• 3 months ago
Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil participates in a fundraising event for solidarity with Gaza at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, USA and calls for unity to defeat imperialism.


00:00Viva Palestina Libre!
00:04Long live free Palestine!
00:06Viva Cuba Libre!
00:08Viva Venezuela Libre!
00:10Long live free Venezuela!
00:12Que viva el socialismo!
00:14Que viva el socialismo!
00:16Long live socialism!
00:18It's time to practice some Spanish.
00:22Queridos compañeros, camaradas, amigos, amigas.
00:31Dear brothers and sisters, comrades, friends.
00:34Primero, permítanme transmitir un mensaje muy afectuoso de nuestro presidente,
00:42nuestro líder revolucionario, Nicolás Maduro Moro,
00:45a todo el pueblo y a toda la comunidad de Harlem donde estamos el día de hoy.
00:49Affectionate greetings from our comrade president Nicolás Maduro,
00:57the leader of the revolution.
00:59Debemos empezar esta intervención como lo han hecho mis camaradas anteriores,
01:08enviando un mensaje de solidaridad, de fuerza, de aliento,
01:13a la resistencia que hoy se levanta en Palestina
01:16y que hará a Palestina libre más temprano que tarde.
01:24A message of solidarity and strength to those in Palestine
01:29who are fighting for liberation.
01:31Free Palestine. We want a free Palestine.
01:37Igualmente, debemos levantar la voz siempre
01:41condenando el cruel e inhumano bloqueo
01:45que durante más de 60 años han aplicado sobre nuestra hermana Cuba,
01:50la Cuba revolucionaria.
01:54And we raise our voice to condemn the blockade
01:57that has lasted for 60 years in Cuba.
02:01Y pedir con toda la fuerza, primero que levanten el bloqueo
02:06y que eliminen la lista de supuestos países que patrocinan el terrorismo
02:13donde injustamente el país que más ha promovido el terrorismo
02:18incluyó a la Cuba revolucionaria.
02:24And we need to ask for the lifting of the blockade
02:27and for the elimination of the name of Cuba
02:31from the list of those who allegedly promote terrorism.
02:36And the country that is truly promoting terrorism in the world
02:40is putting Cuba in the list of those who promote so-called terrorism.
02:48Venezuela ha levantado la voz y ha denunciado ante el mundo
02:52que estamos ante dos visiones, ante dos corrientes que se confrontan ahora
02:58que es la oligarquía que quiere oprimir a los pueblos
03:01y los pueblos que se resisten a ser vencidos y se levantan
03:05y van a vencer a estas oligarquías.
03:10And Venezuela has denounced that there are two visions,
03:12the visions of the oligarchies and the vision of the people resisting this oligarchy
03:19and that decided, determined to rise against it.
03:23Esta oligarquía ha echado mano a todas las formas inhumanas de imponerse
03:33y hoy ha echado mano al fascismo y al nazismo para doblegar a los pueblos del mundo.
03:39And this oligarchy has resorted to all inhuman methods to impose itself
03:45and today they are resorting to fascism and nazism to impose itself.
03:51Lo que sucede hoy en Palestina, lo que sucede en el Líbano,
03:55la matanza, el genocidio, el peor evento que hemos conocido
04:02desde la segunda guerra mundial cuando Adolfo Hitler inició el holocausto judío.
04:08Es la peor matanza que hemos conocido o que ha conocido la humanidad desde el año 1945.
04:15There is no doubt that what is going on today in Palestine and Lebanon,
04:19the killing, the genocide, is the worst event since the second world war
04:26with the holocaust against the Jewish people.
04:29And this represents the worst killing that we have ever witnessed since 1945.
04:37Y todas estas agresiones tienen un solo origen, que es el imperialismo norteamericano.
04:42And the only source of this aggression is US imperialism.
04:47Ya no podemos decir que el imperialismo está detrás de esa matanza.
04:54Ahora nos hemos dado cuenta que el imperialismo está al frente de todas esas matanzas.
04:59And we can no longer say that imperialism is behind the killing.
05:04The imperialism is leading the killing.
05:07Y los pueblos del mundo tenemos que asar una voz para condenar,
05:13para demandar el fin de todas estas acciones,
05:16para que todos los países, todos los pueblos del mundo nos movilicemos
05:21de manera inmediata, de manera permanente en contra de todas estas agresiones.
05:25And today we need to condemn this situation.
05:28All the peoples in the world should condemn this situation
05:32and demand the end of these aggressions.
05:35All the people in the world should mobilize with this end.
05:40En nuestro continente están ensayando fórmulas fascistas muy peligrosas,
05:45como la de Milei en Argentina, como la de Novoa en Ecuador,
05:50colocando gobiernos de corte nazi, pudiéramos decir,
05:55que están puestos allí para someter a los pueblos
05:58y para ensayar el peor de los experimentos que hemos conocido en América Latina,
06:04que es inocular el fascismo en nuestra sociedad.
06:08And today we are seeing in our continent how they are testing fascism.
06:14Milei in Argentina, Novoa in Ecuador,
06:18they are imposing the Nazi type government trying to subject the people.
06:24They are experiencing now with the imposition of fascism in our hemisphere.
06:31Pero los pueblos de América Latina han resistido y seguirán resistiendo.
06:37Y es por eso que el imperialismo tiene tantas apetencias
06:42de derrocar la revolución cubana, de derrocar la revolución bolivariana,
06:47y de derrocar el socialismo,
06:49que es la única vía de contención de este fascismo que hoy nos intentan imponer.
06:58And the people of Latin America, they have been resisting,
07:01they will continue to resist,
07:03because imperialism, they want to overturn the Cuban government,
07:08the Bolivarian government,
07:10precisely because they are the sole way to contain the advance of fascism.
07:18Only socialism can contain fascism.
07:22Pero el pueblo de Martí y Fidel, el pueblo de Bolívar y Chávez,
07:29están allí precisamente para vencer, para garantizar a los latinoamericanos,
07:33para garantizar al mundo una victoria realmente popular
07:37contra estos males que nos intentan imponer.
07:42It is the people of Martí and Fidel, the people of Bolívar and Chávez,
07:48which will be victorious and will be able to defeat these attempts.
07:53Y yo quiero pedir acá un reconocimiento para estos dos grandes líderes
07:58que hoy precisamente se ponen al frente de esta batalla,
08:01que es el presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel y el presidente Nicolás Maduro Moro,
08:05quienes están dando la batalla más épica que ha conocido la humanidad
08:09en el caso de Latinoamérica, precisamente contra este mal,
08:13contra el fascismo y contra el nazismo.
08:15And I think we need to pay tribute today to these two leaders,
08:19Miguel Díaz-Canel and Nicolás Maduro,
08:22who are today waging an epic struggle against fascism in this region.
08:28Y porque su triunfo y la permanencia de las revoluciones cubanas y bolivarianas
08:36es precisamente el triunfo de Palestina, es el triunfo del Líbano,
08:39es el triunfo de los países oprimidos del mundo.
08:41Es la garantía precisamente para todos estos países que vamos a vencer,
08:45que más temprano que tarde los pueblos del mundo se levantarán
08:48y construirán su liberación de la mano de cada uno de sus pueblos.
08:53And the victory in Cuba and Venezuela
08:58will be the guarantee of the victory in Palestine and Lebanon.
09:03So the peoples of the world have to rise in order to continue this struggle
09:08and to ensure their liberation in our region and in the rest of the world.
09:15Hoy, contra Venezuela, se ensaya una nueva forma de agresión
09:21que no habíamos conocido en estos 25 años de la Revolución Bolivariana.
09:31Se trata de aplicar el formato que ya aplicaron en Siria
09:35con la inoculación del terrorismo en Siria con el caso de ISIS
09:39para derrocar al gobierno del presidente Bashar.
09:51Desde los Estados Unidos se planifica entrenar y armar
10:00a bandas de delincuencia organizada vinculadas al narcotráfico,
10:05vinculadas al tráfico de armas, vinculadas a los secuestros, a los asesinatos
10:10e introducirlos para ocasionar acciones terroristas en Venezuela
10:14incluyendo el asesinato del presidente de la república
10:17incluyendo el asesinato de la vicepresidenta de la república.
10:21Las bandas de delincuencia organizada vinculadas al narcotráfico
10:25vinculadas a los secuestros, vinculadas a los secuestros,
10:28vinculadas a los tráficos de armas, vinculadas a los tráficos de armas
10:31para utilizarlos en varias acciones terroristas
10:36incluyendo la acción de asesinato contra el presidente
10:39y la vicepresidenta de la república.
10:42After the popular victory of President Nicolas Maduro Moro on July 28th,
10:49yo le puedo garantizar en este momento que todas esas conspiraciones
10:53han sido desmanteladas, han sido destruidas y no pasarán.
11:05And let me tell you that after the victory of the 28th of July of Nicolas Maduro
11:10all those conspiracies so far have been totally defeated.
11:15El presidente Nicolas Maduro ha denunciado la captura en Venezuela
11:22de un Navy SEAL activo quien ingresó previo a las elecciones del 28 de Julio
11:30precisamente para dirigir una operación terrorista
11:34en contra del estado venezolano, en contra de sus ciudadanos.
11:38We discovered that an active U.S. Navy SEAL
11:45before the election was introduced in the country
11:49in order to lead terrorist attack against the state.
12:08So we discovered a network of people from Spain,
12:30the intelligence service of Spain from the Czech Republic
12:34whose purpose was to damage infrastructure key to the Venezuelan people
12:39such as hospitals, schools, etc.
12:57So these conspirators have confessed, they have been put in jail
13:03and today the Bolivarian revolution can say that we have defeated a new attempt
13:10to attack our country.
13:33It's just to give you an example of how far the empire is willing to go
13:39in order to upset, to destroy the revolutions in the region.
14:03So blockades are not enough, still Venezuelan wealth abroad,
14:10still our refinery here, our gold abroad has not been enough.
14:16Now they are trying to impose terrorism in our country.
14:33So in Palestine, in Lebanon they use the bombs,
14:40in our countries they use the sanctions which are also killing human beings
14:45trying to submit them to their will.
14:53Today this is the time of the peoples
14:57and there is no people that can be defeated.
15:01The people of Venezuela, the people of Cuba, the people of Argentina, the people of Palestine,
15:06the people of the world get up and they are going to triumph,
15:10they are going to win, they are going to conquer their rights,
15:13they are going to fight against imperialism and they are going to win.
15:31They will fight against this attempt and in the end they will overcome.
15:40It doesn't matter the size of the difficulties we are confronting.
15:44We have a high moral, we are undoubtable,
15:51we have the spirit of our liberators, we have the spirit of the founding fathers of our countries.
15:58We have a high moral, we are undoubtable,
16:02we have the spirit of our liberators,
16:05we have the spirit of the founding fathers of our countries.
16:27Because we know that we have a people in all parts of the world, including in the United States,
16:33where there is a people that rises up against oppression,
16:36where there is a people that rises up against difficulties,
16:39where there is a people that rises up against the exploitation of imperialism and local capitalism.
16:57Because we feel that around the world, even in the United States,
17:01people are rising up opposing, despite all the difficulties, all the problems,
17:07the fight to defeat the empire in their effort to conquer our peoples and the world.
17:28Our generation has the responsibility to face one of the largest challenges humanity has ever had.
17:36And that is to defeat imperialism.
17:38And for that, we definitely need to twist the neck of fascism and Nazism.
17:44And we will achieve it, comrades.
17:46So, to defeat imperialism, we need to defeat fascism and Nazism, and we will do it.
18:16We are on the offensive and we are winning.
18:19Thank you very much, comrades.
