn't really work out Magic Johnson with the Lakers
13:23But I at no point am I saying that the Buster Posey's just gonna have this job for as long as he wants it for
13:29The rest of his life or or anything like that. I'm simply saying that if it doesn't go well
13:35The drumbeat for him to leave is gonna sound way different than this one
13:40For sure yeah, that was his only point he goes no matter how this goes there will never be a fire Buster hashtag
13:47There won't be he's Buster Posey. I'm not saying there should be right well
13:52Whatever you want to qualify it as
13:54Hashtag or drumbeat if he doesn't do well if he struggles
13:58And they don't do well, and it's pretty clear that he's not cut out for the job
14:03Well, then they're gonna have to make a decision and as as a part owner
14:06He has a little bit more leash than somebody who isn't a part owner for sure of course
14:12There's also this four one five just texted this in on the Comcast business text line, and I think that this is an interesting
14:20Comment because this comment was made to me at the press conference as well by somebody who is a
14:29Well, let's just say an interesting voice mm-hmm
14:32415 writes
14:34After a stint at Pobo
14:37Buster will likely replace Melvin at skipper
14:40now I
14:42Have no idea and we asked even Kane that because Matt Kane said I see him as a manager someday
14:48He goes, but this is sort of backwards usually don't go from president of baseball operations to the manager of the team
14:55That's pretty odd. I'll just tell you that while I was sitting there watching Buster
15:02Somebody who is
15:05close to the organization
15:08leans forward and goes
15:10You're looking at the next manager of the Giants Wow. It's just an opinion
15:14it's not somebody in the position to make that call at all, but
15:19You know I don't know to what level they were kind of kidding or throwing out a prediction or whatever, but I
15:26Far be it for me to say that that's off the table of course already surprised enough that that this happened this quickly
15:33I think that he is more suited to that job than he is to this job
15:37If you want to just look at it in a vacuum
15:40Buster Posey as a manager of a baseball team versus the president of baseball ops
15:45his skills that he has right now are far far more suited to being a
15:50Manager than they are to being the president of baseball ops having been a catcher
15:55Having played at the highest level one world three World Series. We know that catchers are really good managers in general
16:02I think a third of the managers in baseball right now are former catchers really a third. I'd have to do the math
16:08Specifically, but by the way baseball managers to me are just like the numbers of the players here in town like I don't even know
16:14How many managers in baseball I could name, but go ahead. Well. You've got Stephen vote right who is a former catcher. You've got
16:23Bomell right right that's three right there
16:27Stephen vote that that you can't name people twice that doesn't work. Yeah, AJ Hinch
16:34Okay, he's a former catcher. I didn't even like who's he managed. I do not know managers
16:40He like look up to the left. He's a manager of the ABC News is the Tigers
16:45I think okay, I'm not mistaken
16:47I don't I won't be able to fact-check Scott service still have a job or no he lost his job this year David Ross
16:53But he's a catcher Ross was a catcher right
16:57Right and he was managing the Cubs is he still managing the Cubs not managing the Cubs anymore, right?
17:01He went down now Craig counsel now is the cover council was an infielder isn't it? Yeah? Yeah, I don't know
17:08That's pretty good like this conversation in a wall little bit of a wall, but black no
17:15It did Mike was Mike Schulte catcher, I don't know yeah, I don't either. I don't know if you wanna on
17:22Managers, it's like sometimes. I have to look it's like oh my god
17:25If you just said like how many managers could I name along with their team
17:31I'd set the over-under like five and a half
17:33I honestly don't know Dave Roberts is still managing the Dodgers. I know that
17:40Bomell's managing the Giants we got Katsay
17:44Managing the I'm not sure what we're supposed to call them a I know right
17:50Should we call them
17:52Remember what in Washington didn't they call themselves the Washington football team for a little while yeah
17:57Should we just call them that the Sacramento baseball team?
18:00Well, that's what they're calling the Utah hockey club if I'm not mistaken with the team that moved from Phoenix the Phoenix coyotes
18:07Are now the Utah hockey club, okay? It's great. Anyway you get my point
18:13Yeah, I don't know any manager, and you get my point
18:15Yeah, you mentioned something earlier about timing, and I do think that that's a big
18:19It's a big thing in all of this as far as when you
18:24Inherit a job, and I was thinking about the Golden State Warriors and Steve Kerr
18:28And so I went back and tried to refresh my memory on
18:32Steve Kerr and what he inherited because the year before he got the gig
18:36They went 51 and 31 under hand down man down Mark Jackson mama went to the playoffs
18:43Lost in seven to the Clippers. Yep the roster you had Harrison Barnes
18:49in his second year you had
18:52Steph Curry who was a
18:54At the time he was 25 years old good player averaged 24 a game that year
18:59I like to pick I do to get a 23 year old clay Thompson averaging 18
19:05David Lee averaged 18, and you had just picked up a guy who would go on to be NBA Finals MVP a year later Andre
19:12Iguodala you had Barnes and Bogut and Draymond green
19:16And then you had such veterans as Jermaine O'Neal and you had Jordan Crawford a great player off the bench
19:23Steve Kerr inherited quite a team now a team that hadn't yet done it
19:27And we're young Korea bad ankles, and yeah, we didn't yet know how impactful Draymond green would be
19:34But it just made me think about timing
19:37Buster Posey following Farhan Zaidi much easier than following Brian Sabian absolutely this is a it's a sight for sore eyes
19:44It's a sound for sore ears
19:46It's everything that everybody wants to hear and see right now, so of course there's gonna be a huge runway for Buster