• last year
00:00You mean you watch SummerSlam and you get all this entertainment plus free sunglasses from The Rock?
00:06One thing about this matchup, it ain't gonna be pretty.
00:08How much can a human anatomy withstand?
00:11The brothers, The Undertaker and Kane, a knockdown dragout.
00:15Indeed, this will be a slobber knockout.
00:20A crossface on The Undertaker!
00:22Something's gotta be done about this!
00:24It's Kane!
00:25It's a new red machine!
00:27He's coming for Kane!
00:29He's coming for B-1!
00:30Get out of there!
00:31These brothers united, and by God, when they're together, hell has no fury like these two!
00:37The brothers' hands are clasped!
00:39The Undertaker and the-
00:40Wait! Wait!
00:42Wait a minute!
00:43What are you-
00:44What the hell?
00:45Look at that!
00:45A chokeslam!
00:46What's the meaning of this?
00:48A red machine!
00:50Astonishing his own brother, for God's sakes!
00:52I don't understand this!
00:53Oh my God!
00:56Kane just chokeslammed The Undertaker through the mat all the way to hell!
01:02Why, Kane?
01:03Why turn on your brother?
01:05Why did I chokeslam my brother?
01:08I am a monster!
01:13It's The Undertaker!
01:15He wants answers from his brother, and Kane doesn't want to give him answers!
01:19Wait a minute!
01:19Kane with the right hand!
01:21A sucker punch to The Undertaker!
01:23Why is Kane doing this?
01:25Why is Kane turning on his own flesh and blood?
01:28Kane has drawn the blood of his own brother!
01:32You've done it now
01:35You've done it, man
01:37I've been mistaken
01:39And I can't allow
01:41You to think you can just walk away
01:44So turn around
01:46Look at The Undertaker!
01:47Look at The Undertaker!
01:48He's back!
01:49He's back!
01:50It's the end, it's now
01:52This one's gonna be all
01:54The Undertaker!
01:56The Undertaker!
01:58This one's gonna be all
02:00The Undertaker!
02:03But cheap shots
02:05There's a way to get a game
02:08I was blindsided
02:10Some things will never, never be the same
02:14Nice guys
02:16It's what they've always been
02:18It's what they've always been
02:20It's what they've always been
02:22It's what they've always been
02:24It's what they've always been
02:26If no one wanted to fish in this battle
02:28Would you?
02:29Hell no
02:30And Referee Jack Dome told me earlier today
02:32That he was just gonna let them go
02:34Let them get it on
02:35I'll be honest with you
02:36I think we're a little too close in the action
02:38Over here about 10 feet from the ring
02:41Well, King, I wouldn't
02:43I wouldn't mind calling mine in
02:45Maybe have some Chef Boyardee or something
02:47You got that right
02:48Speaking of Chef Boyardee
02:49Chef Boyardee is presenting SummerSlam
02:52From the sold-out Raleigh Entertainment Sports Complex
02:55Chef Boyardee
02:56Bigger for bigger appetite
02:58They don't get any bigger at SummerSlam so far
03:01This has been great
03:02This has been a hell of an event
03:04And we ain't done
03:07Here we go
03:11The Big Red Demon
03:12The Big Red Machine
03:14The Demon Seed
03:16It's the Big Red Monster
03:18You know, when I was a kid, JR
03:20I loved monsters
03:21I loved Frankenstein, Godzilla, and the Wolfman
03:23But they were movie monsters
03:24Kane is a real monster
03:26The Undertaker after Kane to meet his brother, Kane
03:31This is not gonna be a catch-as-catch-two classic
03:34This is gonna be a real fist fight
03:37And how much can their anatomies take?
03:39The Undertaker and Kane
03:41Two men, just under 7 feet tall
03:43But below 300 pounds
03:47Oh, man
03:48The Undertaker, as we saw
03:51Powerbomb for Chuck Slam
03:53Right through the ring
03:55Right through the floor of the ring
03:56Breaking the lumber
03:58And that's when Kane proclaimed that he was just that
04:01A monster
04:02He was made a monster, JR
04:04Just like Frankenstein was made by his creator
04:06Kane was made a monster by that fire when he was a child
04:09Face disfigured
04:11Forced to hide all his life
04:13Hide his face because he was ashamed of it
04:15And the Undertaker going for that mask
04:17The Undertaker going for the mask there
04:19The Undertaker trying to rip that mask off
04:22The Undertaker trying to rip Kane's mask off
04:24I don't think you want to do that on your face
04:26I don't think I can ever remember anyone ever, ever
04:28Going for Kane's mask
04:30You don't want to do that
04:32Look at Kane teeing off on The Undertaker
04:34Those monstrous, those thunderous right hands
04:38Well, I'm gonna tell you something
04:40The cruelest thing The Undertaker could ever do to his brother
04:43Would be to expose that face
04:46Kane on the outside
04:48I don't think, I don't know if the bell is even ringing
04:50Look out, Howard Finkels, stay out of the way
04:52They'll pick you up by the legs and beat each other over the head with you
04:54I don't know if it makes any difference
04:56These guys could have had this match just as easy outside in the parking lot
04:59Or anywhere else
05:00And Jack Doan, a reluctant official
05:02And who can blame him?
05:04He's in there, but that's all
05:05He's just in there to make the sides even, sort of
05:09And Doan found out he was gonna fish at this matchup
05:11He told me earlier today
05:12I don't know what to do, but I'll just let him go
05:14Right, that's all he did
05:16He's just standing back and watching it happen
05:18What a shot to the spine
05:20By The Undertaker knocking down Kane
05:23Keep in mind, these guys are brothers
05:27And The Undertaker, those right hands
05:29Right to the face of Kane
05:31And now The Undertaker again trying to rip that mask
05:33He's going for the mask, The Undertaker
05:35What is he going for the mask for?
05:36Don't try, don't
05:37Come on, Undertaker
05:38I think he's got that mask ripped
05:39Look at this
05:40The Undertaker ripping Kane's mask off
05:42He's gonna unmask Kane
05:43Don't do that, look out
05:44The Undertaker's gonna unmask Kane
05:46And part of that mask is
05:48Part of Kane's face is exposed here
05:50What is The Undertaker
05:52I guess he figures that is
05:54The ultimate revenge on Kane
05:56To show the world what a true monster he really is
05:59Huge right hand
06:00I don't think we want to see that
06:01I don't think I do at all
06:03Undertaker's face bouncing off those steel steps
06:06Look at that, part of it's off twice but three times
06:08Part of Kane's mask is dangling
06:09I think he realizes now
06:11What he's in for, what The Undertaker's just done
06:13A quartet of shots to the face by Kane
06:16And The Undertaker trying to
06:18He's trying to shake the cobwebs loose
06:20But can he?
06:21And look at Kane with those steel steps
06:23Right behind you, Undertaker
06:24Look out
06:25Kane was going for The Undertaker's head
06:28Kane was going for The Undertaker's face
06:30With those steel steps
06:35Get out now
06:36And now The Undertaker
06:38Picking up the steps
06:39He's gonna go for
06:40Kane, look out
06:41He got Kane right in the face
06:43Good God
06:44Good God almighty The Undertaker
06:45Just hit Kane
06:46Right in the head
06:47With those steel steps
06:49Yeah, those steps weigh about 300 pounds
06:54Knocked off his feet
06:56As any human being would
06:59No, no, no
07:00Have you ever seen this kind of intensity from The Undertaker?
07:03I mean, look at that
07:04My God, right on the temple
07:06Right on his own brother
07:07And now he wants to rip that mask off of his brother's face
07:10That scarred, disfigured face of Kane
07:13Kane trying to get back up
07:14Kane on his knees
07:16Now pulled back up
07:17By the head of the hair of The Undertaker
07:19And The Undertaker with a huge, thunderous right hand
07:22Another right hand
07:23And I think Kane has been busted open
07:28Another right
07:29And down goes Kane
07:30Half his mask
07:31Ripped off
07:32His face exposed
07:35And I think Kane is bleeding
07:37He's bleeding
07:38It had to be those steps
07:39Or either those huge right hands
07:40From The Undertaker
07:41Had to be those steps
07:42Had to be those steps
07:43Catching Kane right in the face
07:48And Kane with a low blow
07:49Down goes The Undertaker
07:50Kane buying himself some time
07:54I wonder if Kane even realizes that half his mask is gone
07:58Oh, he is busted
07:59Kane bleeding
08:00He has been busted open by The Undertaker
08:03And those steel steps
08:04Hitting Kane right in the face
08:05The Big Red Machine is bleeding
08:07I don't think Kane has ever seen his own blood
08:10You talk about a monster before
08:13This could really
08:14This could really put Kane over the edge
08:16Kane with a right hand
08:17Undertaker down to a knee
08:18Undertaker getting back up
08:19Undertaker will not stay down
08:21The American Badass being punished now
08:24You know yourself
08:25It does something to you when you see your own blood
08:28Another right
08:29You're right about that
08:31And look at Kane now
08:32Opening up on The Undertaker
08:34I think Kane enjoys seeing Undertaker get back up
08:36The Undertaker getting back up
08:37He cannot knock him down again
08:39Undertaker looking for air
08:41And The Undertaker putting Kane's face
08:43Undertaker back against Kane's face
08:45This is what it's all about between these two
08:47They want to destroy each other now
08:49Undertaker ripping off that mask
08:51Undertaker is trying to take that mask off
08:52Don't do it!
08:53Undertaker is trying to take the mask off
08:55Don't they need people?
08:56They want to see Kane!
08:58They want Undertaker to rip that mask off
09:00Don't do it!
09:01Undertaker trying to take that mask off
09:04And Kane
09:05It's just
09:06That mask is barely
09:07It's barely covering Kane's face
09:09His bloody, battered, bruised face
09:12And The Undertaker continues to lay in those right hands
09:15Look at Kane
09:16He is battered
09:17He's weak
09:19You know he's bleeding
09:20He's only got
09:21I think he's only got one good eye tear
09:22And I think the mask is over
09:25His look
09:26Kane got the
09:28Eye tear fell down
09:30Come on Undertaker
09:31Show some compassion
09:32Have some mercy for your own brother
09:34And your younger brother for Christ's sake
09:40Undertaker got the mask
09:41The mask is off
09:42Undertaker got the mask
09:45The Undertaker took Kane's mask off
09:51Kane is
09:52Is backing away from the ring
09:53Look at this
09:54There's Kane's mask
09:55I don't think this match ever started
09:57I never heard of that
09:59Kane has been unmasked
10:02But God put a fight
10:03Between these two monsters
10:05Not one monster
10:06There are two monsters
10:07And an American badass
10:09And look at that as they come
10:11Look at The Undertaker
10:12He knows
10:13He did it
10:14He's triumphant
10:16There's nothing more he can do to his brother
10:18Than to take that mask off and expose his
10:20His disfigured face to the world
10:23I don't think The Undertaker is triumphant at all
10:26The Undertaker did take the mask off Kane's face
10:30We didn't even have a bell in this matchup
10:34Oh my God
10:35I've got this ain't over
10:37Boy, I've got to sit here and think
10:39What's going to happen next between these two
10:41When they're in the same building
10:42And that could be tomorrow night
10:43Remember, special time on Raw
10:45In the States
10:46On the USA Network
10:47At 11 o'clock Eastern
10:49You see
10:50You see The Undertaker holding the mask of Kane over there
10:53That's symbolic, JR
10:55I mean, it's just like
10:56It's just like holding up
10:59Uh oh, wait a minute
11:01Wait a minute
11:06Who's he going to call?
11:16Hunter, you're going to destroy Rocky
11:19I know you're going to be the champ again
11:20I can feel it
11:28Hi, Mom
11:32I'm good, I'm good
11:33I'm just here with Hunter
11:36He's getting ready for his match
11:39Is that your mom?
11:41Let me talk to her
11:42Let me talk to her a little bit
11:43Oh, um
11:44Hang on a sec, Mom
11:53That's weird
11:55Your mom just hung up on me
11:59Well, I
12:01Don't tell
12:02Just don't say it, JR
12:04Don't tell
12:05I don't understand this whatsoever
12:07I mean
12:09Kurt Angle knows that
12:10Except he's a married woman
12:13Privilege has been played for a fool here
12:14In this situation
12:15In my estimation
12:16Well, there is no disqualification
12:18And no count out
12:19In this upcoming matchup
12:20For the World Wrestling Federation Championship
12:22It's a triple threat match
12:24Remember, The Rock doesn't have to be involved
12:26To lose the title
12:27But what's gonna happen
12:28When Triple H and Kurt get together?
12:31Triple H
12:32Kurt Angle
12:33Chris Jericho
12:34The winner of this match
12:35Will meet The Rock at SummerSlam
12:37For the WWF title
12:39And they both have that Jericho cover
12:41That is gonna make The Rock
12:43For the title
12:44At SummerSlam
12:46It will be
12:47Kurt Angle
12:48Versus Triple H
12:50Versus The Rock
12:52In a triple threat match
12:55For the WWF title
13:00Triple H and Stephanie's marriage
13:02Is apparently on shaky ground
13:04Stephanie, I know what you looked in on last week
13:06Wasn't looking pretty bad
13:08What the hell is this?
13:10What you gotta understand
13:11That was completely innocent
13:13I'm so concerned over
13:14Stephanie and Triple H's relationship
13:16I'm sure everything will work out
13:18And it'll be alright
13:19But I need some space right now
13:22Some space right now
13:24If you need anything at all
13:25Anything, Stephanie
13:26I'll always be there for you
13:28As a friend
13:29Kurt Angle saving Stephanie
13:30From going through the table
13:32The hug from Kurt Angle and Stephanie King
13:34A big hug
13:35Triple H is livid
13:37Kurt and I
13:38Are just friends
13:40Where is it written
13:41That a guy and a girl can't be just friends?
13:43I know you're foolish
13:45Friends my ass, Steph
13:48My baby girl
13:49Calls me up
13:50Crying on the phone
13:52That's where I draw the line
13:53If she ever does it again
13:55Neither one of you two
13:57Will even want to be in
13:58The World Wrestling Federation
14:00We understand each other
14:02The law has been laid down
14:04The focus is The Rock
14:06The focus is the WWF Championship
14:09Triple H and Kurt Angle
14:10Are on the same page
14:11If Kurt Angle and Triple H
14:12Stay on the same page at SummerSlam
14:14Rock won't have a chance
14:15Kurt Angle burying the hatchet with Triple H
14:17Angle and Triple H look like they're brothers
14:19Angle's being decimated
14:20But why isn't the game helping him?
14:22Where the hell were you?
14:23I thought we were in this together
14:24I just got my butt kicked
14:25And you left the ring
14:26But the damn chair looks to me
14:28Like Triple H and Kurt Angle
14:30Are not on the same page
14:32They're not even reading
14:33The same book
14:34The two of you
14:35Both of you
14:36Need to stop fighting like children
14:39Wait a minute
14:40Oh no!
14:41Kurt and Stephanie
14:42And Stephanie bouncing off the steel step
14:43Oh my god
14:44Stephanie's hurt, Tang
14:46Stephanie, you stay here
14:47I don't know what's going on
14:48No, I'm going to help Kurt
14:50You just stay here
14:51Triple H has come out
14:52To help Kurt Angle
14:53But he's the one
14:54Who's now being destroyed
14:55It looks like Angle's
14:56Leaving the game high and dry
14:58So much for this teamwork
15:00This truce
15:01Between Kurt Angle and Triple H, Tang
15:03I really care about you, Stephanie
15:05You don't realize
15:06How much I care about you
15:07I don't care
15:08I don't care
15:09I don't care
15:10I don't care
15:11I don't care
15:12I don't care
15:13I don't care
15:14I don't care
15:30Kurt and I
15:31Are just friends
15:33Where's it written
15:34That a guy and a girl
15:35Can't be just friends?
15:40Where is it written, J.R?
15:41I don't know
15:42Sources are telling us that Triple H has demanded that Stephanie stay in their locker room during this matchup game.
15:50Well, you heard? You heard?
15:52Triple H tells Stephanie he doesn't want him anywhere around Kurt Angle.
15:56Stay away from Kurt Angle!
15:58If Stephanie came out here, she'd be around Kurt Angle.
16:00This is the Triple Threat Match for the World Wrestling Federation Championship.
16:06In this contest, there will be no disqualification and no countouts.
16:11In the ring, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 229 pounds, Kurt Angle!
16:20He won the gold medal in the 1996 Olympic Games.
16:23He was an NCAA champion. He's the king of the ring.
16:27But why is he screwing around or tempting to with another man's woman?
16:33You know, a lot of people are expecting an apology from me.
16:39That might be in order.
16:43Would you let me speak for a minute, please?
16:46Please let him speak. Get your hormones under control.
16:49You know, a lot of people are expecting an apology from me for kissing Stephanie on SmackDown.
16:55Well, the fact of the matter is, I would like to apologize.
17:00Good, let's go.
17:01I would like to apologize for not doing it a heck of a lot sooner.
17:07Oh, man.
17:08Oh, Kurt.
17:10I mean, I am an Olympic gold medalist.
17:14I know that.
17:15And you're goofy as a pit bull.
17:16You see these medals?
17:18I didn't get these from backing down or second-guessing myself.
17:24Oh, no.
17:26I'll leave that up to you people.
17:28We know you're confident.
17:31You know, I did what I had to do, and I am damn proud of it.
17:36I am what you people call a giver.
17:41I give my all in this ring.
17:43I gave my all in honoring the country in the Olympic Games.
17:48And Triple H, I gave your wife the kind of passion that you could never give her, even if your life depended on it.
17:59And that is true.
18:01Kurt, what are you doing?
18:04Well, here we go.
18:05I can't wait for this.
18:06I can't wait for this.
18:08From Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing 260 pounds, the Game, Triple H.
18:17Kurt, take it easy.
18:19You should have talked to me before you did this.
18:21Look at Triple H's face.
18:22I would have told you never, never to say that right before this match.
18:25And there we go.
18:26Look at this.
18:27Now, this match is not underway.
18:28It doesn't get underway until The Rock gets here.
18:30But this is not about the title now, King.
18:32You got that right.
18:33This is damn sure personal.
18:38Triple H trying to behead Kurt Angle.
18:43Kurt, what did you do this for?
18:45I think Angle has carnal intentions as it relates to Stephanie McMahon.
18:50It would have been so easy for these two to coexist, to get along.
18:54One of them could have accomplished their goal of becoming the WWF champion.
18:59Oh, wait a minute.
19:00Free shot down.
19:01This match has ended.
19:02Look at Angle and Triple H are just beating the hell out of each other.
19:06And the bell hasn't sounded.
19:09Remember, there's no disqualification or count-outs, as if it mattered.
19:12But this-
19:13We got both men over the top.
19:16See, Triple H is a little bit of a hothead.
19:18Even his wife, Stephanie, has accused him of being a hothead.
19:21He's letting his emotions get the best of him here.
19:25This is all working in Rock's favor.
19:30As I said earlier, ladies and gentlemen,
19:31Stephanie McMahon has been told to stay in the locker room by her husband.
19:36And you know-
19:37You don't know that for sure.
19:38That's just-
19:39Somebody told you that.
19:40That's speculation.
19:41They are-
19:42Well, I said sources.
19:44Yeah, your sources are not always-
19:46Not quite a killer muscle.
19:47Angle, the Head of Steam, and Triple H sidestepped the Olympian
19:51and 2000 King of the Ring winner.
19:53Is that about kings or titles?
19:56This is all personal.
19:57This is about a man who feels that another man is trying to do evil things with his wife.
20:05And Angle's face.
20:06Man, he may have lost some teeth.
20:08Wait a minute, guys.
20:10Watch the monitors.
20:12This is the baddest rematch I've ever seen.
20:14Those things are expensive.
20:20Triple H and Angle up on the Spanish announce table.
20:24Of course, Spanish announcers.
20:26Well, why don't you stand there and try to stop him?
20:29Triple H, sacrifice yourself.
20:31You go, Angle!
20:32Oh, man!
20:34Here we go!
20:35And Triple H got away, but Angle's face bounced off of it.
20:40The weight of those two men collapsed the table,
20:43but Angle's face still bounced off the top of the table.
20:47The table's busted, the monitors are busted, and Triple H and Kurt are busted.
20:51And Angle's face may be busted.
20:54Oh, look at that.
20:55Angle's eyes are glazed over and crossed.
20:58He don't have a damn clue where he is.
21:00His face went right into the floor.
21:03Angle in a fetal position here.
21:05Angle may be out of this thing.
21:08His eyes are glazed over.
21:11And wait.
21:12Oh, my God.
21:13Oh, my God.
21:14Wait a minute.
21:15Triple H has got that sledgehammer.
21:19Triple H's going to use that sledgehammer on Angle.
21:21But here comes The Rock.
21:23And now this match can officially get underway.
21:27The WWE Champion.
21:33And Triple H's been recalled for that sledgehammer in this matchup.
21:38A true threat match with no disqualifications.
21:42Kurt Angle is hurt.
21:44He's hurt bad.
21:46Angle don't know where he is.
21:47We need help out here for Angle.
21:50Kurt Angle is setting up right.
21:52He hasn't got a clue where he is.
21:55Simone dropped by The Rock.
22:00The Rock with a right hand.
22:01The WWE title is on the line here at SummerSlam.
22:05It's a triple threat match.
22:07No disqualifications.
22:08No count out.
22:09There must be a winner here.
22:12Kurt Angle is now completely unconscious.
22:14His face was driven right into the floor.
22:17Right into the floor.
22:18No wait.
22:20Look out.
22:21The Rock.
22:22I don't like it either.
22:23We're not going to make ourselves scarce.
22:24Look at him.
22:25Look at him.
22:26The Rock faced first.
22:27Right off our table.
22:30Triple H elevated The Rock.
22:32And the EMTs are here to apparently to get him retrieved.
22:36Kurt Angle who's going to.
22:38He may be joining his friend Shane McMahon.
22:40I'm telling you.
22:44Still no update on Shane McMahon's condition.
22:47We may not have that until tomorrow night.
22:49Well, we know Shane's been taken to a medical facility.
22:52And by the looks of Kurt Angle, he needs to be taken to one, too.
22:56Kurt, look at the EMTs.
22:58I mean, Kurt, you can tell.
22:59He is completely out of it, JR.
23:00I don't want to.
23:01It's like he's been knocked out by a heavyweight fighter.
23:04I don't want to disrespect Kurt Angle with the WWE title.
23:07It's been contested now in the ring.
23:09It's come down to a one-on-one match.
23:11Apparently with Kurt Angle out of commission.
23:15Triple H walking over The Rock now.
23:17The Game knows what it's like to be the WWF champion.
23:21He's been there four times.
23:26Oh, The Rock's in for the ride.
23:28Knocked down the reverse elbow.
23:29It's all Triple H.
23:30Triple H has eliminated Kurt Angle.
23:32And now Triple H wants to eliminate The Rock.
23:35You know, that's exactly what Triple H wanted to do.
23:37He heard all of this talk.
23:39He saw Kurt Angle kiss his wife.
23:42Kurt Angle kissed his wife.
23:43Angle's had his bail run.
23:45Angle's got a far, far away look in his eye.
23:48And The Rock is getting back up.
23:50The Rock a little worse for wear.
23:51As Angle is being stared through by The Game.
23:56I don't think Kurt Angle's going to get any sympathy at all.
24:05The Rock got hung up.
24:06Nowhere to go.
24:07The Rock trying to change direction.
24:09But Triple H muscled The Rock right into the top rope.
24:11And hung The Rock out to dry.
24:15Where's Triple H going?
24:16Where's Triple H going?
24:17Wait a minute.
24:19Triple H.
24:20What are you doing?
24:22Triple H is stopping the EMTs.
24:25Angle's on that stretcher.
24:29Hey, Triple H, come on now.
24:31Even you've got to show some compassion here.
24:33Does Triple H want to become the WWE champion?
24:36Or does he just want to destroy Kurt Angle?
24:39Well, I think this is, I think it's evident here.
24:43Look at this.
24:44Another shot for The Hill.
24:45And Angle may have a concussion already.
24:48If he doesn't, he didn't before, he does now.
24:51No, wait.
24:53This is too much.
24:55Here comes The Rock.
24:57Rock nailing The Game, knocking The Game down.
25:00Angle must say, where in the hell am I?
25:02Oh, man.
25:04To the top of the arena, spinning for Kurt Angle.
25:06And now The Rock.
25:07Oh, The Game.
25:08Remember, no disqualifications.
25:10There are no count outs.
25:11This is for the richest prize in the business, the WWF title.
25:15And absolutely anything goes, including maybe a pile rubber
25:18on the concrete floor.
25:19Oh, no.
25:21Oh, The Rock taking The Game down.
25:25Into that steel structure.
25:28Right into those pipes.
25:30These guys are going to have to work on Kurt right here.
25:33I don't think there's any way that Triple H is going
25:35to let them take Kurt Angle out of this arena.
25:38Tremendous impact by The Rock knocking down The Game.
25:41It is not false count anywhere.
25:43The match must end in the ring.
25:45But it is no disqualification and no count out.
25:49Oh, boy.
25:50Now, you've got your chance to get Kurt to a hospital.
25:54Get Angle out of here.
25:55Triple H is a little bit busy.
25:57And The Rock bounces off with a clothesline.
26:02Oh, no!
26:05Hey, wait a minute.
26:06It's as legal as it can be.
26:08Wait a minute.
26:09Triple H told her to stay in the locker room.
26:11Not only stay in the locker room, he definitely
26:13told her to stay away from Kurt Angle.
26:15She looks very concerned.
26:16She looks as concerned for Kurt Angle
26:18as she did for her own brother.
26:20I can understand anybody can be concerned for Kurt Angle.
26:23But she was told by her husband to stay away from Kurt Angle.
26:26Oh, The Rock head bounces off the ring post.
26:29Now, The Rock in trouble.
26:31Let's not lose sight of the WWF title is at stake here.
26:35The champion, The Rock, being punched and hammered by The Game.
26:42Triple H poised.
26:43He's ready to spring.
26:44He's cocked and loaded.
26:45Watch yourself, Rock.
26:46Here he comes.
26:47Oh, man.
26:48Triple H measured The Rock and caught him full force
26:52with a clothesline, driving the air out of The Rock.
26:55I'm going to tell you something.
26:56The Rock just, he's caught Triple H in a bad, bad time.
27:00Triple H could not be more fired up emotionally.
27:03And here comes the reason why.
27:04Here comes Stephanie McMahon Helmsley, The Game's wife.
27:07Well, it's probably OK now that Kurt's gone.
27:09She can be out here.
27:11Stephanie out ringside.
27:13What are you doing?
27:14You're not supposed to be here.
27:17Blake's telling his wife, you're not supposed to be here.
27:20Triple H, I think, is better off out here
27:22than in the back where Kurt is.
27:24Rock coming back with right hands,
27:25attempting to lay the SmackDown on The Game,
27:27who reverses the WWF title.
27:29And catches The Rock with a high knee.
27:31The people checking down.
27:32There goes the cover.
27:33We've got a count and a near fall for the WWF title.
27:37Steph, get the belt.
27:39Get out.
27:40Get the belt.
27:41He wants her to go back for the title.
27:42Get the belt.
27:44What's going on here now?
27:46First, he told Stephanie to stop.
27:48Oh, look at that.
27:49He just slapped the-
27:50He's a fighter.
27:51Timekeeper Mark Gate run the place.
27:53Oh, that was good.
27:55But what's he doing with the belt?
27:56Stephanie McMahon Helmsley getting in a ring.
27:59I know this.
28:04Stephanie was aiming for The Rock,
28:05but she got her husband.
28:08The Game has barely kicked off.
28:10Oh, my.
28:11How close was that?
28:12Go to the back, Stephanie.
28:13Go to your room.
28:14Go to the aggression room.
28:18Hey, Stephanie.
28:20The Rock.
28:21Oh, what a low blow by The Game.
28:23The Rock's attention diverted to Stephanie.
28:25Now go to your locker room.
28:26And The Rock got a low blow for his travel from The Game.
28:30Just go.
28:32Obey your husband.
28:34Love, honor, and obey, I guess they say.
28:38Till death or titles do us part.
28:41That's even in those vows in Las Vegas.
28:46Knocked down by The Game.
28:48He has control of The Rock now.
28:50And that means that The Game may be in control of the WWE title.
28:54The low blow turned the tide.
28:57But The Game was very, very lucky, King.
29:00Stephanie aiming for The Rock.
29:02Or at least I think she was aiming for The Rock.
29:05JR, please don't go there.
29:08Well, you've got to look at both sides of the issue.
29:10No, no, no.
29:11There's only one side.
29:12This ain't a pancake.
29:14The Rock exploding in the face of The Game.
29:16Catching The Game right on the bridge of the nose.
29:19Come on, Triple H.
29:20When he gets in on the bridge of the nose, that could be catastrophic.
29:23The Rock looking for a neck breaker.
29:25Or the rock bottom of The Game got the neck breaker.
29:29Where are you going?
29:31Now what?
29:32Oh, my God.
29:33That sledgehammer again.
29:34That damn sledgehammer.
29:35Well, it's legal.
29:36Well, I know what it is.
29:37Rock, you've got a sledgehammer.
29:38Come on, ref.
29:39Let's use a little common sense here.
29:41I don't think Errol Hefner wants to get in front of Triple H
29:44when he's got a sledgehammer.
29:45Look out!
29:46The Rock got downstairs.
29:47The Game used that sledgehammer to go downstairs.
29:51Throw the damn hammer away.
29:53Get rid of the hammer.
29:55Someone come get the damn hammer.
29:57OK, OK.
29:58Calm down now.
29:59The hammer's out of the ring.
30:02You talk about internal injuries.
30:04We don't know how much damage that sledgehammer shot
30:06did to The Rock's insides.
30:08Yeah, I'll give you that.
30:09It was significant.
30:11Oh, and that's not going to help matters.
30:14But the 40-yard spiral.
30:16How does this get to be a no disqualification
30:19anything goes type match?
30:21Well, I guess we can thank our commissioner.
30:24Well, if he thought that was going to help The Rock,
30:26I think Commissioner Foley made a big mistake.
30:28I think Commissioner Foley did this to him for the fans
30:31so that fans could see it all.
30:33No disqualifications, no cheap throw-outs, no count-outs.
30:37We've seen it all tonight, all right.
30:39My God, what an event this has been.
30:43And The Rock in deep, deep trouble
30:47with his WWF title hanging in the balance
30:50to just throw his shoulder at him one more time.
30:53Remember, the sledgehammer shot to the torso of The Rock.
30:57We don't know how badly The Rock is hurt on the inside.
31:00He's got to be riding in pain.
31:02Oh, you don't see this often.
31:04We're seeing The Rock get the smack laid down on himself.
31:07We're seeing The Rock get manhandled by The Game
31:10is what we're seeing.
31:12We're going to have to check into the SmackDown Hotel, Rog.
31:16You ever seen the inside of that?
31:18The Game being roundly booed by this 18,000 strong
31:23after what he has done to The Rock.
31:28Kurt Angle has been eliminated from this matchup
31:31at the hands of The Game.
31:33That happened before the match ever started.
31:36Well, you could say it was before it started.
31:38Those guys were going at it as if it were a match.
31:41Well, the bell hadn't rung.
31:43Oh, man. The Rock fighting back with everything he's got.
31:46But does he have enough left to get it done here?
31:49No, no.
31:50Face buster by The Game.
31:51Could be over here. This may be it.
31:53We could have.
31:54Oh, no, no.
31:55We don't have a new one this time.
31:59But I got to think it's academic.
32:03Well, you'd certainly have to say that
32:05Triple H is in the driver's seat here.
32:07Great strategy by The Game.
32:09He knows The Rock's insides are hurting.
32:13Thanks to that sledgehammer shot by The Game,
32:15and that's what The Game is focusing on now.
32:17Now what?
32:18You know, they can go out of the ring
32:19and do absolutely anything they want to.
32:22Earl Hebner, for once, can't throw his weight around
32:24and disqualify anybody or count anybody out.
32:27Oh, there must be a winner here.
32:30Oh, my God.
32:31And The Game, the head of steam,
32:33ramming The Rock's kidneys, his lower back, and his ribs,
32:37just turning The Rock's torso right into the ring post.
32:40Oh, no, there's the hammer.
32:41Get rid of the damn hammer.
32:43Why don't you go get the hammer?
32:45I ain't going over there.
32:47I don't blame you.
32:50And The Game being taunted by this huge crowd
32:55with The Rock lying on the outside.
32:58Remember, no count-outs,
33:00but that wouldn't do The Game any favors anyway.
33:02Can't win the title on a count-out or disqualification.
33:05I think all Triple H has to do is just
33:07throw The Rock back in the ring and cover him.
33:10Rocks looks almost in as bad a shape
33:13as Kurt Angle looked like a few minutes ago.
33:17Watch yourself here, Rock.
33:19Oh, Game talking some smack to The Rock,
33:21talking some smack to the referee, Earl Hebner.
33:24And Earl Hebner always talking smack back.
33:27And you always said it's bad enough to get beat up
33:30and someone to do the running commentary
33:32while they're doing it.
33:33Right, that's what you hate.
33:35It's not so bad getting beat up,
33:37but you don't want the guy talking to you
33:39while he does it.
33:40I have no idea how badly The Rock is hurt,
33:42but we got a sense that he is hurt very badly here
33:45after that sledgehammer shot to his ribs.
33:48I'm not sure if it was his ribs,
33:50his sternum, his spleen, his abdomen.
33:55I'm surprised The Rock's not spitting up blood,
33:57quite frankly.
33:58We saw Triple H drive that knee into The Rock's stomach.
34:01He knows where to go.
34:02I'm not going to count The Rock out of this matchup.
34:04That would not be a very wise statement,
34:07but it does not look good.
34:09And The Rock, as soon as he said it,
34:10he fights back, but he can't put two punches together.
34:13The Rock mustered all the strength he had
34:16from one big punch.
34:18There's two, there's three.
34:20There's another trembling Rock
34:21within the knee to the abdomen.
34:23And The Game knew right where to go.
34:25He'll take The Rock back out of the game.
34:27Oh, look at this!
34:29The Game, in a rare mistake.
34:31And The Rock capitalized with that neckbreaker.
34:34Boy, these 18,000 people here,
34:36they want to get behind The Rock.
34:37They want The Rock to reach down
34:40and get that little something extra.
34:42Rock with two right hands.
34:44But how much effect did they have?
34:46And another knee buried
34:47into the injured abdomen of The Rock,
34:50the WWE champion in deep, deep trouble.
34:53Yeah, what is Triple H doing?
34:55I don't think this is wise.
34:57You know, not too much good can come
34:59from being up there.
35:02Triple H climbing the ladder,
35:03going upstairs.
35:05And The Rock going up to the penthouse
35:08to meet The Game.
35:10And The Game with those shots to the ribs.
35:13Oh, no, what am I telling you, JR?
35:15Not too much good can come from being up there.
35:17Oh, man, what a superplex.
35:20The Game and The Rock are both down.
35:23Now, what is Hector counting for?
35:25There's no countouts.
35:26He's an idiot.
35:28That's just instinctive.
35:30It's instinctive.
35:32Please, will you please come help Hunter?
35:34Please come help Hunter.
35:36You can do it, you can do it.
35:38Will you do it for me?
35:40Will you do it for me?
35:42Only for you, Steph.
35:44I'll do it for you.
35:45Okay, let's go.
35:47Stephanie's pulling Angle off the sickbed.
35:51Angle should be in a hospital,
35:53and Stephanie's talking him into coming out here
35:55and helping Triple H?
35:57Stephanie pleading with Kurt Angle to get off that stretcher
36:00and come help her husband win the WWE title.
36:04But her husband, The Game, is down.
36:06The Rock is trying to make the cover.
36:08The Rock is writhing in pain.
36:10This could be it right here, JR.
36:11And there it is.
36:12It could be over.
36:13And that's three.
36:16The Game, you gotta hand it to the son of a gun.
36:18He got his shoulder up.
36:20Yeah, but you know what?
36:21How persuasive is Stephanie?
36:22If she can talk Kurt Angle into getting off of a stretcher
36:26and coming out here to help the man that put him on the stretcher,
36:29she is, boy, there's really something there in that relationship.
36:32It's obvious that she is smitten.
36:34He is smitten, Kurt Angle, with Stephanie.
36:36And maybe it's likewise.
36:40Look at this.
36:41He hooked up The Game.
36:42The Game, no, no, no.
36:43That may be the latest hook.
36:45Oh, man, how close was that?
36:48It was very close.
36:49Referee, tell them both, man, it was a two-count.
36:52It was a two-count.
36:54In his body's ballgame for the WWF title.
36:58Oh, look at The Rock.
37:00He's not got much left, but he keeps coming.
37:02Man, these two young men are just,
37:03they have beat the living hell out of each other.
37:06What is this?
37:07And look at this, Stephanie McMahon Helmsley.
37:09I cannot believe this.
37:11I can't believe this.
37:12Stephanie, what are you doing?
37:14Stephanie is bringing Kurt Angle to help her husband.
37:18Well, even-
37:19It was her husband who put Kurt Angle on the stretcher.
37:22Even if she is bringing him to help Triple H,
37:24when Triple H sees this, he's going to-
37:27Oh, he's going to blow a gasket.
37:29That ain't what I was going to say,
37:30but he's going to do something.
37:31And The Rock reversed.
37:33And Angle-
37:34He did help him.
37:35Angle took The Rock.
37:36Remember, no disqualification.
37:37Hell, Angle's in this match.
37:40Angle can still win this thing.
37:41You're right.
37:42The Game, no, no, no.
37:44That's not a pedigree.
37:45The Game got the pedigree on The Rock.
37:47It's over.
37:48And wait a minute.
37:49Kurt Angle pulled The Game out of the ring.
37:52Kurt Angle just cost The Game the WWE title.
37:57He wants the title for himself.
37:59He's got to cover The Rock.
38:01Angle's got to cover The Rock.
38:02Kurt Angle's done it.
38:03Oh, no, no, no.
38:06Angle had the-
38:07He almost went in the back door
38:09after The Game's pedigree.
38:11But bottom line, by God,
38:13is that Angle cost The Game the WWE title.
38:16Oh, my gosh.
38:18Kurt Angle, will we win?
38:21What are you doing, Kurt?
38:22The Rock in big trouble here.
38:25How resilient can The Rock or any human being be?
38:29There's a cover.
38:30The leg is hooked.
38:31And again, Angle got a near fall.
38:32How much does Kurt Angle have?
38:35He's got to be running on, well, love, actually, JR.
38:39It's Stephanie.
38:41The Rock is running on empty here.
38:43Nothing to gust the determination for The Rock.
38:45Right hand.
38:47Angle comes off the right hand.
38:49The reversal.
38:51Look at that.
38:52What a throw.
38:53A belly-to-belly throw on The Rock.
38:55The leg is hooked.
38:57And The Rock got his head on The Rock.
39:00My God, how close was that?
39:03Stephanie, go help your husband.
39:05Stephanie has not moved one step to help her own husband.
39:08Triple H is lying.
39:09I think Stephanie's paralyzed with fear.
39:13She can't believe.
39:14She convinced Kurt Angle to come out here and help Triple H.
39:19Kurt Angle's got a chance.
39:21Oh, my, oh, man.
39:23What a throw by The Rock.
39:26I'm going to tell you, Stephanie.
39:30The Rock on top.
39:32Leg hooked.
39:33And a kick out.
39:35Look at Stephanie's face.
39:36She don't know what to do.
39:37I mean, her own husband, Triple H, told her to stay away.
39:40And then she comes out here to the ring, dragging Kurt Angle to
39:43supposedly help Triple H.
39:45And Kurt Angle costs Triple H the title.
39:47No wonder she's petrified.
39:48One would assume that the young lady would go help her husband.
39:51I told you, JR.
39:52She's frozen in fear.
39:54Here comes Triple H.
39:56I don't know about that.
39:57There's a reversal.
39:58Look out.
39:59There he goes.
40:00And Angle knocking the game off the ring apron.
40:02Kurt, what have you done?
40:03Oh, Kurt.
40:05Rock bottom.
40:06Rock bottom.
40:07Rock bottom.
40:10The game for The Rock right out of the ring.
40:12How close was that?
40:13The Rock had retained his title.
40:15But the game stopped the count.
40:18Kurt costs Triple H the title.
40:21Triple H just costs Rock the title.
40:24Stephanie don't know what to do.
40:26Oh, my gosh.
40:27Angle trying to get his senses together.
40:30But the game.
40:32Just bounced The Rock's head right off the ring post.
40:36Oh, my.
40:38Oh, look out.
40:39The WWE champion.
40:40Give me the hammer.
40:41There's a hell of a problem.
40:42Wait a minute.
40:43Triple H told Stephanie to give him the hammer.
40:45Not the hammer again.
40:46Dan, why didn't you get that hammer?
40:47Somebody get the damn hammer.
40:49What's Stephanie got to do with that hammer?
40:50Stephanie's thrown out the sledgehammer in the ring.
40:52The Rock is helpless.
40:54The game is back in control.
40:56And now he is.
40:57Who's Stephanie throwing the hammer to?
41:00An Angle has failed the game.
41:01Wait, Stephanie.
41:02Don't you get in there.
41:03There's a hammer in there.
41:04Look out.
41:05Oh, Kurt Angle going to use the.
41:08Oh, my God.
41:09Oh, no.
41:10Oh, my God.
41:12Triple H just inadvertently struck his wife.
41:14Triple H would have been done.
41:17And Angle with a sledgehammer to the head outruns the game.
41:22If Angle wins the game, we got a new champion.
41:26Stephanie's out.
41:28Somebody help with this.
41:29It's over.
41:30It's over.
41:32The game cannot kick out.
41:33He is out.
41:36Oh, what now?
41:38Look out, Kurt.
41:40Smackdown on Angle.
41:42Angle on the outside.
41:44Wait a minute.
41:45Brock, wait a minute.
41:46He's been knocked out by that hammer.
41:48Kurt Angle hit him with a hammer.
41:50Don't take advantage.
41:52Angle on a headless Triple H.
41:54This ain't right.
41:553, 2, 1.
41:58The winner of this match and soul of the Cruiserweight division
42:08through hell, high water, sledgehammers, and wise,
42:13The Rock has retained the WWF title.
42:18How'd he do it?
42:19Stephanie, she's out like a light.
42:22Get help.
42:23This has been the damnedest, most unpredictable triple threat
42:27match for the gold I have ever witnessed.
42:31This has been the damnedest, most unpredictable
42:33SummerSlam I've ever witnessed.
42:36The Rock is still the WWF champion.
42:40JR, the bullseye is still on The Rock's massive chest.
42:45I got to ask you a question, JR.
42:47You don't think Triple H hit Stephanie intentionally, do you?
42:53Let's see.
42:54Let's see it here.
42:59Kurt Angle ducked out of the way.
43:01What do you think Triple H is aiming for for Angle?
43:04At least that's what I think.
43:06I got to hope so.
43:08Stephanie knocked out inadvertently by her husband,
43:11but the game was knocked out with a sledgehammer by Kurt Angle.
43:16That wasn't an accident.
43:18I hope that was inadvertent.
43:20But inadvertent or not, The Rock is not only still the people's champion,
43:24he's still the WWF champion, JR.
43:27Hey, look at this.
43:28What are you doing, Kurt?
43:29The game hasn't moved.
43:30Wait a minute.
43:31And neither has Stephanie.
43:33What's Kurt doing?
43:38And The Rock.
43:40Rock to the victor.
43:41No, this spoils, but Rock's got the WWF title, but Kurt Angle's.
43:47The hunt for the WWF title is still on for The Rock, and he knows it.
43:52But tonight at SummerSlam, The Rock prevails.
43:55Look at Kurt.
43:56He's trying to revive Stephanie.
43:59Kurt, don't do it.
44:01Kurt not lifting a hand, obviously, for the game,
44:05but Kurt Angle is carrying Triple H's wife out of here.
44:09What is he thinking?
44:11Where's he taking her?
44:13What's he doing?
44:17Look at Angle.
44:18He's staring at Triple H as if to say, I've got your wife.
44:22As if to say, he does have his wife.
44:25As if to say, he does have his wife.
44:28Oh, my God.
44:29What a SummerSlam.
44:31Where are they going now?
