• last year
00:00La, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:03Pájaro soñador.
00:04La, la, la, la, la, la, la.
00:10Hasta luego.
00:11Espero que vuelvan pronto.
00:13Aquí les esperamos.
00:14Aquí tiene su casa.
00:15Más que poner una tienda, parece que nos hemos ganado
00:18la lotería.
00:19Es increíble que estemos ganando tanto dinero.
00:21No digas eso.
00:21Mejor boca madera.
00:22Tenemos mucha suerte.
00:23Moussafer, la vecina de abajo, hizo un pedido grande.
00:26¿Ya se lo llevaste?
00:27Por supuesto.
00:27Pidió muchas cosas.
00:28Se gastó 142 liras.
00:30Me dio 150.
00:31¿Y sabes qué dijo?
00:32Que me quedara con el cambio.
00:34Pero qué buena profina.
00:36Me hizo temblar de tanta felicidad.
00:39Es increíble que estemos ganando tanto.
00:41Señor mío, gracias por todo el dinero.
00:43Gracias, por su amor.
00:46Muchas gracias, señor.
00:47Mamacita, esta bestia casi me atropella.
00:54Es un placer verla otra vez, señora.
00:57La señora Uma nos honra de nuevo con su presencia tan
01:00elegante como siempre.
01:01Bienvenida, pero qué apretazo.
01:04¿Cómo estás?
01:06Hola, Uma.
01:07No esperaba verte por aquí.
01:08¿A qué debemos el honor de tu visita?
01:10Cuando quiero algo, soy capaz hasta de ir al barrio chino
01:13para conseguirlo.
01:14Así que no me importa venir a esta clase de vecindarios.
01:17No me digas.
01:18Sí, claro que sí.
01:20Y es porque la señora Uma tiene mucha experiencia con esto.
01:23Como verá, no es el barrio chino, señora Uma,
01:25pero seguro encontrará gente con los ojos rasgados,
01:27también rubios, morenos, altos, bajitos.
01:30Aquí vive mucha gente que proviene de diferentes
01:33países, señora Uma.
01:35La última vez que viniste a este vecindario fue porque tu auto
01:38se había averiado.
01:39¿Qué te trae por aquí en esta ocasión?
01:41¿A qué debemos la coincidencia?
01:43Te equivocas.
01:44No seas injusta.
01:45No es ninguna coincidencia.
01:46Estoy muy contenta con los productos que te compré.
01:49Así que vine para ver si tenías algo nuevo.
01:51El shampoo es excelente.
01:53El shampoo es muy bueno.
01:54Es el producto que más se vende.
01:56No pretendemos ser groseros con ustedes.
01:58Solo mire la buena energía que transmitimos.
02:00Entra a nuestra tienda y podremos platicar amistosamente
02:03un momento.
02:03Sí, por favor.
02:05Ojalá no le hubiéramos vendido nada.
02:06Sí, pero hay que hacer negocio.
02:09Pensé que nunca me invitarías a entrar.
02:11Uma, te invitaría a que te sentaras,
02:13pero nuestras sillas son demasiado humildes y sencillas
02:16para ti.
02:16Lo lamento mucho.
02:17En serio.
02:19Es una broma.
02:21Por favor, deje caer el agua.
02:23¿Está usted en su casa?
02:26¿Podría tomar un café?
02:27Pero, por supuesto, le traería el café de Yemen
02:29si fuera necesario.
02:30Como le gusta, con mucha o poca azúcar.
02:33No, sin azúcar.
02:35Consumir azúcar no es bueno.
02:36En esta tienda deberían saber eso.
02:38Tiene razón, tiene toda la razón.
02:39Ahora mismo iría a pedir dos cafés turcos espumosos y sin
02:43Vuelvo enseguida.
02:44Sea amable.
02:49Si quieres, con nuestros cafés sin azúcar,
02:53podemos comer un poco de chocolate orgánico amargo.
02:59Ay, de acuerdo.
03:00Comida amarga, platica dulce.
03:03Eso espero.
03:09¿Cuándo podré leer las primeras páginas de tu novela,
03:12Aunque sea solo un párrafo.
03:14Me interesa mucho.
03:16Es muy pronto.
03:17Y yo solo he hecho algunas notas.
03:19Cuando termine la agencia y puedas entrarme,
03:22serás el primero en leerla, lo juro.
03:23Me siento muy afortunado.
03:25Yo también escribo y sé lo difícil que es hacerlo.
03:28Digo, ordenar las ideas, expresarlas,
03:31y sentirte lo suficientemente seguro como para permitir que
03:34alguien más lo lea.
03:35Sí, dejar que otros lean lo que has escrito es la parte más
03:39difícil, porque se trata de algo privado y exige mucho valor.
03:43Hay gente que nunca permite que publiquen lo que escriben.
03:46Yo no, yo no quiero hacer eso.
03:48Quiero que la gente me lea, pero también soy tímida.
03:52Hasta que logres superar esa timidez,
03:54podremos hablar como editores y no como escritores.
03:57Hablemos entonces sobre los libros que publicaremos,
04:00sobre el diseño de las portadas,
04:01sobre qué irá en las contraportadas, esas cosas.
04:05Claro, tenemos que empezar por alguna parte, ¿no?
04:07El texto de la contraportada es un tema interesante.
04:09¿Sabías que los editores son quienes escriben eso?
04:12Y yo soy una especie de editora.
04:15Creo que podría hacerlo bien.
04:17¿Segura que no quieres sushi?
04:20No, me gustan más las pitas.
04:23Seguro te gusta más el té que el café.
04:28Así es, me gusta más el té.
04:32Muy bien.
04:34Después de comer, te prepararé un té con mis propias manos.
04:39Muchas gracias, pero mi hora de comida ya se va a terminar.
04:43Debo irme ya.
04:44No te preocupes, yo recojo.
04:46Porque tengo una tarea para ti como compañera editora.
04:51Tenemos tres posibles imágenes para un libro.
04:54Te las voy a enviar por correo electrónico.
04:56Revísalas, por favor, y me dices qué te parecen.
04:58Me interesa tu opinión.
04:59Muy bien.
05:00Las revisaré cuando está la computadora en la oficina.
05:03No sé dónde dejé mis cosas.
05:05Seguro están en mi nuevo escritorio.
05:07Nos vemos.
05:08Hasta luego.
05:13Tengo que decirte que me encantan tus dolmas y tus
05:16pimientos rellenos.
05:18Decidí contratar a un cocinero.
05:20Si le digo que venga, ¿podrías enseñarle?
05:23Es una receta muy simple, pero te la explicaré.
05:26No hay problema.
05:27La habilidad es importante.
05:28Hay que hacerlo bien.
05:30Hace tiempo tuve a una cocinera.
05:31Estuvo dos meses de prueba.
05:33Después de ese tiempo, no sabía preparar ni un simple
05:37¿Puedes creerlo?
05:38Tuve que despedirla.
05:39¿Y qué otra cosa podían hacer?
05:41No sabía hacer ni un cappuccino.
05:42No estaba preparada.
05:44El talento es importante.
05:46Es saber hacer bien la comida.
05:48Mi hija, Sanem, por ejemplo, es muy turpe.
05:51No sabe ni creer un huevo.
05:53Si tiene que preparar arroz, se le queda pegado en la olla.
05:56La habilidad en la cocina es muy importante.
05:59Ella tiene diferentes talentos y habilidades, ¿no crees?
06:03Musafer, ¿ya está listo mi pedido?
06:06Por supuesto, señora Uma.
06:07Todo está listo.
06:08Además, te voy a dar esto de regalo.
06:10Se lo pondré en su bolsita.
06:12Bien, muchas gracias.
06:13Es un placer.
06:14¿Cuánto les debo?
06:15Son 442 liras, pero lo dejaremos en 440.
06:20Aquí tienes.
06:23¿Tarjeta de crédito?
06:24No podemos, aún no tenemos la terminal bancaria.
06:26Ay, no me digas.
06:27Perdón, pensé que las conocían.
06:29No te preocupes, Uma.
06:30Si no tienes efectivo, te lo anotamos.
06:33Puedes pagarnos la próxima vez que vengas.
06:35Es lo bueno de las pequeñas tiendas del vecindario.
06:38Confiamos en nuestros clientes.
06:40No, no, querida.
06:41No será necesario.
06:43Qué bueno que no es necesario si trae efectivo.
06:46Muchas gracias, señora Uma.
06:48Esperamos que tenga mucho éxito en su negocio.
06:50Me refiero a la agencia.
06:51Suerte con los anuncios y que gane mucho dinero.
06:54Que tengan un buen día.
06:56Igualmente, señora.
06:57Vuelva cuando quiera.
06:58Ha sido un honor recibirte.
07:00Le pondré sus cosas en el auto.
07:02No, no, no, no, no, no.
07:03Yo puedo meter las bolsas.
07:06Qué bueno que viene gente famosa y bella al vecindario,
07:11Y aquí están sus compras.
07:21Ay, pero qué carrote.
07:23Por un momento creí que no nos iba a pagar y la verdad me
07:25asusté mucho.
07:26Pero luego la bella señora Uma me dio 500 liras y no quiso
07:30que le diera el cambio.
07:33¿En serio esa mujer te dio tanto dinero sin dudarlo?
07:36¿Qué pasa?
07:37¿Por qué lo dudas, madrecita?
07:38Claro que me dio mucho dinero.
07:40Nuestro negocio va viento en popa, Mevkibe.
07:42Entramos al negocio de los productos orgánicos como una
07:45verdadera revolución, padrecita mía.
07:48Tú no entiendes nada sobre el comercio y la contabilidad.
07:50¿Qué dice ella?
07:51Dime qué vas a hacer cuando el negocio crezca y gane más
07:55Yo no confiaría en ella.
07:56Mevkibe intentará engañarte.
07:59Mejor me quedaré aquí.
08:00¿De qué estás hablando, madrecita?
08:02¿Qué te vas a quedar aquí?
08:03Tienes tu propia tienda.
08:04Ve a vender la ropa interior.
08:06Encárgate de tu propio negocio.
08:08¿Quieres una orgánica paliza o a qué vienes?
08:10Yo no vine a pelear aquí, sino a proteger los derechos de mi
08:12hijo, Mevkibe.
08:13Me quedaré aquí cuidando de él.
08:15Madrecita, no soy un bebé, soy un adulto.
08:17Y puedo cuidarme solo.
08:18¿Por qué no te vas y nos dejas trabajar tranquilos?
08:20Este es nuestro negocio.
08:21Déjanos en paz y no te metas, por favor.
08:23Tu hijo es un adulto y nuestra tienda está registrada.
08:26Dices que está registrada.
08:27A ver, muéstrame los papeles.
08:29¿Me harás una inspección?
08:30Muestrame la documentación, porque no te quedo nada.
08:33Ahora verás, Mevkibe.
08:34I wanna help!
08:36Get back here right now!!!
08:37He's trying to fight!
08:38Leave me alone!
08:53Leave me alone!
08:59Mr. Yann,
09:01I brought you some work.
09:02It's the color scale you asked for.
09:04but I asked you more than an hour ago.
09:07Yeah, but I went out.
09:09Well, I wasn't out, I was downstairs.
09:12Oh, I got that right.
09:14You're telling me you're putting the work ahead
09:16of the one you have to do right now, is that it?
09:20But of course it's none of that.
09:22It's lunchtime and I can go eat wherever I want, right?
09:26Technically, yes.
09:30Do you have the file for the tire campaign?
09:33No, not yet.
09:35Why not?
09:36Because we have until tomorrow night to deliver it.
09:40And I want it to be perfect. I'm still working on it.
09:42You want it to be perfect?
09:46The posters for the chocolate company were supposed to arrive today.
09:48Did you bring them?
09:50I sent you the digital ones by e-mail.
09:52Is that a problem?
09:53No, there's no problem.
09:54I'm just wondering if you'll be able to solve
09:56everything you need to do before you leave the agency,
09:58because I don't think so.
09:59Or will you come to work at the agency
10:01at your lunchtime when you're at the publishing house?
10:03You're so funny.
10:04I still have 13 days left here.
10:06I'll take care of everything I have to do.
10:08I want to leave without leaving any unfinished business here.
10:10I'm sorry, I have to answer.
10:12You always do the same thing.
10:14Yes, tell me, Polen.
10:18Your scarf?
10:20No, I don't see it. Have you seen your scarf?
10:22Why are you looking for it?
10:23Maybe you dropped it. Can you look back there?
10:25No, no, I looked hard and I don't see any scarf.
10:29It's not here.
10:30No, it's not here.
10:31Maybe you left it in the taxi we took.
10:32Where did you go?
10:33Very well, I'll see you later.
10:36Sorry, what did you say?
10:37I said I'd take care of everything,
10:39so don't worry.
10:41I wonder what your future plans are.
10:43Don't tell me.
10:45I guess you have to get out of here.
10:47You have to run with Polen as if you were running away from something.
10:50I'll be on the ground floor, close to here.
10:52But what will you do, huh?
10:54Are you going to run the agency while you're so far away?
10:57I can take care of my own problems, Arem.
11:00Exactly, take care of your problems and not mine.
11:03Did you send the images to the manufacturer?
11:05It's ready, we just sent it to the client.
11:07And the color scale of the tires?
11:09It's done, it was sent to the printing house.
11:11We have to work on the campaign for the chocolate company.
11:13But how annoying.
11:14Yes, I'll take care of that.
11:15I also want to participate, that's why I'm telling you.
11:19Do you want to try the chocolates?
11:21Come and try them, here they are.
11:23They are very good chocolates.
11:25The company sent them.
11:26Take this one, try it.
11:32In the Balkans you can buy elegant and colorful scarves.
11:36Yes, here you go.
11:43He's resisting.
11:45I'm sure he's not leaving yet.
11:47Well, it seems that Mr. Jan measures his movements well.
11:50He's applying a tactic.
11:51First he treats her badly and then he offers her chocolates.
11:54He's playing with her, he's playing a psychological game on her.
11:56Well, Anem is being very strong.
11:59I think he'll end up leaving.
12:02I think you're going to lose the bet, Gullis.
12:06There comes Mr. Chiquit.
12:07Yes, everyone to their desks, silence.
12:10Everyone to work, let's go Orgazanes.
12:14Hello sir, how are you?
12:16Hello, are you Deren?
12:17That's right.
12:18How are you?
12:19Well, here, working.
12:22How's it going in your office?
12:23Fine, fine, I'm getting used to it, everything's fine.
12:26If you need help, you can count on all of us.
12:29Thank you very much.
12:30I needed some help with the food
12:32and that was something that worried me a little.
12:36But Zanem took me a list of restaurants
12:38that make deliveries in the area and it helped me a lot.
12:40He's always helping others.
12:42Yes, it seems so.
12:43And do you know where it is?
12:44I don't see it around here.
12:46It's in Mr. Jan's office.
12:48The one in the back?
12:49Exactly, do you want me to call her?
12:51No, I'll go.
12:55Who is he?
12:56Of course, run.
12:57Go with her.
12:59Do you think this is okay, Zanem?
13:01These data are not correct
13:02according to the last report we received.
13:05That's because these are the past
13:08and here are the new ones.
13:10We have to focus on work.
13:14Good afternoon.
13:16Jigit, how did you get here?
13:19By the stairs.
13:22You love getting here when they don't call you.
13:25Zanem, I'd like to ask you something.
13:26Can we talk for a minute?
13:28Yes, of course.
13:29No, you can't, no, no.
13:31We're working on a campaign, don't you see?
13:33We have all the material on the desk.
13:35Yes, we are reviewing documents
13:37that we have reviewed a million times.
13:39It's the review of the review, as you can see.
13:41This is an advertising agency
13:43and this is campaign material.
13:44We have to review what we do many times.
13:47Let me interrupt you,
13:48but from what I've seen,
13:50Zanem is a very responsible person.
13:52Nothing will distract her from her work,
13:54not even a two-minute conversation
13:56about the editorial.
13:57Exactly, Mr. Jan.
13:59You review the report.
14:00If you find an error, take note
14:02and when you return, I'll review it.
14:03Tell me you don't believe everything this guy says, Zanem.
14:05If you find something that's wrong...
14:06He tells you those things to convince you...
14:08If you find an error, let me know, even if there's none.
14:10We're supposed to do this together, Zanem.
14:12Excuse me.
14:13Yes, get out.
14:14Zanem, hey!
14:16It's going to be hard for you to accept
14:17that you're no longer in the agency.
14:19Yes, well, we all have to get used to it.
14:23I don't want to cause you any trouble.
14:25In fact, I called you, but you didn't answer.
14:27Oh, I left my phone on my desk
14:29while I was meeting with Jan,
14:31but if you do my job and don't delay me,
14:33there's no problem if we talk.
14:35Well, I want to show you something.
14:37Remember the designs I sent you by email?
14:40Well, I printed them better.
14:41I thought it would be better if you saw them.
14:43Let's see if you can think of something.
14:45The sea and you, highway...
14:46The one on the left is very nice,
14:48but in my opinion, the one on the right
14:51is more attractive to the reader's eyes.
14:53The orange color tells us that the story is full of energy,
14:58unlike the blue color,
14:59which shows that the characters in the novel
15:01have a melancholic character.
15:03It seems to me that in the orange,
15:05the composition is much more harmonious.
15:08So the character finds harmony at the end of the novel.
15:11Zanem, you're fantastic.
15:13I can't wait to start working with you.
15:15I hope it's as soon as possible.
15:17How are you, Mablee?
15:20Meeting of the creative team.
15:21Will there be a meeting of the creative team?
15:23I'll take care of the organization.
15:24We're coming.
15:26Come on, Deryn.
15:26Hurry up, please.
15:27Well, I have to go back to Mexico.
15:29Then we'll go.
15:30Will there be a meeting of the creative team?
15:31Don't believe it.
15:34Poland comes here very often.
15:36Just like his brother.
15:37Ha ha.
15:39Here comes Mezquivé, the organic.
15:41Who knows what that woman wants this time?
15:52Hello, good morning, Nihat.
15:55Good morning, Mezquivé.
15:58Yes, tell me.
15:59I'm listening.
16:00What do you want, Nihat?
16:03Good morning, Mezquivé.
16:05Yes, tell me.
16:06I'm listening.
16:07What do you want?
16:08Didn't you come to talk?
16:10Yes, of course.
16:11Well, talk.
16:12Talk, Mezquivé.
16:13How bad are you doing, Nihat?
16:15You spend the day sitting there.
16:17You just look out the window.
16:19Our store is having a lot of success.
16:21I don't know what to do with so much money.
16:23The whole neighborhood comes to our store.
16:25Everyone comes.
16:26Yes, Mezquivé, tell me.
16:27I'm very flattered that you think like that of me,
16:29but no, Nihat.
16:30I haven't come to that.
16:32I want to talk about something else.
16:33Something else?
16:34What happened?
16:35I want to talk about Osman.
16:37He and Leyla got engaged and we haven't talked about it.
16:40That boy grew up without parents.
16:42He's like our son.
16:43We have to do something for him.
16:45To show him our support, I thought I'd invite him to dinner
16:48so he could see that we love him.
16:50What do you think?
16:51Very good, Mezquivé.
16:53I think it's a great idea.
16:55Come here.
16:57My beloved Mezquivé,
16:59you have a golden heart.
17:01You always worry about others.
17:05All right, let's do it.
17:07When do you want us to invite him?
17:09Well, it could be tonight.
17:11You call Osman.
17:12I'm going to prepare everything.
17:14Very well, then I'll call Osman
17:16and tell him to come to dinner tonight.
17:18And if you want, you can take everything you need
17:21to prepare dinner.
17:23Don't be silly with the organic products I have.
17:26How am I going to take things from here?
17:29First, we'll create the color scale for the campaign.
17:31Yeye, you take care of that.
17:33All right, Mr. Yan.
17:34As you wish.
17:35That's all for today.
17:36You can go now.
17:37Thank you very much, Mr. Yan.
17:39Just keep Sanem and Deren.
17:40I'm going again.
17:41You wait.
17:42Let's go eat.
17:43Let's all get to work.
17:44Come on.
17:45Very good.
17:46Deren, I want to review the list of pending tasks
17:49in case Sanem still has things to do.
17:51Maybe she has to work extra hours.
17:53Extra hours, why?
17:54Because of the pneumatic campaign.
17:56But I already did that.
17:57That's right, Yan.
17:58And I reviewed it.
17:59And since you review everything twice lately,
18:01I did it and sent it to the client this morning.
18:03Very good.
18:04Then we must review the text.
18:05I already did it.
18:06And the images for the press?
18:07Are they done?
18:08Yan, that's already done.
18:09What do you mean, they already did all that?
18:12Don't tell me.
18:13After working on the Red Mode campaign,
18:15we were very motivated,
18:16and we're working very well and very fast.
18:18It's done.
18:19Well, very good.
18:25Well, very good job.
18:27Well, then,
18:28I'm done with my schedule at the agency.
18:31If there's no work pending,
18:32and I don't have to work extra hours,
18:34I'll focus on my personal stuff.
18:36Of course.
18:37We don't have anything urgent pending.
18:39Very good.
18:42Who is it?
18:43Tell me, Mom.
18:44Your mother.
18:45Did you invite Osman to dinner?
18:47Very good.
18:49I'm coming.
18:50No, I won't be late.
18:51See you later.
18:52Can I go now?
18:53Yes, of course.
18:54Have a good time with your personal stuff.
18:56This agency should be called Double Review.
19:11It's amazing.
19:12I know.
19:16Hi, son.
19:17Look, we have guests.
19:19Polen told me your brother was here,
19:21and I invited him because I wanted to meet him.
19:23It looks like you two know each other.
19:25Yes, even though he looks taller.
19:28Jan welcomed me to the city.
19:33Well, have a seat.
19:44You like it, don't you, Nia?
19:46You have great hands.
19:47It's delicious.
19:48I'm glad you like it.
19:50The dinner is delicious.
19:51Thank you, ma'am.
19:52I'm glad you liked it.
19:54It was delicious.
19:56Enjoy it.
19:59Yes, tell me, Nia.
20:00You're from the neighborhood.
20:02We raised you among us.
20:04You're like a son to us,
20:06and we love you very much.
20:08I appreciate it, Nia.
20:10You're like a family to me.
20:12We almost were,
20:14but now we'll be a family legally.
20:17You started this journey with our daughter Leila,
20:20and I want you to know
20:22that you can count on us for everything you need.
20:24We'll help you with the wedding.
20:26I appreciate it, Nia, Mezquivé,
20:29but I...
20:31We'll take care of everything.
20:33Don't say that, Osman.
20:34We'll help you.
20:35Organizing a wedding is very expensive.
20:37We want to live with our share as parents.
20:39It's too soon, Mom.
20:41I'm sorry, Nia.
20:43I'm sorry.
20:44I'm sorry.
20:45I'm sorry.
20:46I'm sorry.
20:47Well, if something is going to happen,
20:49what's wrong with talking about it?
20:51Of course, dear.
20:52These things need to be discussed in time.
20:54I'm just saying that we don't have much time
20:57to celebrate the wedding,
20:59and I think you're bothering Osman, Mom.
21:01Why would I bother him?
21:03I didn't say anything wrong, did I?
21:05Of course not, dear.
21:06Keep eating, son.
21:07Please, keep eating.
21:09There's no reason to bother.
21:11Thank you very much, Nia.
21:13And you too, Mezquivé.
21:15I just...
21:20We'll talk about this when the time comes.
21:23Very well.
21:24As you wish.
21:28But let's not postpone it for long.
21:35Hey, no one's going to eat the albondigas?
21:37But you're eating them all.
21:39Give me a few and some cake.
21:41Hey, I want another one.
21:42Take it away.
21:43They're delicious.
21:48Hey, Polen, your brother looks like you.
21:50He's handsome, and he's also polite and nice.
21:53It's been a real pleasure meeting you.
21:56Mrs. Uma, it's also been a real pleasure for me to meet you.
22:00But he is very polite.
22:03Yes, he is very polite.
22:05Yigit is a very sociable person.
22:07Not like me.
22:08He's always liked meeting people.
22:10Yes, that's true, but...
22:12I've spent a lot of time outside,
22:14and at first I felt a little strange.
22:17Well, it doesn't seem like you feel strange,
22:19as you say, Yigit.
22:20From what I've been through, I don't notice it at all.
22:23But you do have your own style of doing things.
22:25You run over people with your car,
22:27and then you become friends with them.
22:29In my opinion, a curious way of socializing.
22:32Brother, Yigit is very right.
22:35He says that this city changes very quickly,
22:37and that when he comes back, he sees it very differently.
22:42Don't worry.
22:44We are your new friends,
22:46and we will always be here,
22:48so you don't have to feel alone.
22:50By the way, you're our neighbor, right?
22:52Yes, it was a happy coincidence.
22:54I was looking for an office for my publisher,
22:56and I found it by chance.
22:59Well, you drive like a madman,
23:01you run over people,
23:02and you call that chance?
23:04Jan, you're obsessed with that.
23:06Jan, I'm going to tell you something.
23:09I don't know if I should say it,
23:11but what else is there?
23:12Yes, the accident was a bit unfortunate,
23:14but for me it was wonderful.
23:15Do you know why?
23:16Because that's how I met Zanem.
23:18I found an office for my publisher,
23:20and I also found my publisher together.
23:23I think it's a wonderful coincidence.
23:26Yes, it's true.
23:27Zanem is an excellent girl,
23:29and she's very hardworking.
23:31She hasn't been very loyal to our agency,
23:33but maybe you're luckier.
23:35We'll do great things together.
23:37I'm sure of it.
23:38Zanem is very intelligent and very hardworking.
23:40Maybe she didn't find what she was looking for at the agency.
23:47Sometimes we don't see what we have in front of us.
23:49Here, brother.
23:50I don't see what I have in front of me.
23:55Jan, can you serve me another glass?
24:05Well, obviously the reason for this meeting
24:07is to ask you to excuse me, respectfully.
24:09Please, Musafer.
24:10Don't do that again, Musafer.
24:12You don't understand me.
24:13Today the announcement of our dear Osman
24:15on television was released,
24:17and you asked me if you cared
24:19if we went to my friend J.J.'s house
24:21so we could all see him together
24:23as a family that we are.
24:25So, what do you think, my father-in-law and my mother-in-law?
24:27Oh, I'm glad it was just that.
24:29Uh, okay.
24:30There's no problem if you want to go.
24:32Let Zanem know so that you can go.
24:35The safest thing is that Zanem doesn't want to come.
24:37She has a lot of things to do.
24:39I hope Gulizita comes to see the commercial
24:41because her daughters are very beautiful,
24:43but Gulizita is a goddess of Olympus.
24:46Oh, sir, give me patience to put up with Musa.
24:49What modalities.
24:50I assure you that if Jigit hadn't encouraged me,
24:53I would never have dared to publish
24:55a Turkish cuisine book.
24:57Polen, if you didn't have the potential,
24:59I wouldn't have asked you to do it.
25:01It's wonderful, and tell me,
25:03when will that book come out?
25:05Well, Jigit told me that I have to do a draft
25:07before I leave,
25:09but I don't know when it will be published,
25:11so I don't know.
25:12What happens is that I still have to see
25:14some things with Zanem.
25:15Well, you'll have to be very patient.
25:17It's a lot of work, you wouldn't understand,
25:19but in an advertising agency, there's always a lot to do.
25:22Uh, yes, I understand.
25:24She'll have to work with you just 12 more days.
25:27Today she told me something that I loved.
25:29She's so creative.
25:31Yes, she has brilliant ideas, that's true.
25:33She's always had them.
25:35Jan, maybe you could take the pictures
25:37for Polen's book.
25:39I'm sure they'd be beautiful.
25:41You always have some great ideas, Mom.
25:43Why would I take those pictures?
25:45I'm sure Jigit can run over someone
25:47with his car by accident,
25:49and I don't doubt he'll find a great photographer
25:51specialized in gastronomy, no problem.
25:53Oh, that's enough.
25:55Tell me, what's the difference
25:57between photographing nature or food?
25:59What we're talking about is your talent as a photographer.
26:02You're good at that, Jan.
26:04Mom, can you stop insisting?
26:06We need my brother at the agency.
26:10Hey, Jan, actually, I also wanted to ask you.
26:13It would be great if you could take those pictures.
26:15It would also be a nice memory for us, don't you think?
26:18Maybe Jigit already has other plans.
26:20Actually, no.
26:22If Jan wants, I'd love to work with him.
26:24He's a great photographer.
26:26Besides, he owns an advertising agency.
26:29That would help us a lot
26:31with the launch of our first publication.
26:33It would be an honor for us.
26:35That's true.
26:37You see, Jan, you can't say no to these wonderful people.
26:40Come on, please.
26:42They're pressuring me from all sides,
26:44and they're driving me crazy.
26:46Okay, fine, I'll do it.
26:48I'm just doing it for fun.
26:50We have to celebrate this with a toast.
26:52Come on.
26:55Well, what are we going to do, brother?
26:57Let's toast to this new business.
27:02It's great.
27:04I have a lot of ideas for this book.
27:06I'll go see you tomorrow to discuss them
27:08and make some decisions.
27:14Musafer, I'm so glad we came.
27:16I really want to nag,
27:18but I swear that when he starts talking about the wedding,
27:20there's no way to shut him up.
27:22He talks too much.
27:24I don't think he's allowed to talk to his grandparents.
27:26Besides, he's releasing the most anticipated ad
27:28in history, my brother.
27:30Osman is about to be on national television.
27:32My mother always wants to organize everything very quickly.
27:34The truth is, she was afraid it would make us uncomfortable.
27:37She doesn't do it with bad intentions.
27:39She really just wants to know the typical things of a wedding.
27:42When is it going to be?
27:44What are they planning to do?
27:46It's normal for them to be uncomfortable,
27:48but they can tell us if they've already decided something.
27:50No, it's still too soon to think about that.
27:52Oh, sure, maybe it's too soon.
27:54But they should hurry up,
27:56because there are people in line.
27:58My friend Sanem, me, even Musafer.
28:00Right, Musa?
28:02What do you think about the wedding?
28:04Tell us.
28:06Why do you ask me that?
28:08What am I going to think about the wedding?
28:10If a person feels butterflies in their stomach
28:12and their heart beats very hard,
28:14then I think they're ready to marry that person.
28:16But in reality, if two people really love each other,
28:18everything else doesn't matter.
28:20Now it's Ms. Gulisita's turn,
28:22so we'll all know what she thinks about the wedding.
28:24Come on, tell us, girl.
28:26Uh, I...
28:28Well, I think the wedding depends a lot on luck.
28:31Sometimes you find your soulmate,
28:33and sometimes you don't.
28:35I think it's a very serious matter.
28:37There's no way to shut her up.
28:39I don't think this ad will ever start.
28:41Ah, there it is.
28:43I'm going to turn off the lights.
28:45Musafer, turn up the volume.
28:47It looks like we're in the cinema.
28:49You woke me up.
29:19Life can be very hard.
29:21The mortgage, the bills, the car payment.
29:24It can be a great anguish.
29:26And it looks like there's no way out.
29:28Incredible, but what a face.
29:30This is exciting.
29:31Osman, don't tell us the end.
29:33I want to see what happens.
29:35You're looking for a solution.
29:49The solution is called Kuvenback.
29:51The credit card of Kuvenback,
29:53where the bills, the services,
29:55everything you can pay with that card
29:57without any problem.
29:59Use Kuvenback
30:01and recover the joy of living
30:03or you won't be happy.
30:19You did great, Osman.
30:21You did great, brother.
30:24I didn't understand a word.
30:26But what did he say?
30:27That was the ad.
30:28It's too short.
30:29I thought it was going to...
30:30That's the longest version of the ad.
30:32Then they'll make a shorter version.
30:35Well, if I didn't understand the long version,
30:37how am I going to understand the short one?
30:39Hey, Musafer.
30:40Let's see, as a spectator,
30:42could you explain to us
30:44what you understood about this commercial?
30:46Well, there's a very big and famous bank.
30:48I understood that.
30:49It offers credit cards
30:50and I expect a happy life.
30:52Yes, that's it.
30:53That's what we wanted.
30:54We reached our goal
30:55and received the message.
30:56We're geniuses.
30:57Yes, that was the idea.
31:01You did very well.
31:06Well, friends,
31:08I appreciate that you have organized this meeting,
31:11but we must go.
31:13Well, I'll take Leyla home.
31:15Don't come back late.
31:17Okay, Osman.
31:18I'll go home in a little while.
31:20Of course.
31:21Bye, guys.
31:22Get some rest.
31:24You're leaving?
31:25That's right.
31:26I can't let you go out alone.
31:28I'll walk you home.
31:29You'll be much safer that way.
31:31Okay, Musafer.
31:32JJ, see you tomorrow.
31:33Aihan, bye.
31:34Come on, don't run.
31:36I'll walk Gülis, too.
31:40You sit down.
31:42Okay, JJ,
31:44we were talking about the wedding
31:46and you didn't say anything
31:48because of the announcement,
31:49so now I'll give you another chance to answer.
31:52JJ, what do you think about the wedding?
31:55I really liked the commercial.
31:57It was very well done.
31:58I think it was very good.
32:00Don't you think?
32:02I'm asking you about the wedding, JJ.
32:04I'll give you another chance to answer.
32:06Uh, I understand you don't like it in some parts,
32:09but I liked it a lot
32:11and I think the message is...
32:15I'm sick of your objective!
32:17I'm leaving.
32:24I think she's a little crazy.
32:32I really liked the commercial,
32:34although I find it very strange
32:36to see someone I know on TV.
32:41What happened?
32:44No, look, I was referring to my boyfriend, you, Osman,
32:47and I find it strange to see someone I know on TV.
32:50That's what I meant.
32:55You could have said my boyfriend, my fiancé,
32:58but you said someone I know.
33:02Osman, I didn't mean to say that.
33:04Believe me, you misunderstood me.
33:08I don't want to force you to do something you don't want,
33:11something you'll regret.
33:13Osman, what are you saying?
33:16Leila, I've really loved you for years,
33:20and it was my decision to tell you.
33:24Yes, I said I wanted to be with you, Osman.
33:27And you're with me?
33:29Are you really with me?
33:32Is that what you want, Leila?
33:37if you have the slightest doubt about us,
33:41you have to tell me.
33:44Then it will be too late.
33:46I'm sure, Osman.
33:48I swear I really do want to get married.
33:52Today, everyone was asking us about it,
33:55and I think I was somehow pressured.
34:00I don't understand.
34:03Osman, listen to me.
34:06The last thing I would do in this life
34:09is hurt you, really.
34:12But if you marry me,
34:14without being in love, you'll hurt me, Leila.
34:17Of course not.
34:19I want to marry you, really.
34:22I just thought it might be soon,
34:24but if you want, we can get married this summer.
34:27Is that okay with you?
34:29Let's get married this summer.
34:32Very well, if that's what you want.
34:34Yes, of course I want it.
34:36We'll have to wait.
34:38Very well.
34:39Go inside, it's cold.
34:41Give me a hug, will you?
34:54Get some rest.
34:55You too.
35:00I couldn't find the key.
35:06Get some rest.
35:34Good morning, Deren.
35:35What are we doing today?
35:36I'll give you a little summary.
35:37Today is a very quiet day
35:39for what we're usually used to here.
35:42So Zanen will prepare the jewelry ad,
35:44although we can fix it during the day.
35:47Of course, very well.
35:49Thank you very much.
35:52Since there's not much to do,
35:54I think he's upset.
35:56He wants to see people working until they're tired,
35:59as if we were slaves.
36:00Don't provoke him anymore.
36:02Of course.
36:03There's not a lot of work today,
36:05but we always have a lot of homework to do.
36:07So Zanen, come with me.
36:08We're going to work.
36:09Zanen, you stay.
36:14He's going to give me work.
36:15I bet.
36:20Mr. Yan, what do you need?
36:24Let her go.
36:26Wait, wait.
36:27I'll close the door.
36:31No, don't close the door.
36:32People will misunderstand.
36:33No, wait.
36:34Don't be happy for not having a lot of work.
36:36No, but I'm not happy.
36:38On the contrary, I'm frustrated
36:40because I don't know how I'm going to spend
36:42the next 12 days without working.
36:43I'm depressed.
36:44Yes, very funny.
36:45I have good news for you.
36:47What is it?
36:48I have a good friend.
36:50And he has a company.
36:51And he wants us to do a campaign for him.
36:53That's fine.
36:54It's exciting.
36:55But we have to present him a draft.
36:58Very well.
36:59Very well.
37:00Then we have to get the team together
37:02and start working.
37:03Of course.
37:04That's it.
37:05But we won't do it that way.
37:07It turns out that my friend,
37:09for personal reasons, of course,
37:11wants this job to be very discreet.
37:13So you will be the only one
37:15who will work on the project.
37:17And you'll see everything with me, Zanen.
37:19Does your friend work for the CIA or is he a spy?
37:23All right.
37:24Well, I need some information about the product.
37:27I know there's a brand,
37:28but I don't know what product we'll advertise.
37:30The product is...
37:33Yes, balls and balls.
37:34All right.
37:35All kinds of balls.
37:36Football, basketball, tennis, ping pong,
37:38and those things.
37:39Balls in general.
37:41And what's the brand called?
37:43The brand?
37:44Sportive Line.
37:46Very well.
37:47Well, I'll investigate the company.
37:51Are you writing?
37:52Don't just stand there.
37:53Come, please.
37:54Sit here.
37:56Where do I sit?
37:57Start investigating.
37:59On the Internet.
38:00But nothing will appear.
38:02It's a new brand on the market.
38:04They just started,
38:05and unfortunately,
38:06the brand still has no data on the Internet.
38:09Then I'll look for the official website
38:11of the company.
38:12What's it called?
38:13Sportive Line.
38:14I don't know what,
38:15but they don't have a website either.
38:17It didn't reach them.
38:19They don't have it yet.
38:20They are building it
38:21and it is not ready yet.
38:22They are new,
38:23so they go little by little.
38:24Well, what else?
38:25Do they have a brand image?
38:27Their image is...
38:29a ball.
38:30I mean,
38:31soccer or basketball.
38:33It's any sport.
38:34It doesn't matter.
38:36Or balls.
38:38I'll tell you what I want you to do,
38:40so take notes, please.
38:42Very well.
38:43I want to clarify something.
38:44All the free time you have at the agency,
38:46at your working hours, of course,
38:48when you don't have work from other projects,
38:50you will work on this.
38:52You will inform me
38:53and you won't tell anyone else.
38:54It's very important.
38:55Hey, do you have a pen?
38:56No, but I can write.
38:57Yes, write,
38:58because you can't tell anyone.
38:59It's essential.
39:00Very well.
39:01Well, this afternoon,
39:02I'll investigate the brand
39:03and I'll bring you all the information I find.
39:05Very well.
39:06This is important.
39:07You must work on this
39:08every free moment you have.
39:09You must not neglect
39:10the agency's main projects,
39:12but you will only inform me
39:14about this project
39:15and no one else.
39:16Very well.
39:17And that's all.
39:18You can go.
39:19All right.
39:21It's very strange
39:23because I have the feeling
39:25I have a lot of information in my head
39:27but at the same time
39:28it's like I don't have any information.
39:30I don't know.
39:31Very well.
39:33Sportive Line.
39:34Sportive Life.
39:36Sportive Line. Balls.
39:37Very well.
39:38I trust you, Sam.
39:39This is very important.
39:40I really appreciate my friend
39:41and I would like to give him a good result.
39:43Don't worry.
39:44I'll investigate the brand.
39:46I already have a lot of information in my head.
39:49Sportive Life.
39:50Sportive Life.
39:55Very well.
39:56I have it.
